"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: Noman
Full Name: Noman Zafar
User since: 1/Jan/2007
No Of voices: 2195
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I think now rulers should seriously think about the new name of Pakistan. As now a days from no where it lookslike Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Most renowned Islamic TV channel Peace TV is off air in many parts of Pakistan and Ahmedia TV which is for propagating Qadiyani religion is on air.
Our government should feel the responsibility and should do some thing in this record.
Similarly all non-controversial Islamic scholars are not appearing on any Pakistani TV channel and all controversial so-called Islamic scholars like Ghamdi and Amir liaqat hussain are o air.
I think as a Muslim we should strongly condemn such activities.
Here are some news items in this regard from nawa-i-waqt and DAWN.
Peace TV

PEACE TV channel originates in India and is run all over the world without any restrictions. This is the only channel full time propagating Islam (meaning peace). It is also trying to remove all the misconceptions about Islam in the best possible way.

How sad and unfortunate that the telecast of such a unique Islamic channel has been barred by Pemra in the country so proudly called the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

I appeal to Muslims all over the world to pressure Pemra to remove all restrictions on this channel.

I also appeal to all our religious parties to strongly agitate against this most unfortunate act of Pemra.

I would also like to draw the attention of the new government in this regard. Hoping a new bill will free this most unobjectionable channel also.



AS democracy's shades and colours start to show up on the faces and in the lives of a hopeful nation, we hope that this will also mean a liberated media in the true sense.

Tolerance and liberty, freedom of thought and speech....this is not too much to expect.

A channel by the name of "˜Peace TV' "” an eye-opening, educative channel which is the need of today's times for Muslims and the world alike -- is still banned on our cables. When cable operators are asked, they simply say that Pemra laws have forbidden it.

The information minister should look into the matter, and not let a disappointment change into permanent disillusionment.


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