I apologize if i said something which is not a fact and thus hurt anyone.
We are not here to fight with each other over sectarian difference, and i will request you not to incite that.
Ali Ahmed, only asking us not to fight over this issue. If he is shia, it does not matter, unless this sect is declared non-Muslim. which i know, wont happen.
There are many sects in Sunni's also, who differ with each other on many things and even fighting with each other as well.
So, if we can bear there difference of opinion then we should do the same with shias as well.
Any further post by any one, inciting shia-Sunni debate will be removed from the site.
I hope you(UN) will understand my point & position because you are an excellent valuable community member. Thanx
Shut up you seem to be shia.
Replied by(
Replied on (24/Nov/2008)
Shias are against Khilafat this is well known and you seem to be shia. You people first do propaganda against every one who speak of Khilafat like you did with Dr. Israr. What ever bad is happening in Pakistan it is because of Shais and Qadyanis. Inshallah Khilafat will be established on your face how much you oppose that. Newsone is the only pakistani channel rest are either propaganda of either indians, iranis, USA. Shais are palying their conventional use that is to work against Msulims.