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(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: abdulruff
Full Name: Dr.Abdul Ruff Colachal
User since: 15/Mar/2008
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Indian Polls: people reject both Congress and BJP




The rude shock treatment by people of India to India's two major political outfits the Congress and BJP in the just concluded  polls in 5 state assemblies would certainly serve as a prelude for the 2014 parliamentary (Lok Sabha) elections. 


The elections in Uttar-pradesh were seen as mirror of popular mood of Indian masses and by electing Samajwadi party (SP)  the UP which has over 30% m Muslim voters have clearly rejected the false and artificial concerns of both Congress and BJP, the  secret allies with Hindutva agenda and have ruled an du ruined the  state alternatively  and during the BJP rule the the most shameful  act of destroying the Babri Mosque by the Hindu terrorists with New Delhi's (Congress party regime) blessings took place.


Fall of elephants in Lucknow and  entire UP signals a basic shift in poplar understanding of politics. National parties and their  leaders survive thanks to the foolishness and  wickedness of regional leaders. 


In all 5 states people seem to have consciously voted against Congress-BJP duo. 


Communists are nowhere seen in any of the 5 seats. They are happy with their traditional catchment areas in four states but now even that gone out of their hands.  


People of India is fed up with both Congress and BJP and political gimmicks for decades now and they expect a third front to emerge soon to serve them honestly.

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