"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: azulfi
Full Name: azulfi qureshi
User since: 29/Jun/2007
No Of voices: 2
Imran Khan A Legend
Views:1747 Replies:1
Video - Miracle of Islam - A Kid doing Khataab to People - Must See
Views:2110 Replies:0

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Well guys can you tell me any other person currently in pakistan u can name him with blink of eye. If you talke about Cricket. first thing came in mind is Imran Khan. if you talk about cancer a dangerous disease first name u will remember is imran khan. if you talk about current affairs everyone will know importance and honesty of Imran Khan. There is no other politician in pakistan now a days. including nawaz sharif, benazir, MMA, Altaf Hussain, PML(q). nobody can compete with Imran khan. In short words he is a true legend.

watch these following videos of Great King Khan. U will really believe me what i m trying to say here.
Imran Khan A LEGEND - Part01
Imran Khan A LEGEND - Part02
Indeed he is a Great Legend of Pakistan History. Hope u all will agree with me.
Take care and Keep supporting Imran Khan (Great Legend)
 Reply:   Imran is nothing more than a s
Replied by(sacha_pakistani) Replied on (3/Jul/2007)

I dont agree with you, I just beleve that he is one of the selfish person ever I have seen in my life for him his personal matters comes first not Pakistan.

Since he joined the hands of MMA, NAWAZ SHARIF N MRS. ZARDARI he is now part of them, to support Imran mean supporting corruption.

he is the one who brought gambling to Pakistan cricket just for his own cause. there are too many things so he can be your hero not every one's.
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