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Bangladeshi politics mired in regression by Tariq A. Al-Maeena
Posted By: TARIQA Created On: 5/Oct/2016 Views: 2042 Replies: 0 
There is a simmering divide in the political landscape of Bangladesh. It is one that could potentially drive the country toward civil war. Critics of the government contend that the government is on a witch-hunt to eliminate any opposition to their policy, an action that undoubtedly will bear terrible consequences. Syed Abdul Bais, a human rights activist and a self-proclaimed “agent of change” Click here to read Full Article

Five truths about the Hijab (Muslim Veil) that need to be told
Posted By: chaudry On: 28/Sep/2016 Views:3501 Replies:0 
In the West, many regard traditional Muslim dress like the hijab as a sign of oppression, with women forced to wear the garments by men. But it is not as simple as that: many women choose to wear the hijab as a sign of faith, feminism, or simply because they want to. Click here to read Full Article
Role of Sufi Islam in countering Turkish coup By Dr Ghayur Ayub
Posted By: Ghayyur_Ayub On: 28/Jul/2016 Views:2000 Replies:0 
Many reasons, some genuine others not genuine, are given as to why Turkish military coup failed. I have my own. This is in addition to the reasons that; 1) Erdogan showed his political strength by putting Turkish economy on the road to progress; 2) He helped Turkey to keep national pride in post 9/11 global politics; 3) He let the army realise that in democracy, military honour does not reside in Click here to read Full Article
Quran and Evolution By Dr Ghayur Ayub
Posted By: Ghayyur_Ayub On: 5/Jun/2016 Views:2064 Replies:0 
According to science, earth came into existence about 4.6 billion years ago. In the beginning, it was like a ball of molten rocks with scorching temperature and atmosphere filled with turbulent dust. With passage of time the dust started to solidify due to gravitational pull making dry clay which continued to swirl with thundering noise. In the following one billion years, with the drop of temper Click here to read Full Article
Loathing Global Politics Dehumanizing the Mankind by Mahboob A. Khawaja, PhD.
Posted By: Mahboob_Khawaja On: 24/May/2016 Views:1654 Replies:0 
The Earth and Space are wired with secrecy, new and unthinkable weapons of mass destruction and global warming is a clicking time bomb for the future. The most hated and feared leaders do not have the intellectual and political capacity to solve nay problems which they have created. …..The humanity looks to men of intellect, scholars of integrity for solutions, certainly not to the warmongers dest Click here to read Full Article
Pakistan & India’s Bias Against Allama Mashriqi andthe Khaksar Tehrik by By Nasim Yousaf
Posted By: Infomashriqi On: 30/Mar/2016 Views:2030 Replies:0 
The freedom of the Indian sub-continent (now comprised of Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan) did not come easy.Its foundation is built on the blood of the Khaksars as well as Allama Mashriqi’s teenage son, who were killed in the struggle for independence. Mashriqi, his immediate, family, and the Khaksars made immense sacrifices and faced ruthless actions from the British in their fight to liberate t Click here to read Full Article
Evolving Afghan Dynamics&Bearing on Pakistan by Asif Haroon Raja
Posted By: Asif_Haroon_Raja On: 12/Mar/2016 Views:1527 Replies:0 
Afghanistan is connected with South Asia, Middle East and Central Asia. It shares 1400 km border with Pakistan and its 42% of Afghan Pashtuns share religious, ethnic, linguistic and cultural ties with 15.2 million Pakistani Pashtuns. Pashtuns living in close vicinity of Durand Line have blood relations and the border has never acted as a barrier in their cross border movement. Pashtuns from both s Click here to read Full Article
Muslim World: The Leaders Who Could Not Lead by Mahboob A Khawaja
Posted By: Mahboob_Khawaja On: 12/Mar/2016 Views:1707 Replies:0 
The entire Muslim world is engaged in self-destructive conflicts. Unwarranted wars and sectarian bloodbaths are the order of the day, so unparallel in contemporary history. You wonder, what are they fighting for? While the 21st century stands at the verge of knowledge-based global transformation, ignorant and arrogant leaders are perpetuating individualistic political absolutism and tyranny to div Click here to read Full Article
Arab World and the Refugees: Could the Arab Leaders see the Mirror? by Mahboob A Khawaja
Posted By: Mahboob_Khawaja On: 12/Mar/2016 Views:1834 Replies:0 
Once the Arabs were leaders in knowledge, creativity, science and human manifestation, progress and future-making - the Islamic civilization lasting for eight hundred years in Al-Andalusia- Spain. But when they replaced Islam - the power and core value of their advancements with petro-dollars transitory economic prosperity, they failed to THINK intelligently and fell in disgrace and lost what was Click here to read Full Article
America’s Unending War on Terrorism will Destroy Humanity and Planet Earth by Mahboob A Khawaja
Posted By: Mahboob_Khawaja On: 4/Jan/2016 Views:1899 Replies:0 
Is America at war with itself? For more than a decade, American-led war on terrorism continues from Afghanistan to Iraq, Syria and soon to other oil producing states of the Arab world. Its aims are global hegemonic control of the Arabian natural resources and people. None of this strategy carries any weight on a rational criterion of critical thinking. Andrew Gavin Marshall (“Empire under Obama: Click here to read Full Article
Challenging the Paradox of Terrorism and Wars against Humanity by Mahboob Khawaja
Posted By: Mahboob_Khawaja On: 7/Dec/2015 Views:2320 Replies:0 
“Throughout history, oppressed people have been overwhelmed and immobilized by the seeming indestructibility of the military establishment in power. Whether it be a Hitler, an Attila, or the powerful Ozymandias of old, the mighty call upon the weak to “look on my works … and despair.” But whether these tyrants are defeated by Click here to read Full Article

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