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User Name: abdulruff
Full Name: Dr.Abdul Ruff Colachal
User since: 15/Mar/2008
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America Seeks Turkmenistan Energy!



USA is pushing hard to ensure the energy sources form Islamic world by hook or crook. While invading energy rich Muslim nations in Mideast for their energy resources, the USA is also making efforts to  cement ties with many Muslim nations. Obama has appointed Robert Patterson the envoy to Turkmenistan after 5 year gap necessitated by Bushdom arrogance and Russian interference .


After the disintegration of  USSR five oil rich Muslim states came into being in Central Asia  -  Turkmenistan is one which is pro-Moscow state. The USA sees Turkmenistan as key to ensuring energy security in neighboring Afghanistan. Washington also backs initiatives to build transportation routes to carry the country's natural gas to Europe, thereby minimizing Western reliance on Russian exports, although both USA and Russia cooperate on anti-Islamic projects in Afghanistan, central Asia indirectly  and  elsewhere.



Ties have come under strain, however, over Turkmenistan's interference in U.S. student exchange programs and embarrassing revelations made in cables leaked by the firebrand WikiLeaks.


Ambassador Robert Patterson is already in Turkmenistan, has presented his credentials to the president of this energy-rich former Soviet republic. He takes up a post left vacated five years ago, after a period of a chill in relations between the two countries under Bush Jr.

Of course, USA or NATO cannot attack Turkmenistan on Sept-11  or democracy deficit gimmick or by engineering “uprisings” in Central Asia, considered to be the  backyard states of the Kremlin.


What about US brand democracy?

Will Turkmenistan exchange its oil for US democracy?

Why not?

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