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User Name: abdulruff
Full Name: Dr.Abdul Ruff Colachal
User since: 15/Mar/2008
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Cricket Fixes and Mischievous Rains: Fact and Fiction

Does India Control Rains and Cricket?




It is now official. Cricket is a deceptive sport and fabricated entertainment, played on the fields to promote some pampered individuals from each member states of former English colonies operating under the mischievous ICC. These days India takes special care to promote cricket, especially the test variety to make fools believe that all records set by Indians are real and they must be compulsorily rewarded. While state terrorism is equated as patriotism, fun is achievement in India! 

Corporate world, their media and mafia play the central role in regulating cricket matches, directing the cricket boys to play only the "fixed" games. So far, many batboys, fielders and bowlers have benefited in wealth, medals and fame from playing this mischief jointly. Generally the cricket related media outlets project who should get what from a particular match and mostly that does happen because the joint cricket operations. Advertisement endorsements, bets, extra cash and other favor for playing for the mafias are promoted by the corporate world alongside the regime agencies.  Many other international gangs also make money by promoting fixed matches.

It is nearly the truth that cricket by nature cannot but be fixed beforehand to favor the most "wanted" teams. And even after fixing the matches at times “operations” go out of control and rain is invoked by the “concerned” to disrupt the match and  oppose any outcome if that goes opposite of their prior decisions. In other words, the fixing agencies at international level cannot tolerate any untoward results in cricket.

It has been a universal knowledge that rains could be natural or artificial. But however it is not yet widely known that rains cold be generated or moved or stopped by remote methods by using advanced technological devises like satellites, etc.


Rains can disrupt any human activities including sports but they could be taken for the advantage of certain "special" countries like India for specific or no reasons at all, to win matches by igniting rains at the appropriate time. 

It has been the practice of the rain controllers on the earth to use rains when India is at the receiving end whether in India or abroad even after the all the "fixings" between nations, teams and corporate-regime mafias. Australia and South Africa  that play joint cricket exercises with India generally prefer to lose to India  but when they refuse, the rains come down  to India's rescue which has happened even in recent times.

It has been a cruel practice in sport world to use all influences to somehow win matches or tournaments, including extra cash and rains.

It has been observed that rain come down to save India when the cricket is facing crash.  And when India is in the best position, rain hardly comes to make Indians cry. Not only Indian team, but even pro-India cricket team is benefited by sudden rains.

For years now, India has been the chief beneficiary of rains during the cricket sessions.

The satellites are used to create, move and stop rains. However, Rains cannot be so partisan, or, they cannot be forced to take a partisan approach in cricket.  There is obviously something wrong with the operators of regional rains.

These days, like the orderly dinner courses preferred by good eaters, countries fix matches in all available formats like ODIs, tests, 20/20s that are mediated through the ICC and agreed by its mafia, to set individual records and ranking by mutual consent. First, the teams play practice matches, and then begin Tests five or more, then ODIs 5 to 7 and finally the 20/20. All these joint and combined exercises take about 2 to 3 months. Generally average teams prefer to play against weaker or weakest teams to be able to easily set new bogus records and make some bogus ranking! That is shameful

Bowler, and not the pitch, play very important role in making botbys shine unnecessarily by offering huge runs with Sixes and Fours and big totals for the teams. Recent joint IPL type cricket exercises in England have shown that if the bowlers want to restrict the opponent team to bare minimum it is quite possible and conversely if they are eager, could offer big totals that own batboys would not be able chase down or if they have already bated and had small total would only let their team.

Take the Indo-England series of all these 3 tamassa items going to be staged in London shortly and Sachin Tendukar, the sole candidate of Indian sport minister for the Bharatratan post has been camping in London for weeks probably to secure his one last 100 plus to set his own fictitious record and ranking at others' cost and obviously the Indian military that has already given him a big military post -  maybe in order to insult the had work of its own personnel as mere arranged and rehearsed entertainment - must be after  Cameron and his English boys to respect Indian fixed ratna Tendulakar whose paid  wax is shining inside the London's museum.

In the practice test, as if other tests are not enough, that has already started in UK, India began by offering 100 plus to an only Indian origin, made in London, English boy Arul Shuppiah as a gift from Indian sports ministry if not directly from Manmohan and in return the English hosts have offered a 100 plus to Raina, equalizing the Indian favor. Obviously, English boys would be expected to offer India corporate nominee Sachuin a 100 plus so that he could sleep peacefully.

Over years, an illusory impression has been tactfully created by the media that India cannot lose any cricket match anywhere. Conversely, no other country has the right to win any key match or series.


One wonders if India controls rain to benefit India and pro-India cricket teams.

UNSC, UNSC-5, ICC and ICJ must look into this matter urgently. Cricket sponsors and mafias are fooling the world.

Meanwhile, Test cricket has outlived its life and now its existence should be shifted to history museums in cricket nations, while 20/20 is totally flawed because the bowlers offer too many Sixes and Fours to the batboys to let them score well to compensate for the loss in total overs and pick wickets thrown by the frustrated batboys. That is not sport or cricket but only underworld politics not only because underworld blackmoney is being pumped into the cricket but open mischief and fraudulences are taken as honorable profession.


Most of the cricketers are school drops and fools without even elementary common sense. But Indian media and their corporate bosses and regime fanatics still pretend the cricket is the ultimate sport and ultimate achievement in human endeavors to be appreciated with highest national honors in an upward movement to reach the Bharatratanan. That is the Indian pickle mindset!  

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