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User Name: abdulruff
Full Name: Dr.Abdul Ruff Colachal
User since: 15/Mar/2008
No Of voices: 1852
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Cricketism:  Give runs and seek wickets: Pakistani style


The most harmless cricketism is its give and take policy being pursued by every cricket team and every bowler who wants to promote  fake cricket and bogus records - perhaps with an exception of Mr. Naraine of West Indies. (How come the cricket mafias have left him to choose his own style of dotball bowling is a small question only, because his serious bowling have been making the big batboys  sweat at the crease and run away, throwing  away their big bats).


PCB and Pakistan team of cricket perhaps think dotballs are waste because every ball should give some runs to the batboys so that cricket survives.


Therefore, Pakistani bowlers are encouraged, and even asked to offer the opponent batboys too many runs so that other teams consider Pakistan team of nice guys and give some good runs  select Pak batboys.


This is in deed the ICC idea of more runs for  poor batoboys so that cricket mafias would  canvass for rewards and a wards for batboys. . .


now you know, why Pakistan  doe snot try to reduce run-rate  but only offer too many fours.


Pakistani team seeks sympathy  of batboys for wickets, and not skillful bowling. . .


After all, is it not nice offering free runs in plenty to the needy batboys and earn goodwill and money?


Tell me which team does not do it as official policy?  if bowlers are strict like Naraine how can the poor batboys like Indian major god Sachin Tendulkar, shine? or ,




By Dr. Abdul Ruff Colachal

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