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User Name: abdulruff
Full Name: Dr.Abdul Ruff Colachal
User since: 15/Mar/2008
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Fall of India:  IPL mafia Thrash Delhi
Dr. Abdul Ruff

Indians take cheap pride in wining  sports  by hook or crook. But in IPL also they want only the Mumbai or Captain team or a team of Indian mafia interest, to win and want other teams  to play for these teams. And the rest of the wor4ld must promote Indian false pride.

It is clear now, the liquor centered ILP matches are now being played according to a single scheming: in every match only a particular team must win while the other team must cooperate. Mumbai must win and Delhi must bow down and Pune must win and  Punjab must lose.  So far the  shows are gong on strictly according to IPL rules. Except, perhaps,  in the case of Bangalore.

Now it is the India-ICC law. .

Delhi has been defeated by Mumbai and now  if the  Maharashtra Assembly could  pass a resolution to shift the capital from New Delhi to Mumbai none needs to be taken aback. The argument that IPL mafias have their own projects and they want this to make Mumbai and Tendulkhar the only and real India might not hold much  water since the media have supported all IPL agendas to boost Tendulkar's Mumbai team and Donni team. Of course, the great fanatic idea is make Sachin somehow eligible for the post and to make mockery of Bharatratna  post which is the  target of all mafias, including cricket mafias.
All matches are fixed to make Mumbai or Donni team to emerge the top ones and after the  success in  fixing world cup in Indian favor by both hook and crook, now IPL is fixing the matches ( night shows) to help Tandulkhar to present himself the tallest of all Indians. And all other teams and international frauds, who are well versed in such dirty work,  are paid to play according to the IPL mischief.
What a shame, India! You can create obstructions to any opinion even expressed in foreign media, but  can you take pride in  fake, fraudulent, fictitious pride?
When will you be normal, cricket fascist India? Don't you see how the crazy Indians, both mischief players and spectators,  behave in the grounds? When you grow matured, fmother India?

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