"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: abdulruff
Full Name: Dr.Abdul Ruff Colachal
User since: 15/Mar/2008
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Muslim blood is cheap...


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Mideast Upheavals are CIA Jehad for Energy Resources (Part-1)



Dr. Abdul Ruff







USA-UK led NATO terror syndicate comprising 60 plus anti-Islamic nations have already murdered millions of innocent Muslims in occupied Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan on fabricated pretexts like Sept-11 terror gimmicks and WMD, Osama, etc, and Arab/Muslim world has not taken the  issue as seriously as the situation warrants. Upon tasting sumptuous Islamic blood and met no opposition from Islamic world or any other big power, now the western blood thirsty insane beasts are invading Muslim nations one by one by various devilish gimmicks, like the Mideast "uprisings". For oil rich Arab nations  it is business as usual, because they foolishly think NATO would not attack then now and their turn is far away. US imperialism is back l in action, now  without Osama, but with Obama leading the  terror attack on sovereign Libya. In Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan, occupied NATO terror synidcate le by USA_UK terror twins, the western democratic criminals could even put down the popular uprisings of the patriotic Muslims who rose against foreign  tyrannies and their puppet regimes, killing them by calling them as “terrorists” and “insurgents". All anti-Islamic forces, including innocent looking India and its newly acquired strategic partners in the West, have ganged up now to defame and defeat Islam and terrorize Muslims.


Turmoil in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Yemen and almost in entire Mideastern Muslim nations, but CIA-UNSC-NATO-Obama combine  has launched horrid terror operation only in Libya. Russia, China- both veto guys- India, Brazil, Germany supported the  CIA hidden agenda in Libya by abstaining from UNSC voting. Arab League led by Saudi Arabia gave permission  to the NATO fascists to terror attack sovereign Libya under the cover of fake resolution of "noflyzone". Western  civilized scoundrels have  taken it their right to kill Muslims in Islamic world by ensuring support  of some rogue Arab/Muslim nations that are so used to western -bribery-liquor-illegal wealth  culture. . 




 Terrorist Israel kills Palestinians and controls the region to some extent with concurrence from the USA/West. An innocent looking India also slaughters Muslims in Occupied Jammu Kashmir, having managed to kill over 100, 000 innocent Kashmiris so far. Even as the Arab world keeps watching the illegal approval of new settlement proliferation efforts inside Palestine by the fascist Zionist regime, the west has ignited insurgency in Libya for controlling some important oil strong holds in this Arab nation very easily and now engaged in destabilizing Libya since the Qaddafi government will stay.



The Obama-NATO attack on sovereign Libya has enriched Saudi Arabian economy and  the king falsely thinks the CIA is helping the kingdom. , which has problems with its own Shi’a minority, has already clamped down on Shi’a democracy activists. In Saudi Arabia, up to 200 people reportedly gathered outside the interior ministry to demand the release of imprisoned relatives; In Bahrain, riot police fired tear gas and rubber bullets at anti-government protesters blocking the main road into the capital Manama's business district, and encircled the protesters' main camp in Pearl Square; In Yemen, at least 100 people were injured in clashes between Yemeni police, firing live bullets and tear gas, and anti-government protesters at a demonstration in the capital, witnesses said. It follows the deaths of at least six people in similar clashes in the city. In Oman, there were signs of concessions. Sultan Qaboos said he would hand over some lawmaking powers to a legislative council; In Morocco, there were clashes in Casablanca when security forces tried to storm the headquarters of a left-wing party where protesters were sheltering. Police later sealed off the city's main square. The US said it was "deeply concerned" by the attacks on protesters but does not want to attack them. 



The troops stationed in Bahrain are part of a deployment by the Gulf Co-operation Council (GCC), a six-nation regional grouping which includes Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar and the UAE. It is believed they are intended to guard key facilities such as oil and gas installations and financial institutions.

Bahrain's opposition said the GCC foreign forces amounted to an occupation. But the kingdom's authorities urged the population to "co-operate fully and to welcome" the troops.




The sudden overthrow of the Tunisian president in January and Egyptian strongman Hosni Mubarak's resignation in February strengthened the anti-Islamic conspirators to surge ahead to destabilize the Mideast region and control the energy rich region by mischief and brute force.



