"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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Prophet (webmaster:naa-auz-ib-Allah) not perfect, says Islamic scholar

October 04, 2006
Muslim minds 'closed': Ameer Ali, doctor of economics at Murdoch University in Perth, says the Koran must not be read literally but reinterpreted for today. Picture: Colin Murty

A LEADING adviser on Islam, Ameer Ali, has attacked Muslims who "blindly" follow their faith and fail to question the veracity of the Koran, saying that even Mohammed had "flaws".

The chairman of John Howard's Muslim advisory board yesterday warned that Islamists would continue to breed jihadis unless the Koran was "reinterpreted" for today's society.
He also said mosques were increasingly being used by imams to deliver sermons that were not open to discussion.
Dr Ali said the majority of Muslim clerics had for centuries imposed a "literalist" teaching of Islam, telling their followers that deviating from the written message would ultimately lead to their admission into hell.
"The times are changing and with the change of times, you also have to reinterpret the Koran," he told The Australian.
"Because if you believe that it's a book for all the times and all the nations, then that book must be yielding new meanings.
"There are verses about slavery, and the Koran says you must be kind to the slaves. So are the Muslims saying we must have slavery to be kind?
"The jihadists are interpreting the Koran literally and that's the problem ... Popular Muslims, because of their lack of knowledge about religion, are vulnerable to these sort of teachings."
Dr Ali, who is writing an academic paper entitled "Closing of the Muslim Mind", said even Mohammed was not the "perfect model" as most Muslims believed. Asked if the prophet had character flaws, he said: "Of course - you must look at him as a human being also."
His call for moderation comes 11 days into Ramadan, the holy month that requires Muslims to fast, give to charity and become more spiritually accountable.
His comments came as a French philosophy teacher was forced into hiding after describing the Mohammed as a ruthless warlord and mass murderer. Robert Redeker has been under police protection, moving between secret addresses, since threats against him appeared on Islamist websites last week. His home address was published with calls to murder.
Dr Ali criticised community members for playing victim when Muslims reacted violently against criticism, as after the publication of the Danish cartoons and the recent comments by the Pope.
He said it was time for Muslims to "confront this challenge head-on and look critically at their behaviour and mode of response to alleged blasphemy".
Dr Ali called for Hezbollah to be removed from the Government's terror organisations list two months ago, saying they were freedom fighters defending their country against Israeli invasion.
The former president of the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils said there were sections of the Koran that were relevant to "everybody at every time".
But he said people needed to read into the scripture and not merely accept it as the final word.
Dr Ali - who heads the Muslim Community Reference Group set up last year following the London bombings to improve communication channels between the federal Government and Australia's 300,000 Muslims - labelled the idea of going to hell for questioning the Koran a "load of rubbish".
"Because we cannot decide who's going to go to hell and who's going to go to heaven - that's left to the creator," he said.
Dr Ali criticised Muslims who react violently towards any depictions of Mohammed while aspiring to emulate his ways.
"True, Islam prohibits any drawing or a statue to be carved out representing the figure of the prophet. Still, it has not prevented the Muslims from imitating the physical features of Mohammed," he said.
Dr Ali said it was "ridiculous" that some Muslims believed God would judge them on the "length of (their) beard". He said Muslims would be judged on their "character, their knowledge, their contribution to society".
He said young Muslim Australians were slowly becoming more inquisitive about their faith. "Therefore they are going to ask questions when they grow up and that's a healthy trend," he said.
 Reply:   We Should condemn this kind of
Replied by(webmaster) Replied on (7/Oct/2006)
by the looks of him ( if it is the picture of Ameer Ali ) it seems that he has literally gained a lot in ECONOMICS and very less in religion.(
Assalam o Allaikum,

by the looks of him ( if it is the picture of Ameer Ali ) it seems that he has literally gained a lot in ECONOMICS and very less in religion.

We Should condemn this kind of PERFECT scholars.

Allah Hafiz
 Reply:   Holy Prophet(PBUH) is Uswa-e-K
Replied by(webmaster) Replied on (6/Oct/2006)
Holy Prophet(PBUH) is Uswa-e-Kamil, According to Qurran, so one who doesnot believe in this verse ,doesnot beleive in Quran and the person who doesnot believe in Qurran is not muslim
Holy Prophet(PBUH) is Uswa-e-Kamil, ccording to Qurran, so one who doesnot believe in this verse ,doesnot beleive in Quran and the person who doesnot believe in Qurran is not muslim, so Mr Dr Amir Ali is "Murtid" and the penelty for Murtid is Death, secondly as he tried to humilate the personaity of Holy Prophet(Naa-Auz-ib-Allah),no one can do that, and any ne who tries to that is also "Waajib-e-Qatal", so i think any muslim near to him, should take this golden oppotunity to go to heaven by killing this man

 Reply:   Dr Amir Ali is not a Muslimsc
Replied by(webmaster) Replied on (6/Oct/2006)
Those who have so much hatred of Qurtan and Islam that they do not even use the proper name of Quran (Not Koran), and those who think that Muhmmad (PBUH) was not the perfect role model are s
With Allah's Name, the Most Merciful, the Most Comapssionate

Assalamo Alaikum.

Those who have so much hatred of Qurtan and Islam that they do not even use the proper name of Quran (Not Koran), and those who think that Muhmmad (PBUH) was not the perfect role model are simply not Muslim. His praise fro Hezbollah is also amazing and confirm my earlier reservations about Hezbollah. Hezbollah played the roel fo Yaser Arafat, Jamal Nasir, Saddam, Asad etc who are all pseudo enemies created by Israel in order to justify its own grave global terrorism. Without these 'American Wrestling Matches" and "Muppet shows" many people would not be deceived. May Allah save us from such pseudo intellectuals who do not change themselves but try to change Islam. They suffer from enormous inferiortiy compexes and are always darlings of the Kuffar. We again say that none of the terrorism is committed by Muslims and almost all terrorist acts are carried out by the enemies of Islam and Muslims. Islam and Muslims are being held hostage. Every fourth person on this earth is a Muslim. If we reach out and touch someone, we can correct the misconceptions about Islam. If we jsut stay in our wells and do ntohingthen we deserve the wrath and violence of un-informed and mis-informed mobs. Choice is yours, You want friends or enemies. If you speak out and extend the Noor of Quran, you will have friends and if you do nothing you will have enemies. Let us shun lazziness and be active. If you do not know how to act, when to act, please contact us, we will Insha Allah share ideas to remove ignoracne.

Your brother in Truth and Islam,
With Peace,

Anwar Ul Haque

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