"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: Riaz
Full Name: Riaz Jafri
User since: 25/Jan/2008
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March 1st, 2008


Suicidal Killings


As if the killing of DSP Javed Iqbal in Lakki Marwat was any less dastardly that the callous killers struck again the same evening at his Namza e Janaza in Mingora Swat killing his son along with more than fifty and injuring over a hundred others. What heavens must have not fallen on the wretched lady "“ the wife of the DSP and the mother of their young son?! One shudders even to imagine it. What kind of Muslims are they who kill their innocent Muslims brethren offering prayers? And, ironically in the name Islam too! How will their mentors face their Maker on the day of judgement for spurring these gullible up to the extreme act of committing suicide ostensibly for a promise of Jannat? The naive perpetrator is even indoctrinated to believe that all those who would die with him would also go to Jannat as they too would be Shaheed! His such belief is further strengthened for him inadvertently by the press, media, civil society and the officialdom who all call such killed Shaheed. Since the whole heinous drama is played in the name of Islam, I think, it is the duty of all the clergy, the clerics and scholars of Islam, the Pirs and Faqirs,  the Ulema and  Mushaikh, and the big wigs of the religious political parties to counter this myth effectively. Especially, it devolves on the shoulders of all those running Madrassas to impart only the correct teachings of Islam to their students and not produce the ignorant orthodox morons . They should, therefore, take it on as a mission and preach their followers with all the power at their command, produce literature in the light of Islam and Qura'n and appear on the electronic media "“TV, radio, FM stations etc. pronouncing vigorously such suicide bombing entirely unIslamic.  That the perpetrators die a Haram Maut of suicide which is forbidden in Islam.  At present though they somewhat do condemn the act but not that forcefully and openly as the need of the hour demands. Media must also play its highly effective role in educating the naïve masses on an extensive and regular basis. Features in the print and programmes and shows on the electronic media must appear very regularly on a war footing. The potential suicide bomber must be apprised of the facts, the immensely great sin that stands to commit and stopped in his tracks from performing such an unIslamic act anymore.



Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)

30, Westridge-1

Rawalpindi 546 3344

Tel: (051) 546 3344

 Reply:   I am agree with you
Replied by(Noman) Replied on (1/Mar/2008)

Have you ever thought "What heavens must have not fallen on the father, who lost five kids in missile attack on mudrassa in bajour"
Have you ever thought "What heavens must have not fallen on the families who are losing every thing in attacks in waziristan "
Please try to see this side of picture as well
Any one who is doing suicide attack is not doing with happiness, there must be and there is some thing behind it.
Please send your suggestion/submission to
Long Live Islam and Pakistan
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