"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: Noman
Full Name: Noman Zafar
User since: 1/Jan/2007
No Of voices: 2195
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Bush Did The Nuclear War Crime Hitler Only Dreamed Of
George Bush Has Committed Hitler's Dream War Crime
Bush as Commander in Chief of the US Army has authorized the dropping of 10 million pounds of dirty radiation bombs all over Iraq and Afghanistan.
During World War Two the Nazis had a plan to drop Uranium Radiation Bombs, or dirty bombs, all over London. In fact the Nazis shipped thousands of pounds of uranium metals to Japan so that Japan could spread them over US cities.
The Atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima had less than 20 pounds of Radioactive Uranium.
Yet Bush has spread more than 500,000 times as much radioactive dust, 10 million pounds of it, all over Iraq, primarily in the big cities where millions of people live.
The Death rate in Iraq is now twice what it was before Bush Lied America into the Bush Iraq War it is no wonder that Bush has killed over 350,000 innocent women and children since 2003.
All forms of Uranium are radioactive. , so don't be fooled by the so called depleted Uranium scam. Depleted Uranium contains 40% of the isotope U235 that Natatural Uranium contains. You need 2 inches of lead or eight feet of concrete to stop the nuetrons that are emitted by the Radioactive decay of U235 from causing mutations in the cells of your body. And in the concentrations of the pure Uraium metals that are used in the radioactive bullets and bombs spread all over Iraq and Afghanistan are several thousand times the amounts of any Uranium dust you would naturally breathe.
Mothers don't let your children join the Army, because George Bush has dumped 10 million pounds or 4.5 Billion grams of Radioactive waste all over Iraq. Yes, American weapons are tipped with Uranium a deadly radioactive poisonous material in defiance of the Geneva Convention. The usage of poisoned bullets and bombs is a direct violation of the Geneva Convention and is a WAR CRIME. 350,000 or almost 3 out of every 5 soldiers that served in the first Bush Iraq War is now out on DISABILITY because of Gulf War syndrome. During that First Gulf War Only one tenth of the poisonous and deadly radioactive Uranium 238 was spread in Iraq as in the Current Bush Iraq War. This Time a Bush has spread 10 times as much destruction. Thanks to George W Bush If you serve in Iraq you will breathe, eat, drink and absorb thru your skin radioactive waste since Uranium Bullets and bombs burn and become a fine dust which is spread everywhere. And Courtesy of George Bush In the next 14 years 3 out
of 5 of you will have cancers and other disabilites that will plague you for the rest of your lives.
Howard Scott Pearlman
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