"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: Noman
Full Name: Noman Zafar
User since: 1/Jan/2007
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Let's begin with the facts on the ground which no one can deny regardless of one's political slant.

The military establishment's exploitation of Pakistan has been a constant, unchanging factor throughout the country's 59 year old history. The military began with a British commander-in-chief who ignored Mohamed Ali Jinnah's [Quaide Azam'] orders to advance into Kashmir. Under Yahya Khan the military reached its nadir and Pakistan broke up under Indian attack on East Pakistan. The army's behavior towards Bengalis and then its abject surrender was the sign of its moral demise. Under General Musharraf, the military has become a tool of immense service to the U.S.-U.K.-Israel and has opened the floodgates of terrorism against those fighting for Islam. The country has been handed over to the U.S. by General Musharraf to such an extent that the CIA and the FBI are running rampant all over Pakistan and have their headquarters right in Islamabad. Under Yahya, the army lost its soul. Under Musharraf both body and soul have been placed in the hands of the triple axis of evil.

Tremendous economic disparities have torn the country into a land of "haves" [15%-20%] and "have nots' [80% or more]

Women are denied their rights at every level of society. Among the well-to-do, this denial is often sophisticated and sugar-coated. Among the masses, it is blatant and sometimes downright evil.

Now let's look at the positive aspects:

Islam is stronger than ever before. Movements like Jamaate Islami, Jamaat ad-Da'wa, Tablighi Jamaat have huge support groups. The masjids [mosques] are packed with people looking for salvation through Islam

There is much greater political awareness than ever before. People are skeptical of politicians and leaders.

People are upwardly mobile and want to succeed both in this world and the Herafter. The sense that things will not change has been largely replaced by a great awareness of the possibilities of life and a desire for change.

Tens of thousands of women have achieved university education and are no longer willing to accept male oppression. Both Jamaate Islami and Jamaat ad-Da'wa have significant following among women.

Change will come about but HOW?

The power of the military has to be broken. But who will bell the cat? The Islamic groups are unable to confront the military. Jamaate Islami can't do it because it has inculcated for too long the cult of "pariamentary democracy" and change through elections.

Jamaat ad-Da'wa can't do it because it fears [a very legitimate concern] that weakening the military will embolden Indian aggression.

Tablighi Jamaat is too limited in its view of Islam to be a factor. In fact it preaches a pacifism which helps the military's position.

New forces may well emerge owing to the limitations of these three groups, just as the failure of the Ikhwan [Muslim Brotherhood] did in Egypt.

Probably a movement like that of the Taliban will be needed to take on the military and break its grip on Pakistan. Confrontations in Waziristan show that Pakistani-style Taliban do have the ability to beat the military at its own game

Possibilities for Change through Reform rather than Jihad:

If Jamaat-e-Islami and/or Jamaat ad-Da'wa decide to fight for the Islamic rights of women, strictly on the basis of the Qur'an and the authentic Hadith, the influence of these movements could increase rapidly. At this time, victimized and suffering women are entirely in the clutches of General Musharraf, Americanized-secularized women's groups and even women's rights groups operating directly out of the U.S. and Europe.

Women's rights cannot change until women's right to INHERITANCE as in the Qur'an is implemented. Secondly MARRIAGE outside the immediate family and clan needs to be emphasized. At this time, we have a marriage system which DIRECTLY violates Islamic teachings.

An Islamic movement is needed which would be based on the MOST DOWNTRODDEN segments of society and which would take on "end to poverty" as its basic issue. Pakistan cannot become a just society based on Islam as long as huge disparities exist. There have to be the VERY POOR leading Islamic movements, otherwise its all talk.


America sees Pakistan as a bastion of Islamic resurgence ["terrorism" in Zionist terminology]. Musharraf as America's tool is not sufficient to stop this "terrorism." In fact Jamaate Islami [and the MMA coalition in general] has successfully isolated Musharraf even though they can't remove him. The U.S. will need to remove Musharraf to strike directly at Pakistan's Islamic foundations. In case Osama bin Laden is caught or killed, the Americans will want bring an even more virulent general to strike major blows at Islam.

India may well be tempted to intervene with the promise of U.S.-Israeli backing. This however won't happen while the Islamic movements are going strong. Musharraf needs the "Indian threat" to keep himself in power and to neutralize armed opposition to the military.

Pakistan's internal conflicts are simmering steadily in Baluchistan and Waziristan. Social disintegration is also continuing apace. Thus the potential for internal disruption is accumulating.

If the Pakistani Islamic movements of the coming times decide to take over Pakistan through internal Jihad, that could resolve many of Pakistan's internal contradictions.

COINCLUSION: Pakistan is passing through critical times. Anything could happen there, both for good or for evil.
by Kaukab Siddique, Ph.D Associate Professor of English
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