"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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Another army man as VC
http://www.dawn. com/2006/ 09/29/ed. htm

THE appointment of a retired brigadier as the vice-chancellor of Bolan University by the Balochistan government is contrary to what FAPUASA and the HEC had expected. Barely a week ago, Dr Attaur Rahman, chairman of the Higher Education Commission, had assured a delegation of the Federation of All Pakistan Universities Academic Staff Association that no army person would now be appointed VC in any university. It is shocking that in total disregard of academic requirements, the governor of Balochistan has proceeded to break the rules to accommodate yet another retired military officer as VC. The prescribed procedure is pretty clear and straightforward. It calls for a ¡vice-chancellor search committee¢ to be formed with the governor¢s approval, followed by an announcement by the HEC for the position of vice-chancellor in all national dailies. The applicants are then short-listed and interviewed by the search committee after which it has to forward the names of three candidates for the chancellor¢s (governor of the province) approval. The chancellor will then have the prerogative to select a person from amongst them or ask for fresh recommendations.

Obviously nothing of this sort has been done in this particular case. Thus Balochistan University becomes the third institution of higher education in the country in recent years to have an ex-army officer at the helm. Punjab University, the oldest university in the country with a proud tradition of learning, is headed by Lt Gen Arshad Mahmood who is not a PhD but just an MSc in War Studies and Defence and Strategic Studies (QAU). The Quaid-i-Azam University is also headed by a retired captain of the Pakistan army allegedly with a questionable degree. At this rate, Pakistan which has the dubious honour of having no university of world standing (to quote the HEC chairman) will do serious harm to the few institutions it has. At one time, the Balochistan University was headed by giants such as the venerable Prof Karrar Husain, the founding vice-chancellor. The HEC, headed by an academic, understands the negative implications of such appointments. In the case of Balochistan, a province suffering from the throes of a military crackdown, an army man at the head of its premier
institution of learning has serious political implications as well. How will the HEC react?
 Reply:   Pakistan Cricket Board, Public
Replied by(webmaster) Replied on (21/Oct/2006)
Pakistan Cricket Board, Public utilities like Electricity, Water Board
Pakistan Cricket Board, Public utilities like Electricity, Water Board,
Gas, - every top job is reserved for the Army Generals because Pakistan
Army has occupied the country (Pakistan). Fouji Foundation (PAKISTAN
ARMY) is playing a part in the commercial sector i.e. runs a bank,
factories, etc. LONG LIVE General Musharraf for making Pakistan a real
estate of the Generals.

Why should anyone complain about the apointment of a brigidier to the
University's top job.

If we accept the military rule then why should we object to the

Shaikh Mohommad
 Reply:   The appointment of a Brigadier
Replied by(webmaster) Replied on (21/Oct/2006)
The appointment of a Brigadier as the leader of a major university is a major insult, as has been done in Quetta. Such a lowly officer has no place being head of an August body. gul.agha@gma
The appointment of a Brigadier as the leader of a major university is a major insult, as has been done in Quetta. Such a lowly officer has no place being head of an August body.

It is not that universities should be closed to talent from
outside. We have a tradition of many former governors, senators,
presidents of the US, etc. become professors after retiring from
their fields. They have something to contribute from their
experience. Vice-President Al Gore taught after losing as
presidential candidate, Lydon Johnson did the same after the
presidency. The list is long. A popular two term former
governor of Illinois is now a professor at my university teaching
courses in political science and government.

A military man as an administrator in a university is a very
tough call. Gen Eisenhower, Supreme Commander of Allied Forces
in the Second World War and respected war hero after the victory
in the war, accepted the Presidency of Columbia University (it
was the sort of experience that convinced people to vote for him
later for President of the US). But it was a culture shock for
the General when he took over. At the first meeting of the
faculty, he said he said he was proud to have such prominent
faculty working for him. The faculty was not pleased by his
comment. A prominent professor, who was Nobel laurette, rose up
and responded, "General, let us get something clear. We do not
work for you. As President of the University, you work for us,
the members of the faculty." The general and war hero quickly
learned his role and place in the community of scholars.

A mere brigadier , with experience as an artillery instructor,
belonging to a bloody military which is responsible for an
undemocratic society, as the leader of an august institution of
learning! What an insult to scholars and to education!

