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User Name: abdulruff
Full Name: Dr.Abdul Ruff Colachal
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Hypocrisy of Democracy Leaders: How great is Aung San Suu Kyi?



Dr. Abdul Ruff, Specialist on State Terrorism;Chancellor-Founder of Centor for International Affairs(CIA); Independent Analyst;Chronicler of Foreign occupations & Freedom movements(Palestine,Kashmir, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Xinjiang, Chechnya, etc.) Former university Teacher; website:


For India anyone who supports Indian causes and opposes real democratic rights are award winning great friends. Nobel laureate Aung San Suu Kyi has been directly opposing all repressive operations that India has been engaged in for c decade sof its brutal occupation of Jammu Kashmir.

If anyone supports Kashmir freedom movement India regime and media nuts target them as enemy of mother India. But same people spearheading freedom movements abroad are appreciated by the regime and even offer awards.

On the one hand  it terrorizes and kills people of Kudankulam in Tamilnadu for peacefully protesting against the imposition of nuclear terror plant on their soil, threatening their existence,  on the other hand, India also applauds freedom leaders who oppose  oppressive measures in other terrocracies like Burma. 

That is India double speaks. However, it is not a laughing matter but a very serious  issue.

Aung San Suu Kyi is a hero in India and has been accorded rousing reception. but Kashmir freedom leaders like Geelani is under oppression and perpetual house arrests. Myanmar's iconic pro-democracy leader and Nobel laureate Aung San Suu Kyi who refused to protest or even contemn the state crimes targeting and against Muslims, mightl visit India for nearly a week next month, her first trip to the country after a gap of nearly 40 years. Terror Prime Minister Manmohan Singh had extended an invitation to Suu Kyi to visit India when he was in Myanmar early this year. Suu Kyi will deliver the Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Lecture here Nov 14, the birth day of J. Nehru, the real problem as well as culprit of today’s corrupt India.  


The Burma rulers used others when they needed but kill them once the work is over. They wanted more people from neighboring nations to join the economic activities and welcomed people from Chittagong region of the then India (now a part of Bangladesh) which was a densely populated. Those who emigrated to Arakan (now a part of Myanmar) were mostly Muslims though there were a few Buddhists as well.  During the Second World War the British Indian Army under the command of Brigadier Bill Slim took lot of Bengali Muslims with them for support role. Many of these civilians stayed back and settled in Burma.  


Military still calls all shots in Burma where politicians play a limited role. USDP has not had a permanent leader since Thein Sein became Burma's president last year. Analysts said that the USDP risks outright defeat in a general election planned for 2015 if the vote is free and fair - although Burma's current constitution guarantees the military a quarter of seats in parliament.Myanmar's opposition leader was conferred the Jawaharlal Nehru Award for International Understanding in 1992.  Her support for state crimes in Burma and worldwide must have endeared her to Indian regime engaged in massacre of Muslims in occupied Jammu Kashmir and she never voiced her anger over Indian aggression and atrocities.  Suu Kyi, chairperson of the National League for Democracy, was under house arrest in Myanmar for almost 15 of the 21 years from July 20, 1989 until her release Nov 13, 2010. Her connection to India goes back to her youth when her mother, Khin Kyi, was appointed ambassador to India and Nepal in 1960.  Suu Kyi studied in the Convent of Jesus and Mary School, and graduated from Lady Shri Ram College in New Delhi with a degree in politics in 1964.


Burma's army-backed ruling party Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP) started a three-day conference to choose a new party chief and attempt to frame a new strategy. As it wants to regroup after the newly legalized opposition NLD, led by Aung San Suu Kyi, trounced nearly all its candidates in April by-elections. Meanwhile, the ruling USDP A USDP MP Win Than said that his party could not afford to stand still. "We must not resist change now. If we don't change, we'll lag behind. We've gone through several parliamentary sessions and we now know what people want and what they don't," he told the BBC. "As a main party, we'll be discussing the 2015 elections. During the conference, he expects to see a strong new collective leadership for the party, to be prepared for change.

While offering awards and extra cash to special guests who stand  by Indian corrupt system, Indian corrupt regime is also highly rigid and does not let the opposition and others to successfully expose the scams and other irregularities in the regime which forced the Anna Hazare led anti-corruption movement to wind up. .

 Days after his split with Anna Hazare, activist Arvind Kejriwal will formally join politics Tuesday with the announcement of launch of a political party. The move will coincide with the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. Kejriwal will also announce members of his new party, an aide said Monday. "The formal launch of the party will be tomorrow (Tuesday) morning. The announcement will be made at a function at the Constitution Club in New Delhi," Aswathi Muralidharan, India Against Corruption media coordinator, told IANS. Kejriwal, a prominent IAC leader, will state the vision of the party and its constitution at the launch, she said.

