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User Name: UN
Full Name: Malik
User since: 1/Jul/2008
No Of voices: 23
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Blasphemer -Nadeem F. paracha & DAWN
Posted By: UN Created On: 29/Jun/2010 Views: 3971 Replies: 3 
Has no Muslim left in Pakistan that they are tolerating open blasphemy. When open non-Muslims do blasphemy people do make, though mild, protest. People ask for the death of blasphemers but when a blasphemer is living among the people they do nothing. Click here to read Full Article

The Last Crusade -911 - Must Read Article - Just one month before 9/11, this article was published in a christian magazine -thetrumpet-
Posted By: UN On: 10/Jun/2010 Views:4364 Replies:1 
9-11 happened on September 11 2001 - Just one month before, an article was published in a christian magazine -thetrumpet- saying "Most people think the crusades are a thing of the past—over forever. But they are wrong. Preparations are being made for a final crusade, and it will be the bloodiest of all! " Click here to read Full Article
Warsi is a great role model for why Muslim should NOT join western political party’s.
Posted By: UN On: 9/Jun/2010 Views:3409 Replies:0 
Prior to her appointment to the Shadow Cabinet, Warsi, a qualified solicitor who had set up her own specialist practice George Warsi Solicitors in Dewsbury, spoke openly about the need to engage a wider spectrum of Muslim opinion including so called ‘extremist’ voices. “We must start engaging with, not agreeing with, the radical groups who we have said in the past are complete nutters,” she said i Click here to read Full Article
Is zaid hamid a bidati (barelvi)?
Posted By: UN On: 4/Jun/2010 Views:4729 Replies:0 
Zaid Used Abusive Language for those who were of the noble cause of"Tahfuz-e-Khatm-e-Nabowet". But he has parises for the bidatis as seen in the video.Now to defend himself in this case he brings to a press conference.See yourself.... Click here to read Full Article
Can you clear for me, Is Tahir Qadri a kafir because.................
Posted By: UN On: 21/Aug/2009 Views:3339 Replies:2 
Can you clear for me, Is Tahir Qadri a kafir because he has said that "While describing the difference between believers and non-believers he (Tahir-ul-Qadri) categorized them on the basis of belief on the revealed books, i.e. Muslims, Christians and Click here to read Full Article
Dawn --The Dusk Newspaper
Posted By: UN On: 11/Jun/2009 Views:4774 Replies:0 
This is an obituary for abominable newspapers and despicable propaganda sheets like the duplicitous Dawn which pander to their Demi-Gods byond the shores of the Crescent and Star. Those who read these subversive Anti-Pakistan indoctrination papers, are aware of their seditious content. Hit by a dev Click here to read Full Article
Zaid Hamid: BrassTacks-Pakistan Aik Ishq Aik Junoon Eps2 Part2
Posted By: UN On: 7/Apr/2009 Views:4380 Replies:0 
Second episode of the BrassTacks special series, Pakistan aik Ishq aik Junoon held at the SZABIST University Karachi Click here to read Full Article
Answer to propaganda against Zaid Hamid
Posted By: UN On: 7/Jan/2009 Views:3780 Replies:0 
The problem with pakistan today is that munafiqs and the likes of Mir Jafar are spread all over. But inshallah they will all be overpowered and thrown into Hell along with their masters. As has been t Click here to read Full Article
Mufti Azam asks people to protest becasue Muslims not allowed to offer pray
Posted By: UN On: 9/Dec/2008 Views:3419 Replies:0 
Due to undeclared curfew, no congregational prayers were offered at the historic Jamia Masjid for the fifth consecutive Friday in old city evoking strong resentment among the people, pro-freedom camp Click here to read Full Article
Posted By: UN On: 13/Nov/2008 Views:3975 Replies:0 
Must Watch Video and Must Visit Site Click here to read Full Article
Why Would 'Terrorists' Want To Decapitate Anti US Leadership In Pakistan?
Posted By: UN On: 25/Sep/2008 Views:2863 Replies:0 
After several weeks of international bad press because of drone planes being piloted by 19 year olds with joy-sticks in California, blowing up families in Pakistan willy-nilly, after all that, the Click here to read Full Article

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