US led NATO terror syndicate is known for its extra genocides with full impunity. Now, after igniting violence in Libya, these democratic rogue states try to shed crocodile tears about their duty and “unavoidable moral imperative to “help save” the Libyan people from massacres.


As a result, today uprisings are stage managed by foreign terrocracies and the domestic enemy of Islam in each Arab as well as non-Arab Muslim nation. Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iraq are just the worst example in the category, but all Arab nations are just behind them in queue.  



Mideast, led by Saudi kingdom, is known for its pro-west semi-puppet regimes. The nature of semi-puppetry offers the region enough scope to pretend to to be purely Islamic while, at the same time, to keep polishing the terror boots of the western fascist regime. There is not even a single Arab nation that practices genuine Islam and all of them avoid genuine Islamic governance hide their private wealth weakness under the cover of brutal punishments. After once genuine Islam is implemented capitalism would die a natural death and western terrocracies would have no "shield" business inside Arab nations, other than the usual buying energy resources.  Islam is self-sustainable and genuine Islamic democracies can produce their own goods and have no need for outside goods only to sell their sovereignty.




Western terrocracies exist and thrive on extra profits by exploitation of other nations and people and they skillfully manipulate the  opposition parties in other countries to control the resources in some measure. In external affairs, the capitalist West always puts economic interests above principle and hence crises continue to crop up in every region. By igniting serial uprisings in Mideast, the CIA seems to have blackmailed the corrupt Arab leaders to part with their ill-gotten wealth. The disgruntled oppositions and foreign generated "demonstrators" in Mideast, where scoundrels control the resources and invest the nation's wealth abroad in the personal names, are promoting the western interests in the region. This intrigue situation suits the western top robbers to pressure the rulers to either flee or become the full-scale puppets.



Once the Arab world behaves well the signal is relayed to the entire Islamic world as well as non-Islamic world leading to the weakening of the anti-Islamic frame of global mindset. That would herald a new horizon and purpose in the lives of Muslims living across the world.


In the face of prevailing gloomy and explosive situation in Mideast, it is time Turkey took charge to lead the region as well as the entire Islamic world so that Islam c is not made a direct target by the enemy in democracy suits. Turkey has come too far in helping build a new paradigm of democratization and regional order in the Middle East but the anti-Islamic strategists warn Istanbul that it should not even by mistake to fall under the same misconception and malperception.

Mideast Upheavals are CIA Jehad for Energy Resources (Part-2)



Dr. Abdul Ruff







Western (unfortunately, Christian) terrocracies led by the NATO terror syndicate just pretending to be democracies are essentially anti-Islamic by outlook and operations and they have already besieged the Islamic world and even penetrated  bulk of these nations with wide ranging anti-Islamic terror networks.  Nefarious activities like proliferation of black money and money laundering as the natural outcome of illegal wealth-making have spoiled the Muslim rulers and have been made the donkeys of the western capitalist war mongers.

The so-called “uprisings” are the meticulously planned measures by the CIA and its secret allies of the west and East to advance the hidden agendas of the CIA and SIS of UK. The demonstrations following the Tunisian success thus sparked violent unrest across the Arab world in February, leading to Egyptian strongman Hosni Mubarak's resignation and a wave of anti-regime protests in Libya, Bahrain and elsewhere.  Saudi Arabia bated for Bahrain and CIA seems to have given in, but on Libya Washington has been, like on Iran, quite adamant. Libyan oil resources haunt the western ruling criminals in democracy suits.


Anti-Islamic domestic policies have landed the bulk of Muslim nations in weakened position and the people in irreparable troubles. In fact the Arab nations, like the non-Arab Muslim varieties in the world, have also almost lost their sovereignty to the western fascist terrocracies pretending to be the shield providers for the Islamic world but, shamelessly, they are not even aware of that crude fact. They have no concept of sovereignty because they are self centered crooks interested only in illegal wealth by looting the nations and ruining the nations and defaming Islam.


The uprisings in Mideast exposes very disturbing security factor in these countries. What the intelligence and military establishment have been doing when the CIA was busy with  mobilizing Libyans against the  government? Why the  regime  takes so much of time to control the situation and keep the nation free form plotters, foreign agents and  western terrorists? Libyan  military is not  ensuring security and safety of  people and nation. Now gradually the army is throwing away the insurgents from towns one by one.


