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America, NATO and Russia: Why War and Not Peace? by Mahboob A. Khawaja, PhD.
Posted By: Mahboob_Khawaja Created On: 7/Feb/2022 Views: 2117 Replies: 0 
The on-going war syndrome between America,NATO and Russia typifies what can go wrong when human thinking evolution is restricted to imaginary temptations and compulsions of animosities. Often myth of war is manifested in self-interest and its evolution becomes unquestionable on the rational screen of reason and moral values. We see immature leadership surrounding conditions of egoism and primacy o Click here to read Full Article

Muslims’ betrayal of the duty and the earned punishment byDr. Firoz Mahboob Kamal
Posted By: Firoz_Kamal On: 4/Feb/2022 Views:1840 Replies:0 
The betrayal and the punishment Muslims are the only people on the earth assigned to work as the viceroy of the Almighty Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la. It is indeed the highest honour that a human can ever imagine. This is the only reason that makes a man or woman to bear the title of a Muslim. The term “Muslim” is the emblem of total surrender to Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la. So it signifies that a Muslim b Click here to read Full Article
Globalism and the calamity of Muslims’ localism by Dr. Firoz Mahboob Kamal
Posted By: Firoz_Kamal On: 7/Oct/2021 Views:2306 Replies:0 
The US political elites and their allies have two prescriptions for mankind. One for themselves; that is globalism. They have another prescription for the Muslims; that is localism in the form of various races, region, clan, sect and language. In 2006, Ralph Peters –the US veteran and strategist argued in his an article “Blood Borders” published in the Armed Forces Journal that the borders of the Click here to read Full Article
The new war in Afghanistan and a new turn in history Dr. Firoz Mahboob Kamal
Posted By: Firoz_Kamal On: 15/Sep/2021 Views:1972 Replies:0 
The enemies’ war never ends. They only change the strategies and the weapons. That is exactly true for the USA and its allies. The military war of the USA and its allies has ended in Afghanistan. But the Taliban is still perceived as an enemy. Hence, the war continues. But it is an economic cum ideological war. The USA and its allies are now behaving like wounded wolves. They are not in a mood to Click here to read Full Article
Crimes and defeat of the USA in Afghanistan & the crucial test for Taliban by Dr. Firoz Mahboob Kamal
Posted By: Firoz_Kamal On: 26/Aug/2021 Views:2112 Replies:0 
Whoever defeats a champion also emerges as a champion. This is the established norm of a war. And here lies the importance of the Taliban. Taliban have now emerged as a significant big power –especially in the heart of Asia that is now reckoned by everyone. The Vietnamese fighters in their war against the USA had Soviet Russia and China as backers. Nor did they fight against a coalition of more th Click here to read Full Article
Arab World: the Valley of Death for the Islamist & the paradise for the wicked tyrants by Dr. Firoz Mahboob Kamal
Posted By: Firoz_Kamal On: 17/Aug/2021 Views:2064 Replies:0 
The USA has lost confidence to win any war. Further war can only precipitate economic collapse and no victory. This is the lesson that the USA has learned from its humiliating defeat in Afghanistan. But the issue for the USA still remains. It can leave Afghanistan, but can’t leave its agenda of global dominance –its core business in world politics. So, it takes the alternative strategy. It is thro Click here to read Full Article
Pakistan and India’s Leaders Mark Freedom from British Colonialism: But Masses look for Navigational Change by Mahboob A. Khawaja, PhD.
Posted By: Mahboob_Khawaja On: 18/Aug/2020 Views:1759 Replies:0 
British imperialism was not accidental but a planned scheme of things to perpetuate its cultural and political dominance over the weak and most vulnerable people of the globe. Its aims were no different in the Subcontinent of India-Pakistan. The immediate focal aim was to destroy the existing culture of the established Mughal Empire and divide and rule the whole of India. Remember, imperialism was Click here to read Full Article

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