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User Name: rchisty20099
Full Name: Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
User since: 15/Sep/2009
No Of voices: 3
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The Ajmal Qaseb (=a only Live !!) was bring from Nepal
Posted By: rchisty20099 Created On: 15/Nov/2009 Views: 3573 Replies: 0 
The Ajmal Qaseb (=a only Live !!) was bring from Nepal (Neighboring country of india ) =he captured by Nepali Intelligences=Nepali forces , in august 2008 it self !! he was not involved in 26/11 terror attack ,he was plotted by Hindu Intelligence =IB =RAW !! and see the Indian government level =Brai Click here to read Full Article

Which type of Nation is this India !!??
Posted By: rchisty20099 On: 2/Oct/2009 Views:13811 Replies:0 
Here murderer ,Killer ,rioters , police officers ,Police people ,do not asked to by court to Hang till death , or killed by Poison injections By secular Hindus =Dr manmohan Singh , made police !!?? Its concern Mumbai 1989 to 1993 Riots ,hindu Muslims , and Local police full support those have 99% it Click here to read Full Article
In My view Pakistan Deserved all Hi -Tech ,Sophisticated weapons
Posted By: rchisty20099 On: 16/Sep/2009 Views:43000 Replies:22 
In My view Pakistan Deserved all Hi -Tech ,Sophisticated weapons from USA, EU =Pentagon ,NATO . due to its support to USA ,EU from past 1950 to till now , and they =Pakistan Army are honest ,Hard Worker , seriously working to eliminated all Taliban ,Al Quida , from Afghan ,Pak ,And border . they are Click here to read Full Article

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In My view Pakistan Deserved all Hi -Tech ,Sophisticated weapons
Views:43000 Replies:22
Which type of Nation is this India !!??
Views:13811 Replies:0
The Ajmal Qaseb (=a only Live !!) was bring from Nepal
Views:3573 Replies:0

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