It is clear that no progress is possible in Pakistan until its
military is abolished.


Gul Agha

 Reply:   Like many other Pakistanies, m
Replied by(webmaster) Replied on (20/Oct/2006)
Like many other Pakistanies, my friend Zafar Ali Siddiqui has also missunderstood the role of army. (
Dear Friends
Like many other Pakistanies, my friend Zafar Ali Siddiqui has also missunderstood the role of army.
Infact army is a tool which is not only used by Generals but by a well orchestrated combination of civil-military officials and politicians under the so called honourable Supreme (my foot) Court of Pakistan (Had the court ordered hanging of the first military intruder, things would have been quite in shape).
Above all, the main strings are controlled by the single POLE of the world; the USA. Like all of you, I also love my country more then my life, but state of affairs in Pakistan have compelled me to dilate upon following questions (can some one reply):-
1. Why do all of us always look towards or welcome army for a change of a so called political Govt- cant we do that ourself?
2. Why 16 Crore people have accepted to be hostage to about 5 lacs individuals (army)?
3. Was creation of Pakistan really an effort of Muslims of India or divided and fighting sub-continent suited the then new master of the world (USA)?
4. Can we, the Pakistani people, learn to live like a nation? Do we have the desire to get our rights without undermining our fellow citizens? If yes, then some day we can also get rid of the evil which has pushed us into poverty and bankrupcy of wealth and

 Reply:   Our memories are very week, we
Replied by(webmaster) Replied on (20/Oct/2006)
Our memories are very week, we forget all within 7 years, when Musharaf took charge (
Dear all,

Our memories are very week, we forget all within 7 years, when Musharaf took charge. Just go back and look at the economy that time. Reserves are almost empty and there we no funds to pay the next month salaries to Government employees including Army, air force and Navy. These forces take almost 70% of total Federal Government earnings directly and 20% indirectly and leaving only few percent for civilians.

All Civilian Governments tried to reduce the unnecessary expenses of Forces but failed because interest of ARMY TOP RANKED involved and hurt and they are not interested to make any compromise.

Our most Parliamentarians, Top Businessmen, Judges, Generals, Brigadiers, journalists and Political Leaders have Dual Nationalities or Passports in their Briefcases.

Big newspapers and TV Media are also working against the interest of nation.

Most Civilians are not educated, dispersed and are not unite in their interest and therefore every one is taking the advantage of the situation.

ARMY will go back only with the following conditions:-

Civilian Government gives them assurance that they safeguarded the interest of Army

Civilian Government will not put any hurdle in their policies

Civilian Government will give them more facilities

Civilian Government will maintain the state income so that they could easy meet army expenditure

Civilian Government should maintain good relations with army partner countries and neighboring countries.

Civilian Government should not hold talk without taking army in confidence with other countries we have disputes like Kashmir and now Afghanistan .

Army rule in the Constitution will be unchanged

There might be other points in the long list.

On the other hand, the CIA planed 9/11 event and Civilian Head of State of Pakistan cannot fulfill the CIA requirements. Just remember it took more than 48 hours for USA to accept Musharaf as Head of States because of several negotiations took place.

Our most Parliamentarians, Top Businessmen, Judges, Generals, Brigadiers, journalists and Political Leaders have Dual Nationalities or Passports in their Briefcases.


Big newspapers and TV Media are also working against the interest of nation.


Most Civilians are not educated, dispersed and are not unite in their interest and therefore every one is taking the advantage of the situation.


ARMY will go back only with the following conditions:-


Civilian Government gives them assurance that they safeguarded the interest of Army


Civilian Government will not put any hurdle in their policies


Civilian Government will give them more facilities


Civilian Government will maintain the state income so that they could easy meet army expenditure


Civilian Government should maintain good relations with army partner countries and neighboring countries.


Civilian Government should not hold talk without taking army in confidence with other countries we have disputes like Kashmir and now Afghanistan .


Army rule in the Constitution will be unchanged


There might be other points in the long list.


Therefore, no body care about the poor peoples, they have to take care of themselves.

