"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: abdulruff
Full Name: Dr.Abdul Ruff Colachal
User since: 15/Mar/2008
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India: New JK Governor should be pro-Kashmir
Governors as constitutional heads of states, though not elected by the people of the concerned states, play an important role in getting the aspirations of the people of the concerned state fulfilled by advising the state governments run with cabinets, but in case of Jammu Kashmir they have played destructive role to ruin the Kashmiris and make them slaves and beggars in Indian cities even during Holy Ramadan. Without any identifiable causes the Kashmiris are being brutally punished, killed and buried secretly by Indian forces and their henchmen in Kashmir. It is JK that offers sumptuous sadistic pleasure to the incumbent anti-Muslim, anti-Pakistan and anti-China governor in seeing Muslims killed "officially" and in a democratic manner day in and day out.
The governor's role is indisputably crucial in the case of Jammu Kashmir at the present juncture when the freedom fighting groups are coming together to seek sovereign back from New Deli. New Delhi should consider a worthwhile person who understands the problems of Kashmiris who have sacrificed thousands of noble lives for the supreme cause of re-independence of Kashmir from the occupying India. Since people reaching top levels in India are distinguished by their anti-Islamic credentials in services rendered so for, terrorist India prefers a person from military, police secret services or bureaucrats actively involved in anti-Islamic subversive activities
After record of genocide in Kashmir
Incumbent Governor of JK Sinha is retiring soon and Indian government is on the look out for an "eligible" person who would take over from Sinha. From ex-service men in military organization, political wings of Congress party to the former intelligence outfits of Government of India many "strong' aspirants are vying for the coveted post. Some of them are seen outsmarting each other in efforts to capture the plum gubernatorial post in Srinagar , which has witnessed continuous bloodbath on account of terrorist genocides by Indian terrorist forces occupying Jammu Kashmir since 1947 and conducting a proxy war with Pakistan but killing innocent Kashmiris  regularly. No one, including the UN cares for dying Kashmiris every day under Indian boots and by Indian terrorist machines. With a plenty of anti-Muslim and anti-Pakistani elements infesting in government corridors, it is, doubly, becoming a "cumbersome' process now for the Government to find a suitable choice for the Governorship to take charge at Raj Bhavan in view of the present incumbent Sinha being mired in controversies.
Qualifications for JK governor
In consideration of Kashmir's proximity to Pakistan and China, Indian principles of democracy and secularism prescribe Hindu religious codes for the incumbent governor of JK. From Karan Singh (son of former Kashmir ruler who cheated Kashmiris) to SK Sinha the coveted post of governor in the state has either being held by former-army, police personnel or senior retired bureaucrats, but hatred for Pakistan and Islam and special attraction for Hindutva ideology were considered added qualification for JK governorship. Though being from a Sangh ideology Sinha has enjoyed full support of Congress both at central and state level especially when one of the coalition partners, PDP Party came in open against the governor and demanded his removal.
Amid hot lobbying for extension to the outgoing the eleventh governor of Jammu Kashmir, SK.Sinha, whose term expires on June 4 and thinking in PMO to get a governor with no army background after more than eighteen years, the race for Governorship in JK has intensified. Many "heavy weights" are seen frantically knocking at important doors in New Delhi avenues to clinch the issue for themselves or for their protégés.
 Pro-India elements
Pro-india elements surviving in Kashmir with Indian stolen money and protection in consideration of their "services" to get the fellow Kashmiris killed by brutal India, have unwittingly support an anti-Islamic Governor to continue to genocide and destructions in the state. Supported by those who want to serve the occupiers of Kashmir, current Governor of JK Sinha's appointment had been made after consultation with then Chief Minister Mufti Muhammad Sayeed who later repented on his decision. But Azad found him "as the best bet" against Mufti with whom both are at daggers drawn. While the government will take time to appoint a new Governor, Sinha is likely to continue after June 4 but without formal orders. Chief Minister Azad is in favor of his continuation till the elections are held but this idea is not favored by a section of his own party and above all the coalition ally PDP which has been virtually at war with the Governor.
It is argued that Sinha has become liability for Congress party and hurdle for its Kashmir agenda. It is worth mentioning here that even the Congress leadership in North East had been gunning for him. He was accused of flaring up communal tension in Assam during his tenure as Governor and the Congress leaders had staged a protest march against him from Parliament to Rashtarpati Bhavan at that time. Interestingly the present Chief Minister of Assam Tarun Gagoi had urged the Congress government to remove him as Governor of (J&K) soon after it came to power in 2004. But the power hungry Kashmiri politicians in government did not do that because they themselves would be in trouble form New Delhi.
Indian Conspiracy
Another factor reduces the chances of Sinha as he has been accused of running "a parallel government" and contributing to a situation which leads to "communal divide in the state." India, obviously, is busy dividing Kashmiris along religious and regional lines to deny Kashmiris  sovereignty. Although JK CM Azad has recommended him for his reappointment as a routine matter, politicizing Amarnath Yatra and floating the ideas which are aimed at dividing Muslims and Hindus in the state have been his "favorite agenda" under the garb of promoting and reviving so called "Kashmiriyat." In fact Kashmiriyat is being understood wrongly by New Delhi as being a part of Indian terror heritage which is erroneous and ironical after what has happened to Kashmiri lives till date since 1947. Kashmiris, who are driven to the walls economically and politically, have very idea about what India is doing in Kashmir in the name of Kashmiriyat.
Office of Governor of JK is very important at the particular junction to supervise the transition period of independent Kashmir from being a part of Indian union to a new sovereign state to exist independent of India and to establish diplomatic relations with all countries, including Pakistan and India . It some how looks Indian government is looking for a suitable pro-Kashmir  person who would support the patriotic Kashmiris to get ready with their future pan of action on attaining sovereign back from India.
Just One solution: Kashmir freedom
India must seriously consider surrendering sovereignty to struggling Kashmiris before it is too late. Recent visit of Indian president Pratibha Patil could be a good beginning for the process of granting independence back to Kashmiris. Her praise for Kashmir, the land and its people, is seen as a positive gesture by patriotic freedom seeking Kashmiris to achieve their long cherished sovereignty from occupying IndiaNew Delhi must not disappoint them once again. And emerging non-violent situation should be positively used by New Delhi to begin negotiations with the leaders of the freedom fighting groups in Jammu Kashmir. Pro-India elements among Kashmiris would also join the patriotic groups in due course, as it happened in India where they fought for independence from Britain. But any move other than making Kashmiris independent could be counter-productive and disastrous for India. A country that has enslaved free people cannot be a genuine democracy, please!  
Thank you
Yours Sincerely,
Researcher in International Relations,
Analyst, Columnist & Commentator
South Asia
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