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America Searching Foes and Friends in Pakistan and Afghanistan by Mahboob A. Khawaja, PhD.
Posted By: Mahboob_Khawaja Created On: 8/Sep/2017 Views: 1420 Replies: 0 
American leadership needs critical thinking about its failure and triumph inglobal relationships. After 16 years of warmongering and perpetuated violence on the people of Afghanistan, President Trump is challenging his own inner psychological attitude towards war and peace in South West Asia. As a candidate Trump, he voiced strong opposition to continued US military engagements in Afghanistan and Click here to read Full Article

Pakistan: In Quest of Reality for Navigational Change by Mahboob A. Khawaja, PhD.
Posted By: Mahboob_Khawaja On: 30/Jul/2017 Views:1474 Replies:0 
In its formative history of 70 years, the nation is fraught with tragedies. The legal dismissal of PM Nawaz Sharif by the Supreme Court on financial corruption provides a fresh opportunity to the nation to think critically and with an inward eye on systematic change for sustainable future-making without feudal lords and sadistic politicians. It will be a misfortune if the nation and its thinking h Click here to read Full Article
Human crisis in Kashmir by Asif Haroon Raja
Posted By: Asif_Haroon_Raja On: 18/Jul/2017 Views:1156 Replies:0 
Kashmir was always described as the heaven on earth. Its natural beauty and scenic views are matchless. Melodies of flowing water of springs, the enchanting Dal Lake, thick green grass and foliage on high mountains and white snow on the peaks served as ornaments of the valley. Fragrance of the pine leaves mystified the environment. People from all over the world aspired to visit and revisit the en Click here to read Full Article
Arab Leadership Quagmire: Do They Need More Weapons or More Wisdom? by Mahboob A Khawaja, PhD.
Posted By: Mahboob_Khawaja On: 13/Jun/2017 Views:1509 Replies:0 
Western political dinner tables spare not a day without hallow laughters about what the Arab leaders say and do underpinning obsessed human follies. For too long, the oil exporting Arab leaders ignored the new educated generation calls for critical thinking on their social, economic and political affairs. The core concern underlying the phenomenon of political change has inextricable relationship Click here to read Full Article
Science and Quran on creation of life (Part I) by Dr Ghayur Ayub
Posted By: Ghayyur_Ayub On: 21/Apr/2017 Views:2738 Replies:0 
Living in a modern world of science, how could one balance Islam with science as the two seemingly run on a collision course. At least that's what our traditionalist religious custodians tell us. For example, take the creation of life on earth. The traditionalists give a completely different picture of its origin than what the scientists tell us. The scientists say that earth came into existence Click here to read Full Article
Impact of chemical& missile attacks in Syria by Asif Haroon Raja
Posted By: Asif_Haroon_Raja On: 11/Apr/2017 Views:2439 Replies:0 
The civil war was triggered in Syria in March 2011 by the Syrian rebels supported by the US, NATO, Saudi led Gulf States and Turkey. The war has wrought havoc and the country lay utterly ruined. Nearly 470,000 people including 5, 50,000 children have died in the conflict and 4.8 million have fled the country. The cities and infrastructure are destroyed, there is very little electricity, 80% are li Click here to read Full Article
Downfall of the Muslims: A Review (Part-6) Dr. Firoz Mahboob Kamal
Posted By: Firoz_Kamal On: 11/Apr/2017 Views:1909 Replies:0 
The moral disability & the fallout The most important cause of Muslims’ downfall is not any natural disaster or economic collapse or any epidemic of a killer disease. It is indeed the moral disability that has brought them to the current quagmire. Such disability even kills any fresh attempt to rise up as a civilizational force on earth. If not treated, the ongoing disability can bring moral d Click here to read Full Article
Countering resurrection of terrorism by Asif Haroon Raja
Posted By: Asif_Haroon_Raja On: 11/Apr/2017 Views:1778 Replies:0 
Terrorism was stoked in Afghanistan in October 2001 under a well-thought out plan chalked out by Indo-US-Israel-UK alliance. The plan envisaged ousting Taliban regime with the help of Pakistan and eliminating Al-Qaeda so that Afghan soil could be used for launching covert operations against targeted regional countries. The US installed puppet regime ofHamid Karzai followed by Ashraf Ghani-Dr. Abdu Click here to read Full Article
The Muslims’ Downfall: A Review (Part-5) by Dr. Firoz Mahboob Kamal
Posted By: Firoz_Kamal On: 15/Mar/2017 Views:1622 Replies:0 
The Muslims as an ummah is now non-existent. They exist only as some national, racial or linguistic identities, not as ummah. A human body can’t survive with its truncated skeleton. Likewise, the body of the ummah can’t survive with divisive maps, flags, walls and borders. This is why, causing division among Muslims is haram (forbidden) in Islam; it is the job of the most evil enemies. The Qur’ani Click here to read Full Article
Arab Fault Lines are Embracing Catastrophic Ending by Mahboob A Khawaja
Posted By: Mahboob_Khawaja On: 13/Feb/2017 Views:1809 Replies:0 
Arab World Floating in a Disdained Capsule Once again, the UNO is warning of increased humanitarian bloodbaths, famine and forcible displacement of people across the Arabian Peninsula. This unfolds magnanimity of irretrievable historic ironies of the authoritarian leadership prevalent all over the Arabian Peninsula. People live in denials of basic intellectual freedom, human rights and dignity ex Click here to read Full Article
Downfall of the Muslims: A Review (Part-3) Dr Firoz Mahboob Kamal
Posted By: Firoz_Kamal On: 23/Jan/2017 Views:1719 Replies:0 
The early Muslims gained unprecedented successes. Their success were not confined in war fronts or civilisation-building. They achieved successes almost in all fields. They could add record speed to the spread of Islam. They made Muslims the most reckoned World Power within decades. They raised higher values, established rule of law and promoted equality between all races, colours and ethnicities. Click here to read Full Article

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