We have to help them in getting better education and give them awareness about what is going on. They will accept these facts when they have the capacity to accept and we can increase this capacity only through education

 Reply:   The law and order situation in
Replied by(webmaster) Replied on (20/Oct/2006)
The law and order situation in Pakistani Colleges deteriorated since Politicians started exploiting students and foreign competing vested interests ( US and USSR) used (
Dear Brig. Usman Khalid:
ASA! The law and order situation in Pakistani Colleges deteriorated since Politicians started exploiting students and foreign competing vested interests ( US and USSR) used this opportunity to fund student Union leaders to create chaos in Pakistan soon after the death of Quiad-e-Azam and Liaqat Ali Khan. I strated my college education in Sind Muslim College Karachi in 1949, and was appointed on the teaching Faculty soon after obtaining my Honors degree (because in those days there was no institution established in Karachi to award Master's degrees and there was shortage of teachers as well). It was our observation as to how "Hooligans" were supported by vested interest groups, and one name that stood out those days was that of a man named "Shahinshah" leader of a pack of wolves, known to have organized murders in 1950's. His gang members assaulted not only the Principals but other faculty of various colleges, to bully and intimidate those who wanted to impose discipline or order in those institutions. In 1958, his gang members assaulted, Leo A. deSouza, Prinicipal at D.J. Sind Government Science College, during the annual Sports Day. Two of us (myself included) dared to testify as witnesses to the police. The accused were charged with criminal offense. When I appeared in front of the Magistrate, the court sided with this gang and we were made to look as disoriented and fools to be witnesses against those hooligans. I had only a few months to leave for America on a Fulbright award, and a couple of months prior to my departure, Shahinshah entered one of my class-room in front of all the students and told me that he wanted to see me as soon as possible. After the class I met him in the Faculty room, where he threatened me that if I ever testify in the court as a witness to the assault against Prof. deSouza, his gang members would not hesitate to kidnap my sister who was student in the same College. I did not care because of my departure to USA very soon in 1959. Later in 1975, when I was visiting Karachi, a friend of mine took me to the Meteropole Hotel and pointed towards a plaque or brass-sign, which bore Shahinshah's name as Attorney-General during Z. A. Bhutto's regime. I was shocked to see how a man known as a gang-leader had been appointed to that post, and it verified the famous maxim: "foxes were guarding the chicken coop." I was shocked to know how Z. A. Bhutto either succumbed to the influence of these gangs or he used them to intimidate his opponents. This evolution of gangsters used by politicians became worse after 1970's. Although the installation of Military officials curbed the violence, but it did not improve the standards of education in the universities or colleges, because these military men were good in imposing discipline but did not possess the academic skills or insight to improve education or standards in these institutions. The foundations of deterioration of Education were laid soon after 1970, during Z. A. Bhutto's tenure, and later further deterioration caused by pivitization introduced by his daughter Benazir, to impose a 4-tier education system (for wealthy to poor), and we feel the effects of past blunders till this day.

Bashir A. Syed
Retired, Aerospace Physicist
Member: APS, AAPT, IEEE, UCS, ASES, ISES, New York Academy of Sciences
Former President (1997-99) Assoc. of Pakistani Scientists and Engineers in North America

 Reply:   The appointment of Brigadier A
Replied by(webmaster) Replied on (20/Oct/2006)
He certainly has the knowledge and experience to contribute to raising of standards at the Baluchistan University.

Dear All,


I know Brigadier Ahmed Gul. He was an instructor at the School of Artillery in Nowshera when I was the Commandant.  He is from Quetta and is an outstanding officer. He could not get further promotion because of a minor heart attack at a very young age. He commanded the Joint Services Staff College and was instructor at military training institutions where officers are trained. He certainly has the knowledge and experience to contribute to raising of standards at the Baluchistan University.


The universities in the Punjab also had problems of poor attendance and bad discipline so much so that even at the Engineering University in Lahore, students brought guns and knives with them which they used to fight each other, intimidated teachers and teased girls with impunity. Despite continuous Police presence the civilian Vice Chancellors were unable to take action against the offending students who routinely threatened their teachers even the VC. The only thing that worked was to appoint senior military officers as VCs. Now the VCs of prestigious Punjab University and of Engineering University are retired generals. Discipline has been restored and the students concentrate on academic activities rather than politics.