It is apparent the USA is behind the uprisings and Saudi Arabia seems to have approved that as well. . The CIA insurgency plan to subversive operations in Mideast is getting exposed day by day. US foreign terror minister Hillary of Clinton - who is attending the Paris meeting - has met a leader of the new pro-west opposition drunkard in Libya, M. Jibril, for 45 minutes at a Paris hotel and discussed ways the US could assist beyond humanitarian aid.


It is quite clear that both Arab and non-Arab Muslim nations have been lagging behind in every aspect on global scale the disunity among them is the main cause for this state of affairs. Now the upheavals for “freedom” have exposed not only the hard truth about the pathetic existence ordinary Muslims even in Islamic world but also the false assumption of Islamic world being believers. The rulers have deposited huge sums in foreign banks illegally and maintained immovable assets on a large scale. Tunisian president when thrown out could gallop away to Saudi Arabia with huge assets, including gold packs and hard cash.


One is confused as to what exactly the Saudi kingdom wants to convey to the world on the “uprisings” in the region. They have not supported Egypt and Libya openly but quickly moved army into Bahrain to repress the upheaval there where majority community want sot overthrow a minority ruling over the majority for years  now. Troops from a number of Gulf States, including Saudi Arabia and the UAE, have arrived in Bahrain at the request of the kingdom. 1,000 Saudi Arabian troops and 500 UAE police officers are already inside a sovereign Bahrain. Bahrain's Shi’a majority has long complained of discrimination at the hands of the Sunni ruling elite, but large-scale protests broke out last month after the presidents of Egypt and Tunisia were toppled in uprisings. The protesters continued their occupation of Pearl Square, near Manama's financial district, and set up roadblocks around the area.




Neither the notorious UNSC nor the notorious NATO terror syndicate led by the USA-UK terror twins has any right to  interfere in the internal affairs of a sovereign Libya which is not at war with any of the nations that want to terror attack Libya but only is trying to contain the  foreign ignited insurgency to destabilize the nation and let the foreign forces loot and squander the resources as they have done in Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan where millions of innocent people have been slaughtered by the  western democratic criminals.


Now the CIA does not keep its energy agenda the most heavily guarded state secret.  Entire UNSC/NATO terror  exercise is to control the energy resources of Mideast and destroy Islamic faith in a sustained manner, including the Holy Sites in Mecca and Medina.  Perhaps, there would be none in Saudi Arabia even to repent for their historic blunter  in aligning with the enemy against fellow Muslim nations. Not even Obama would be there to act like Hollywood hero saying sorry for his "misguided polices" against Islam and "trusting" the CIA and Neoconservative nuts for their "democratic  credentials".  


Dr. Abdul Ruff,
Specialist on State Terrorism; Chancellor-Founder of Centor for International Affairs(CIA); Chronicler of Freedom movements (Palestine, Kashmir, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Xinjiang, Chechnya, etc); Former university Teacher, Analyst in International Affairs;  Terrorism is caused by anti-Islamic forces. Fake democracies like USA and India have zero tolerance to any criticism of their anti-Muslim and other aggressive practices. Anti-Muslimism and anti-Islamism are more dangerous than  "terrorism". Anti-Islamic forces & terrorists are using criminal elements for terrorizing the world and they are harming genuine interests of ordinary Muslims. Unfortunately, we have many hypocrites among Muslims. (

Dr. Abdul Ruff,
Specialist on State Terrorism; Chancellor-Founder of Centor for International Affairs(CIA); Chronicler of Freedom movements (Palestine, Kashmir,Iraq,Afghanistan, Pakistan, Xinjiang, Chechnya, etc); Former university Teacher; Analyst in International Affairs; Terrorism is caused by anti-Islamic forces. Fake democracies like USA and India have zero tolerance to any criticism of their anti-Muslim and other aggressive practices. Anti-Muslimism and anti-Islamism are more dangerous than "terrorism". Anti-Islamic forces& terrorists are using criminal elements for terrorizing the world and they are harming genuine interests of ordinary Muslims.Unfortunately, we have many anti-Islamic hypocrites among Muslims.(


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