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Indo-US evil designs by Asif Haroon Raja
Posted By: Asif_Haroon_Raja Created On: 29/Oct/2014 Views: 1164 Replies: 0 
The US being an imperialist power is governed by a strong hegemonic impulse. It wants to convert the world into its global village and to maintain its uni-polarism for next 100 years. 9/11 was projected as a holocaust to justify brutal war against Muslim States and steal its resources. Muslim specific crusade launched by the neo-cons was given the cover name of Global War on Terror (GWOT). It was Click here to read Full Article

Indo-US encirclement plans by Asif Haroon Raja
Posted By: Asif_Haroon_Raja On: 29/Oct/2014 Views:1133 Replies:0 
This US agenda for Pakistan prepared by the neo-cons after 9/11 was similar to that applied throughout the broader Middle East Central Asian region. US strategy, supported by covert intelligence operations, consisted in triggering ethnic and religious strife, abetting and financing secessionist movements while also weakening the institutions of the central government. The broader objective was to Click here to read Full Article
Global Humanity in Search of Peace, Not War by Mahboob A. Khawaja, PhD.
Posted By: Mahboob_Khawaja On: 20/Oct/2014 Views:1036 Replies:0 
The UNO originated from the belief and commitment to avert futuristic wars by men of new ideas pursuing peaceful means, diplomacy and accountability to the global mankind. How sad and cynical it looks to view the succeeding generations entrapped again into the same mindset of warmongering and power politics as were the sadistic leaders before. The UNO and its major organs are ceremonial debating Click here to read Full Article
Evolving security dynamics in Afghanistan by Asif Haroon Raja
Posted By: Asif_Haroon_Raja On: 15/Oct/2014 Views:1399 Replies:0 
Taliban insurgency which triggered soon after the invasion and occupation of Afghanistan by the US led western forces and Afghan Northern Alliance troops in November 2001 is still raging and gathering strength. Resistance forces have forced the occupying forces to exit by end December 2014. The US will be abandoning Afghanistan in disgrace and will leave behind an unstable, impoverished and ethnic Click here to read Full Article
The War on Islam & the Agenda of Hegemony by Dr Firoz Mahboob Kamal
Posted By: Firoz_Kamal On: 15/Oct/2014 Views:1327 Replies:0 
The imperialists do politics, fight wars, occupy lands and kill millions not for mere economic exploitation and military or political gains. They want to defeat and destroy their ideological competitors and survive as the sole civilizational force on earth. After the sudden demise of Socialist Soviet Union – the West’s most powerful ideological challenger, the Western imperialists had a great joy Click here to read Full Article
America’s New War and Coming of the Age of Arab Discontent by Mahboob A. Khawaja, PhD.
Posted By: Mahboob_Khawaja On: 8/Oct/2014 Views:1335 Replies:0 
US Flawed War Strategy at Work After failure of the bogus War on Terrorism in Afghanistan and Iraq, America has embarked on a new war to support the war economy, re-enact failed global leadership imagery and destroy the entire Arab region to define unilaterally the fate of the people of Palestine. The Arab coalition leaders supporting the US war efforts to bomb ISIL positions in Iraq and Syria h Click here to read Full Article
Thanks to Oil, America will continue intervening in Middle East by Dr Javed Jamil
Posted By: Hussain_Khan_Tokyo On: 29/Sep/2014 Views:2252 Replies:0 
America and its allies are back again in the Middle East. The truth is that they never left. But it started appearing for some time that America is planning a leave from the area. But what appears almost always proves to be an illusion. The simple fact is that America cannot afford to lose its hegemony over the world, and for the hegemony to continue, it cannot afford to leave the Islamic World un Click here to read Full Article
The Blessings of the Ten Days of Dhul Hijjah
Posted By: chaudry On: 29/Sep/2014 Views:2927 Replies:0 
Once more a period of divine blessing has dawned upon us, bringing with it its zephyrs of divine mercy and opportunity. For truly, it is not that one sacred season of devotion ends, except that another opportunity for attaining Allah’s forgiveness, bounty, and self-purification begins. In these cycles of sacred times, we find the heavenly gift of a renewed chance to replenish our souls and seek Al Click here to read Full Article
Anti-Khilafa Coalition & the Unending War by Dr Firoz Mahboob Kamal
Posted By: Firoz_Kamal On: 23/Sep/2014 Views:1295 Replies:0 
The disease of imperialism survives and thrives only on invasion, occupation and plundering of other countries. Brutal suppression, ethnic cleansing and genocidal killing are the tools that give it prolonged sustenance. Hence, finding a new ground for an invasive war is its survival necessity. The Indians, red Indians, Africans, Australian aborigines, Latin Americans and the Maoris of New Zealand Click here to read Full Article
War and Peace: Arab Time Capsule and Its Butterfly Effect by Mahboob A. Khawaja, PhD.
Posted By: Mahboob_Khawaja On: 23/Sep/2014 Views:1133 Replies:0 
Devoid of knowledge, paranoid and vengeful, President Obama’s raging statements and policy outlines of “an inclusive government in Iraq and to defeat the ISIL” are obsessed with fear of the unknown threatening American global hegemony and futuristic vulnerability to remain a superpower. President Obama is operating amid matrix of lies and political deceptions. The extension of aggressive war again Click here to read Full Article
THE CURSE OF THE SWARDS. by Latheef Farook
Posted By: chaudry On: 19/Sep/2014 Views:2225 Replies:0 
​In a televised speech on Wednesday 10 September 2014, President Barack Obama outlined what he described “as a reasonable strategy” for attacking the so called Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, ISIS, renamed Islamic State -IS. He said “We will not get dragged into another ground war in Iraq. Instead, this will be a war where others—mainly Iraqi soldiers—fight on the ground, while American adviser Click here to read Full Article

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