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User Name: hailukong
Full Name: lukonghai
User since: 21/Mar/2010
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Russia plans to conduct four times in June Bulava submarine-launched missil
Posted By: hailukong Created On: 22/Mar/2010 Views: 2568 Replies: 0 
A senior naval official said the Russian Navy this week, five are planned for the end of June for at least four times Bulava missile tests. "Two Bulava launch will be in the 'Dmitry Donskoy' (Dmitry Donskoi) on a nuclear submarine, the next two launches will be in the 'Yuri Dolgoruky' (Yuri Dolgoruky) No. on a nuclear submarine. The source said, "In the 'Yury Dolgoruky' number on the second test Click here to read Full Article

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