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User Name: Sherwani
Full Name: Sherwani Mustafa
User since: 9/May/2011
No Of voices: 11
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A 3 poem tribute to Mumbai terror by Dr. M.K.Sherwani
Posted By: Sherwani Created On: 27/May/2011 Views: 2378 Replies: 0 
As with the trial of Hadley, Mumbai terror attack is again in limelight, I would like to reproduce my three poems which were written at the time of this most tragic occurrence Click here to read Full Article

Song For a Palestinian Child (With Arabic and Urdu versions)
Posted By: Sherwani On: 22/May/2011 Views:2462 Replies:0 
It has gained an added significance as the Palestine has come on the center stage of International politics in the wake of Mr. Obama's speech about Middle East Click here to read Full Article
An Homage to the Martyred Palestinian Child By Dr. Mustafa Kamal Sherwani, LL.D
Posted By: Sherwani On: 22/May/2011 Views:2695 Replies:0 
With this fathomless grace, with this blissful face, To the dead human conscience, you have given a blow; Click here to read Full Article
The Heart of Obama at Cairo Speech by Dr MK Sherwani,LL. D
Posted By: Sherwani On: 21/May/2011 Views:2244 Replies:0 
I am born of your sperm,I know the depth of your mind;I have your blood in my veins,What lies inside you, I can find. Click here to read Full Article
Zardari to Dr. Man Mohan Singh by Dr MK Sherwani,LL. D
Posted By: Sherwani On: 21/May/2011 Views:2581 Replies:0 
If the sovereignty of your country allows,Give me the permission Dear Dr Singh; !I want to search out every Indian corner,To look for your ‘most wanted criminals’. Click here to read Full Article
A visit to a watery grave by Dr. Mustafa Kamal Sherwani, LL.D.
Posted By: Sherwani On: 13/May/2011 Views:2573 Replies:1 
Still my heart is unable to be sure,If it was a dream or something for real.?With eyes closed, but sleep a distant away,I found myself along the shore of a sea. Click here to read Full Article
Let me unravel the mystery of modern thought by Dr. Mustafa Kamal Sherwani, LL.D.
Posted By: Sherwani On: 12/May/2011 Views:2334 Replies:0 
Come on ! Oh the people of the world!,Let me unravel the mystery of modern thought;I wish to give you from my innermost heart,The lessons , from you all , I have sought. Click here to read Full Article
A three poem Tribute to Obama and Osama by Dr. Mustafa Kamal Sherwani,LL.D.
Posted By: Sherwani On: 12/May/2011 Views:2321 Replies:0 
1) Obama and Brown Discuss About Taliban,2) Zardari and Karzai Before Obama. 3) Obama to Zardari and Karzai Click here to read Full Article
I Am Terrorism by Dr.Mustafa Kamal Sherwani,LL.D.
Posted By: Sherwani On: 12/May/2011 Views:2696 Replies:0 
I am Terrorism, I am a godless creation, I am born of the unholy union and evil action,Between raging injustice and naked persecution, Click here to read Full Article
Mr. Obama, read it if 0sama is dead by Dr.M.K.Sherwani
Posted By: Sherwani On: 10/May/2011 Views:2271 Replies:0 
Don’t belie the hopes of the ecstatic world,When you sit on the mighty American throne;Try to change your country into a sacred place,Make it shine with piety, as once it shone. Click here to read Full Article
Obama’s Outburst in a Frenzy ( On the death of Usamah ) BY Dr. Mustafa Kamal Sherwani,LL.D.
Posted By: Sherwani On: 9/May/2011 Views:1951 Replies:0 
What? What ? What they are saying?He was already dead, and all this is fake,?Oh, what this tragedy ! What this misfortune! Must I bash my head against the wall ? Click here to read Full Article

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