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(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: abdulruff
Full Name: Dr.Abdul Ruff Colachal
User since: 15/Mar/2008
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Anti-Islamic Game-plan: A Falling Pakistan!


All anti-Islamic nations are engaged in a secret dialogue and  terror operations to divide Muslim nations, destabilize Islamic world, defame Islam, kill Muslims. USA, UK, and the entire Western terrocraitc regimes, Israel and India are terror partners in this historically heinous effort. Israel and India are killing Muslims in their neighborhoods and indoors just like their Western fascist masters do freely like  jungle beasts in Islamic world by illegal invasions, while some Muslim nations are  supporting these anti-Islamic , civilizational crimes against Muslims and humanity at large.

USA and Europe shield Zionist crimes and promote their interests in Islamic world without any hindrance.Some Arab leaders promoting  their own wealth as well as crony capitalism in the name of Islam, also hail crimes of NATO, India and Israel against Muslims. Their hypocritical stand on UNSC-NATO invasion of sovereign Libya and massacres in that Muslim nation in Mideast could make a serious case of joint NATO-Arab crimes against Muslims. 

While people of Pakistan oppose NATO terrorism  in their nation, Pakistani puppet regime  promotes  genocides of Muslims by the occupation forces, possibly because they believe that its was USA-CIA that  brought them to power and not the people of Pakistan. The impression is being created by the media that the shame leaders of Pakistan depend more on USA than on their own people for their survival.  .

Officially Pakistani regime is against Israel because Pakistani people hate Israeli fascism and its holocaust in Gaza.

But unofficially Pakistani government, controlled by USA-CIA, cooperates with Israel and even helps the Zionist Mossad with fund rising against Palestine.

If Pakistan refuses to help Israel the US and European terrocracies would stop aid to Pakistan and without western extra coins, the Pakistani elites who want western corporate coins and hassle free visas to the western capitals, think Pakistan would simply die and disappear.

That is the hypocrisy of a few Pakistanis who are responsible for the ill-fate of entire Pakistan and its defenseless people being killed by the latest Obama drones, possibly manufactured by terrorist Israel!.

USA is, with determination and Indian assistance, destroying Islamic world , including Pakistan, on fake pretexts!

Pakistani leaders are interested only in their wealth got illegally by cheating the voters who mandated them to rule the nation. Most of the leaders have enormous illegal black cash in foreign banks as well as immovable assets in western and Arab countries that shield not only the illegal wealth of Pakistani and other Muslim leaders stored in these nations but also promote puppet Muslim regimes, rampant corruption and crimes against humanity.

These Muslim leaders care a damn about Islam or Pakistani prestige all that they want is to ensure safety of their ill-wealth in Pakistan and abroad. This disturbing mindset of Pakistani leaders have emboldened the occupation NATO terror syndicates to go on slaughtering Muslims by calling them as terrorists and add a few dollars to the accounts of "democratically elected" Pakistani leaders. Pakisni leaders are happy while the voters are being murdered by the "invited" guests in "democracy" uniforms from terrorist NATO countries.

Unfortunately, Pakistani core corporate media nuts promote a failing Pakistan by supporting NATO fascism in AF-Pak and in Pakistan proper. When pro-regime media lords go insane in promoting genocides of Muslims by NATO terrorists on fictitious pretexts, Pakistani nation is at severe risk.

When the very fences eat away the crops, when the leaders and media lords deceive their people and thrive themselves at their cost, Pakistani nation falls a helpless victim to pre-planned NATO terror operations, losing thousands of Muslims....

Unless Pakistani nation rises up against foreign occupation and oppose their own leaders for their support for NATO-Israeli fascism, there is very little hope for Pakistanis to overcome the anti-Islamic wars and continued threats to Islam.

If, however, Pakistani nation keep silent like the UNSC about NATO terror syndicates converting Islamic Pakistan into terror sanctuaries, their fate would be even harder......

The anti-Islamic world led by USA-UK terror twins, terror gang India and Israel would have the last laugh at Islam and Islamabad.

Then one can only feel sorry for Islamabad and innocent Pakistani Muslims..

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