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(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: abdulruff
Full Name: Dr.Abdul Ruff Colachal
User since: 15/Mar/2008
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USA employs India against China


It is not a classified secret that unilateral and dictatorial USA plays international politics with traditional colonial skills.

In order to showcase its global clout and military terror supremacy, Washington wastes much of its energies and resources (stolen from other nations through coercive diplomacy) on controlling every region by recruiting pro-colonial nations in every region to promote its global geo-political interests. Almost the entire world is now made to play the US strategic games!

The  impact of joint operations by USA-UK terror twins is being felt across the  globe. UK claims equal status with USA also plays second fiddle to Washington willingly for common good to protect the colonial and capitalist interests. Russia and China  play their own common strategies only obtain concessions from the west in terms of economic markets and they do not hesitate to betray the even those Muslim nations, for example, Iraq, Iran and Libya, in order to advance their  interests. European states have been made to depend too much on USA-UK terror twins.

The unipolar USA does not clash with other rogues on the UNSC-5 like UK, France, Russia and China and makes necessary adjustments with them to let them also promote US interests without much hesitation. All former British colonies, like India, are not under the joint conttrol of USA-UK. While USA has assigned Russia the charge of Central Asia and Eastern Europe in some measures, China’s traditional role in East Asia and South East Asia is also officially agreed upon.

In South Asia Indian military muscle and its capacity to maneuver the global mafia forces in its favor has been recognized in Washington, but India’s over ambition to be a part of notorious UNSC-5 to share war and trade booties has been ignored by USA and its western allies.

USA has very efficiently been using a greedy and extra fanatic India in creating nuisances for Beijing by pushing India to confront China’s sea prowess in South China Sea proper which is under China’s control, unofficially. Seeking  nuclear and Kashmir assurances, New Delhi is ever ready to oblige the  all new bosses  in Washington and London. India is too harpy that USA and UK could destabilize Pakistan and Afghanistan and hopes  USA would soon handover Afghan control to India and from there India military could boss over Islamabad  under guidance from Washington.

Hoping that the time is slowing moving towards Indian side, Manmohan Singh, who is struggling to survive at any cost against the force of second freedom struggle being waged directly by people of India though a powerful anti-corruption movement, has hurriedly dispatched a war ship to South China Sea to impress the Obama and other western fascist rouges. And knowing  clearly the hidden US hands in the episode, China has only warned of action against India’s misplaced misadventurism.

True, in signing up ties with China, India very efficiently employs the  Muslim card as being a common problem, but China views the problem differently than  fanatic India. By the way, what business an innocent looking India has got to do in far away East Asia or South China Sea and why should it force a confrontation with China the most powerful power of Asia and a UNSC-5 rogue state supporting all anti-Islamic terror wars of NATO terror syndicate along with its former communist leader Russia?

In advancing its illegal interests through immoral means, USA uses different tools in varying  degrees depending on the situation in irritate China it employs India and its warships. Washington knows it could  pull up and down any nation at will, especially the ones that pursue hidden agendas and are unsure of its own polices. India is too proud of and willing to be US agents. Pakistan and India, sharing the buffer zone Jammu Kashmir illegally,  fit into US exceptions more than enough.

India maybe a colonial power itself by illegally occupying Jammu Kashmir or regular slaughtering Muslims there with tacit support from all other colonial criminal powers. But does India’s military and terror strategist nuts think they could fool even the imperialist terrocrats like the Americans and Europeans on common anti-Islamic agenda?

How long can Indian terrocracy sport an innocent look, crying loud as if it is a top terror-victim and also fool the humanity with professional techniques while committing crimes against humanity along with, and on par with, other terrocracies?

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