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User Name: abdulruff
Full Name: Dr.Abdul Ruff Colachal
User since: 15/Mar/2008
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Cricketism fixes behind the scene!


[Dr. Abdul Ruff Colachal, Specialist on State Terrorism ;Chancellor-Founder of Centor for International Affairs(CIA); Commentator  on world affairs, Analyst on Middle East, Chronicler of Foreign occupations & Freedom movements (Palestine, Kashmir, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Xinjiang, Chechnya, etc.) Former university Teacher; website:]



The ignorant world being fooled by the vested interest gangs, still has the right to know facts.

India invariably prepares the cricketism schedule to suit its politics. Maybe the same is true of other cricketism nations too.

South Africans serve Australians and in turn England is served by Australia! Records are decided and shared by money.

Australians, like others, go for fixings and state shamelessly offers their highest national honours to international cricket frauds. Cricket, like underworld operations, is regulated by state (sport agencies) and other non-state agencies like mafias to circulate black money and promote money laundering globally. The regime seems to have vested interest in cricketism exercises.  Outcome of the matches are decided before hand by the teams along “package” lines. Team can win the toss and the bowlers can gift almost 500 runs in test on day one itself.  Even toss win is fabricated by flicking the coin far away deliberately and someone promptly reporting as decided by the teams.  


Taking wickets is bowler job. But some silly bowlers try to make bat boys look big and great by offering them big runs. When they get a fake wicket they jump up and down like badly wounded soldiers.  Both Styen and Tahir, for example, are extra eccentric guys who make big ugly show if at all they get a wicket even by chance or even when batboys deliberately throw away wicket .as if they have done what others cannot do ... Nonsense... If bowlers and fielders play sincerely there can be a wicket in every over without runs. ICC and cricket mafias should let that happen.

Commentators support the country that pays them more in money and services. Commentators always bull talk about "fabulous shots" when in fact the bowlers and fielders let that happen by deliberate mischief.

South African team looks like sacrifice animals. It seems they are so selected to ensure victory for Australians and the pitch in Australia is made to promote batboys of Australia. Otherwise how can you explain Australians making merry at the crease with “fabulous shots” on first day after winning? Can a strong team allow 500 runs on the first day? How can every country be allowed to prepared pitches only to suit their own teams and select batboys by fixing?

Bowlers are supposed to  help the cricket mafias with predetermined outcomes.  They strike only when they are asked to, otherwise they keep offering batboys runs in fours and sixes.

Cricketism toss. Why can’t camera be is allowed to spot the position of coin so that the show others who watch the show also can see the coin toss result? Why the secrecy? 

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