"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: Iqbal_Hadi_Zaidi
Full Name: Iqbal Hadi Zaidi
User since: 26/Aug/2008
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                           EDHI-the only name to be named

This has reference to the photo I have seen at one of the sites where both Dr Abdul Sattar Edhi and his wife Bilqees are sitting on a roadside in Peshawar before a banner reading ‘help flood victims’. There are many others too both in Pakistan and overseas who are helping the needy compatriots either because of floods or otherwise but I must say without any reservation and reluctance that none matches Edhi or more correctly Dr. Abdul Sattar Edhi.

 The first question which comes to my mind is as to what prompted him and his wife to come out personally to collect the money which had been collected even during their absence by his staff in any case. I have no idea what the couple had in their minds to do alike but to me there are two very strong reasons for such like behavior and action.  No denying the fact, Edhi has earned such a name that anybody who just reads his name automatically doles out whatever he or she can do and this is what is being seen and felt by us all over the country for many long years. He has infused such an unprecedented new spirit coupled with nobility that even the poorest of the poor cannot be indifferent to his cause.

Most of us have a perception that one needs money to start with to help others and of course money makes the mare go but Edhi has proved it otherwise professing that it is not the money but the inner human feelings which takes preference over money. He is neither born with a silver spoon nor has amassed money thereafter, rather on the contra, he is an ordinary commoner but much too much determined to help others and this is what excelled him over others including those who either cling to the throne or claim to have won by heavy mandate or those who boast of having thousands of acres of lands. It is nothing but the will of the person to go for others without any personal gain and benefit which most of us lack otherwise we can have so many Edhis and not just one Edhi.

Decades ago, Edhi had a very modest, rather meager start, to be honest but ever since he had decided to help others he neither looked back nor got disheartened when faced so many odds. He valiantly fought out against unseen hardships which as a matter of fact gave him new impetus and valor which eventually made him still the more determined and focused. He who was bare handed in the beginning now owns a lot-unimaginable progress which none can claim and it needs pages and pages to enumerate what his welfare organization owns throughout the country from Karachi to Torkham, Chinese border to Iranian border etc. There is no place on our map where Edhi presence cannot be felt.

Edhi has earned such a name that as and when people see him, they themselves get electrified, which in turn, obliges them not to shirk but participate with Edhi in any manner they can. The photo I am referring to shows the couple sitting on floor, remember no chairs, and people have already given currency notes of different denominations to help those who have been rendered homeless due to raging floods. Now any human who passes through the place shall have to give whatever simply because there are three so strong reasons that neither he nor she can walk through without dishing out money, howsoever meager it could be. Who can ignore the couple, or who can skip the bank notes and likewise who can avoid reading the banner?

Edhis (Sattar+Bilqees) are based and headquartered in Karachi but when the couple travels all the way to far flung Peshawar it gives out a clear message that they are not only for Karachites and they do not believe in topographical and territorial limits which many do practice. They are much above most of us who have our own prejudices, preferences and likings and disliking. He does not believe in pick and choose, rather he shuns, discrimination and treats all alike at equal footing-none superior or inferior than other. It will not out of place to mention that Edhi has always reached within the shortest possible time to each and every spot, eventuality and occasion irrespective of the distance, province, time, weather as and when situation so warranted and this what counts a lot. He reached where others either did not feel like reaching or they failed to reach.

The most glaring and striking difference between Edhi and others including President of Pakistan or for that matter Prime Minister of Pakistan is that he is not to give any assurance to the people that the money so collected by him will be used for the needy only whereas our top VVIPs are to deliver speeches ensuring that the aid money will be given to the deserving only. How ironical that despite so many official assurances and guarantees advanced by our VVIPs, the people still feels shaky and reluctant to come forward and give money to our own government. Doesn’t it shake our national character and conscious, if at all we have? Doesn’t it belittle our VVIPs against Edhi? It is very high and ripe time for our leaders to cleanse themselves so that the masses love them at their own free will and choice devoid of any coercion and reprisal.

Long live Edhis you have won the hearts of millions and that too without paying or spending even one paisa as against those who burnt million of rupees yet could not win just a few hundred what to talk of thousands and millions.


With my honest and solemn prayers

Sincere Iqbal Hadi Zaidi / Former Diplomat / Kuwait   

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