Kejriwal met Anna Hazare in the capital Monday for the first time since they split and said that although their paths now diverged, their destination was the same. "Anna is in Delhi, so I naturally had to meet him. Our ways are different, but our destination is the same. I have told Anna that I will support him in all his movements," Kejriwal told reporters after the meeting. He blamed the media for trying to project a rift between him and Hazare. "There is no fight. Our relationship and communication will continue, we will keep meeting," he said. Kejriwal said Hazare would not join his political party. "He has already said that he will not be part of it as he thinks politics is not the right direction," Kejriwal said. An internal Lokpal will also be appointed by the party to probe cases of impropriety, The name of the internal Lokpal, a retired judge, will be announced Tuesday.

Hazare is opposed to the movement turning political and parted ways with the pro-party group led by Kejriwal Sep 19. He has also banned use of his name or photograph by any political outfit. On the eve of the launch of his political party, activist Arvind Kejriwal Monday met Anna Hazare in the capital for the first time since they split, and said that although their paths now diverged, their destination was the same.

Kejriwal, who launched his political party on Mahatma Gandhi's birth anniversary, said there is no rift between him and Hazare. "Anna is in Delhi, so I naturally had to meet him. Our ways are different, but our destination is the same. I have told Anna that I will support him in all his movements," Kejriwal told reporters after the meeting. He blamed the media for trying to project a rift between him and Hazare. "There is no fight. Our relationship and communication will continue, we will keep meeting," he said. Kejriwal said that Hazare would not join his political party. "He has already said that he will not be part of it as he thinks politics is not the right direction," Kejriwal said. He claimed that he did not find the answer in the political alternative proposed by the Kejriwal-led group. Hazare and Kejriwal parted ways last month and Hazare banned use of his name or photograph by any political outfit.

Politicians become corrupt if not already. Anna Hazare has no faith in this corrupt electoral process and poll verdicts. Politics cannot combat corruption, activist Anna Hazare said, "Politics is not the right direction," he told the media on his arrival to meet with activists to decide the future court of action in the campaign to fight corruption. "If politics could give us a bright future, then why is India, once called a golden bird, had to mortgage gold (later). This country will not get the right future from politics," he said. Hazare reiterated that he would not enter politics and that he did not get answers on the political alternative proposed by the Arvind Kejriwal-led group. Hazere, who will return to Maharashtra Monday, and Kejriwal have fallen out over the issue of forming a political party to combat corruption.

When India cannot respect the anti-corruption movement led by Gandhian Hazare and his lieutenants like Prashant and Kejriwal and while killing and terrorizing Kudankulam people in Tamilnad for asking the regime to shut down the nuclear terror plant on their soil what kind of peace or democracy it wants by awarding so called prestigious prize to Aung San Suu Kyi or asking her to speak on international understanding?

An Observation

State terrorism is supposedly the “internal matter” for all terrocracies and they refuse to give equal rights to all its citizens and grant equal protection to all. The Myanmar Government has hence refused any OIC representative to visit the country.  Myanmar must allow all outside agencies to visit the country to see the fate of the Rohingas in their own country Myanmar.

Notwithstanding their known “pious” nature, the Buddhists have killed many Muslims as part of  what looks like ethnic cleansing in Myanmar The modern day Buddhist killing and ethnic cleansing of Muslims in Myanmar has crossed the records set by previous atrocities. 

Every pro-democracy leader now looks like a fake. Nobel peace prize has become a laughing matter as it has been awarded for purposes with ulterior motives. Obama got it as encouragement boost for his future state terror operations against Islamic world . Aung San Suu Kyi should either have cancelled her trip to India or if she had been forced by India to undertake the tour to India and make a few pro-India words, she must have expressed solidarity with the people of Kashmir and Kudankulam. After all their suffering is no less important than what she endured against the military regime. She must quickly make a statement about her views about the Kudankulam struggle!

As a Nobel laureate for peace, Aung San Suu Kyi is expected to defend the besieged people of Palestine and Kashmir who have been fighting oppressive occupiers, Israel and India, respectively. It is a cold shame that she has not yet made a statement about the plight of both Palestinians and Kashmiris after her release and poll.  India has murdered about 100,000 innocent Kashmiri Muslims and yet she quite wants some money from a terror regime by giving a talk.

Is it then a joint anti-Muslim collaboration? 

In which way is the Kashmiri struggle for freedom different from her own?

India kills those Kashmir Muslims who, inspired by freedom leaders like Sui, fight for freedom and they are murdered brutally as terrorists by Indiana regime. 

Leaders who claim to be democrats or promoting democracy and freedom should give up hypocrisy and double-speaks.Any piece meal approach to peace or democracy or human sufferings can’t do justice to humanity.


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