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(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: abdulruff
Full Name: Dr.Abdul Ruff Colachal
User since: 15/Mar/2008
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Pakistan’s Pathetic Cricket (PPC)

Dr. Abdul Ruff





It might an irony of reality that in Pakistan every thing is pathetic, politics, core terror media mindset, human life, living conditions, security, and sports. By using the puppet regimes n Islamic world, including Pakistan , the democratic Americans have made the life of Muslims cheapest thing available in the world. Pakistani cricketers present a shacky composure on the field. They somehow win, if they fail to lose.


Pakistan’s win against the one of the weakest cricket team New Zealand is indeed the pathetic, not because  it defeated a weaker team, but its has to struggle hard to eventually win narrowly. It has not been a convincing win as Bangladesh did or India did it after words. Pakistan continues to show they are masters of making mountains out of molehills. Even what should have been achieved with little efforts if not effortlessly, Pakistani team led by Afridi sweats and toils to win and they also create the gimmick that they are going to lose the match. And such a meager victory does not make Pakistan fit to win the World Cup by merely citing its fight with NZ in NZ.


Pakistani team must know that:


  1. it is a sad commentary on cricket that it promotes batboys by sung the bowlers to bowl bat-friendly so that “talented” batboys emerge in a unnatural way. In order to keep the bowlers and others happy, an artificial record of wickets and catches has also been created, the result being a total farce. Cricket is not meant for that sort of fraudulences.
  2. before coming to the field the team must have a plan about needs of bating and fielding, including bowling, order, etc.
  3. they must avoid offering too many FOURs and Sixes  in anticipation of return favors;
  4. they must practice ball-throw exactly at the stumps;
  5. they must give up misadventurism of going after an extra illusionary run for fun but losing a wicket;
  6. the batboys should not hope that next batboys would do better if they throw away their bat by hitting fun shots, like Afridi and Akmal do it to show how to get out effortlessly;
  7. the fielders should try to be alert on the field and not to miss catches while enjoying their “stardom”  on the field as their girl friends watching their show sitting in the galleries there.
  8. they must give up  the age old policy of “give and take” in runs, 100s, catches and other “records” and play like real genuine cricketers.;
  9. they must avoid talking too much ‘;
  10. the captain need not to show to the crow that he is the captain by shouting or giving advices like cricket commentary just because the camera is focused on him;
  11. since the Pakboys cannot play their natural game if captaincy is imposed on any  of them, better the team plays without a captain;
  12. every cricketer, irrespective of the specific role they play in the team, must bat well and bowl too; this will take away pressure form the bowlers. Short ball should be practiced to make the match more credible, apt and short.
  13. more to follow…>
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