Baluchistan University is a hot bed of politics. The standard of teachers is poor and "˜political' students are well armed and aggressive. If Baluchistan is to make progress, its universities must produce people with high degree of knowledge and skills to become good leaders. Most Baloch students come from tribal background who get to the university after breaking a lot of taboos and overcoming huge constraints. They deserve good education, which can only be provided in an environment of peace and discipline.


The appointment of Brigadier Ahmed Gul is a very god one for the future of the University and for higher standards of education. The teaching staff in the universities of the Punjab also made protests when Generals were appointed as VCs. But the students quickly learned that it was in their best interest. Punjab has benefited from soldier VCs, Balochistan also would.


Brigadier (R) Usman Khalid
Director London Institute of South Asia

 Reply:   BU professors move BHC against
Replied by(webmaster) Replied on (20/Oct/2006)
Following protests by student organisations against the appointment of a retired military officer as the Balochistan University vice chancellor.
QUETTA: Following protests by student organisations against the appointment of a retired military officer as the Balochistan University vice chancellor, the university's professors have also decided to move the Balochistan High Court against the appointment, sources told Daily Times on Wednesday.

Sources said that discontent among the university professors against the appointment of Brig (r) Agha Ahmed Gul, a former chief executive of the Quetta Electricity Supply Company (QESCO), as the new vice chancellor had soared. The Academic Staff Association (ASA) of the Balochistan University has now decided to move the court against Gul's appointment. "The ASA wants the government to review its decision and announce the post of VC in newspapers so that a competent PhD academic is appointed to the post," an ASA insider told Daily Times.

Sources said that although the university professors had initially welcomed Gul's appointment, a number of recent decisions made by the VC had annoyed them. "The VC is acting like a dictator. He has made it mandatory for all professors to sign an attendance sheet twice a day, which is unacceptable to us," said ASA press secretary Syed Omer Agha.

Agha said the professors were not happy with the attitude of the vice chancellor's staff. "New appointments should be made to the post of registrar and personal staff of the VC because they are covertly widening the gap between Gul and the teaching staff," said Agha.

Meanwhile, an ASA delegation led by its president Professor Dr Imdad Hussain met Brig (r) Gul and told him that his orders for signing an attendance sheet twice were unacceptable.

The ASA also announced that its general body would meet at the university auditorium today (Thursday) to decide the future course of action against the vice chancellor, his personal staff and the registrar. staff report.\10\19\story_19-10-2006_pg7_19 

 Reply:   After controlling power, corru
Replied by(webmaster) Replied on (9/Oct/2006)
After controlling power, corruption, money, land and wealth of Pakistan, they are on the coarse of controlling the brain of Pakistan
After controlling power, corruption, money, land and wealth of Pakistan, they are on the coarse of controlling the brain of Pakistan

after being army on the top of all civilians, there will not be any need of any martial law ever as there will be martial law all the time, may be there will be only one seat in the country will not be filled by Army, PM of Pakistan, to show the democracy.

Every one who has any close relations of any army officer, if his rank is below Col, without any exaggeration more then 80%, then he is only fond of power and girls and if above Col rank then power and money.

so if these people are head of any dept, of course they wont put any person from remaining 20% into these seat, what one could expect, corruption, vulgarity and MODERATE Islam.

please be unite and do some thing

 Reply:   to please Mighty Armyscript s
Replied by(webmaster) Replied on (9/Oct/2006)
I totally agree with my frind that this is all happening just to please MIGHTY ARMY. omer khayyam
Dear All,

This is really important question and we have to discuss this. I totally agree with my frind that this is all happening just to please MIGHTY ARMY.
This will leave pakistan in bad shape and when one institution becomes so
powerful it will have implications on civilians. The civil society will be
damaged and respect for our armed forces in our hearts will deminish.

I appeal ARMY just to leave Civil institutions with the civil administrators and dont under estimate the knowledge and potential of Civilians.
Civilians are better managers then ARMY officers. ARMY should not forget the duty
GOVENMENT,,, DONT TRY TO MESS THE THINGS UP ,,, IT WILL BACK FIRE ,,,FRUSTRATION IS ALREADY HIGH IN COMMON MAN,,,, I can fore see the time when pakistan will rise up against its own ARMY....

Regards, Omer
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