"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: Ghayyur_Ayub
Full Name: Ghayyur Ayub
User since: 26/Jul/2007
No Of voices: 302
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Dear All

Writing in a daily newspaper Mr. Najam Sethi warned public that if the Supreme Court did not validate the election results, Gen. Musharaf may impose martial law. It seems that the learned writer ignored the fact that the ineffective measures taken by Musharaf against terrorism have changed the mood in the west. This, and the falling grace of army in the eyes of vast majority of Pakistanis and the emerging resentment within the rank and files of armed forces would make it extremely difficult to impose Martial Law. I am not adding the mood of the proactive superior judiciary to my list. In simple words, the element of fear has evaporated from vast majority of the public. So Martial Law in present scenario would be ineffective as the public will take up arms against their own army with disastrous results. There were tears in my eyes when BBC interviewed three army officers who were captured by the tribesmen along with their 250 Jawans during broad daylight amidst the 80,000 army spread in the area. Can Mr Sethi imagine a shattering experience of those army men who watch their colleagues captured by their own countrymen?  Would Martial Law be still effective in such circumstances?

Dr Ghayur Ayub

 Reply:   They all are trying to harass
Replied by(Noman) Replied on (14/Oct/2007)

Indirectly they all are trying to pressurize the Supreme court, why no one is saying to Supreme court that if you validate the Election then civil war can start in Pakistan, then people can suicide with frustration, can supreme court loose all its value.

Why every one is showing one picture of Martial Law, even no one is talking about emergency, because every one knows in the case of emergency supreme court will work, but in the case of Martial law Supreme Court will suspend and Judges will either retire or will take oath under PCO.
so basically they all are trying to threaten supreme court.
this is very shameless behavior by supreme court, i think the need of time is t support supreme court, the need of time is to tell supreme court on every forum that please dont validate this Monster Musharraf, and we re with you, we will again break those hands which will try to sack you(SC) like we did in CJ case.
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