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User Name: Shahid_Rizwan_Adil
Full Name: Shahid Rizwan Adil
User since: 11/Jun/2009
No Of voices: 9
Shahid Rizwan Adil's Favorite Voices
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Lesson from a DOG to sialkot people after killing two brothers by Shahid Rizwan.
Posted By: Shahid_Rizwan_Adil Created On: 27/Aug/2010 Views: 4156 Replies: 0 
It 's a lesson to people who is involved in sialkot case of two brothers Muheez & Muneeb Click here to read Full Article

The Worst Of The Worst by Shahid Rizwan
Posted By: Shahid_Rizwan_Adil On: 23/Aug/2010 Views:3703 Replies:0 
The tragedy of Sialkot is one of the most heart wrenching tragedies in the history of Pakistan. We must call it “THE WORST OF THE WORST”.Two brothers were brutally beaten in the open air and during the LIVE ROAD SHOW each and every ”PARTICIPANT” has contributed his share to quench his thirst. History will mourn itself on what has happened in Sialkot. Click here to read Full Article
Prisoner 650 by Shahid Rizwan Adil
Posted By: Shahid_Rizwan_Adil On: 5/Feb/2010 Views:4615 Replies:0 
At last Dr. Afia Siddiqui was declared guilty by so called “EXEMPALRY JUDICIAL SYSTEM” of United States of America. Although the prosecutor was totally failed to prove any case against her, even then she was not taken care at all. Not only me but also the whole nation was surprised to see the “JUSTI Click here to read Full Article
Great Leaders, Great Plans by Shahid Rizwan Adil
Posted By: Shahid_Rizwan_Adil On: 26/Dec/2009 Views:3325 Replies:0 
It is said that Great leaders live in present but look at past but if we have a look on Pakistani laeders we will come to know that our great leaders live in present and think their OWN FUTURE only. Click here to read Full Article
Where Are We Going? by Shahid Rizwan Adil
Posted By: Shahid_Rizwan_Adil On: 10/Jul/2009 Views:3127 Replies:0 
Sixteen Hundred years ago, when the clouds of darkness were prevailed over the fourth directions, when people used to worship idols, when people used to bury their daughters, Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was sent to us by Almighty Allah. A matchless Prophet with exemplary character. Click here to read Full Article
Our Policies and the Results by Shahid Rizwan Adil
Posted By: Shahid_Rizwan_Adil On: 30/Jun/2009 Views:3594 Replies:0 
Foreign policy of any country has the role of backbone. The importance of right foreign policy cannot be neglected. After the existence of Pakistan, Liaquat Ali Khan was given an invitation to visit Russia, but unfortunately he did not do that. Instead to Russia, he decided to visit America. And I t Click here to read Full Article
Essential Factor For Nation's Progress by Shahid Rizwan Adil
Posted By: Shahid_Rizwan_Adil On: 22/Jun/2009 Views:3684 Replies:2 
As a nation we should understand that education is the only factor behind the growth and development of a country or nation. Importance of a stronger defense cannot be neglected, but the actual defense in Education. We really need to work out for it. Our government, social institutions and NGOs shou Click here to read Full Article
Need of Religious Unity.
Posted By: Shahid_Rizwan_Adil On: 17/Jun/2009 Views:3447 Replies:2 
Now is the right time for us to come ahead and identify such black sheep in our society. We should remember that we are all Muslim, no matter what cast or sect we are from? So let us come ahead, let us move forward and let us get rid of such evils in our society. We need to have a broader vision whi Click here to read Full Article
Think About It Too(Part 1)
Posted By: Shahid_Rizwan_Adil On: 12/Jun/2009 Views:3179 Replies:0 
On 3rd June 1947,when the division of Indian subcontinent was declared,no one knew that this new state(Pakistan) will be the 1st Islamic Neuclear Power of the world just in 51 years.Although it seems that 51 years is not a minor period but if we look at the history of other nations like Americans,we Click here to read Full Article

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