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(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: abdulruff
Full Name: Dr.Abdul Ruff Colachal
User since: 15/Mar/2008
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A free Kashmir: Random Thoughts-45

Illegitimate Indian poll in Kashmir


Amid terrorist forces occupying the streets of Jammu Kashmir, Indian agencies conducted the first phase of the poll in Kashmir and the second one is due on 23 November Sunday. India thinks it has done a great service to global democracy by holding the poll with thousands of terror troops around who keep killing and threatening the Kashmiris, including women and children.  Weapons, cash and "connections" have sided with Indian terror hard-line strategists and military killers. But they all will collapse.


They want Independence!


Some how, the first phase of the poll is over. As if they are willing to let Jammu Kashmir go free and independent by asking Indian government to surrender their sovereignty, the Indian media, for the first time, since it illegal and hurried annexation of Jammu Kashmir in 1947, have said a couple of good words about Kashmiris for their participation in India controlled polls in JK. They indeed admired the Kashmiris' decision to take part in India polls against the wishes of the freedom leaders. Indians think Kashmiris have voted to strengthen the Indian terror in Kashmir further. By doing so these Hindu journalist fanatics have tried to bypass the real sentiments of the freedom seeking Kashmiris who have, tactfully, voted to put in place an elected government knowing too well that they would ruin their lives, but in the long run that would benefit them.


The Kashmiris, in fact, have tried to appease the Indian government. In fact they seek peace, progress, development and prosperity and expect this poll to ensure a safe and secured life before they regain their independence form India. Even while defying the freedom leaders' call to boycott, the Kashmiris have not deviated form their freedom struggle path and they have declared it clearly. Freedom leaders want to boycott the Indian poll to seek independence.  Those who voted seem to trust India would surrender them sovereignty only if they vote. In all, Kashmiris seek independence.


Kashmiris voters who opted, under duress from India forces and terror tactics, to vote have done so by keeping the issue of independence in tact without sacrificing their goal for a free Jammu Kashmir. The Freedom groups in Jammu Kashmir opposed to Indian rule have called for a voter boycott of the polls which are being held in seven stages. Currently Jammu Kashmir is reeling under terror polls with military and police playing the central role. Curfews are a routine matter in JK and no one cares about that while a few pro-India outfits just want to help India have its legs firmly struck in JK, killing their own Kashmir people. In a pre-emptive manner, the Indian authorities have detained more than two dozen prominent freedom leaders along with other freedom activists demanding sovereignty back from occupier India and scores of activists to prevent demonstrations against state elections being held in Indian Kashmir.


Who are terrorists?

Terror minded and equipped with weapons arsenals, India has converted Kashmir a terror zone by killing thousands of defenseless Kashmiris, making them retaliate. India crude provocative strategies have cause enormous loss of lives and property to Kashmiris. Kashmir economy is in shambles. When India leaders are annoyed with something in India main, their military personnel kill innocent Kashmiris just for fun. India deployed thousands of troops in Kashmir's main city on 21 Nov and erected barricades in what amounted to an undeclared curfew to thwart planned protests against ongoing state elections, reported Reuters. Kashmiris say no free elections under 700000 Indian troops. "We are sick and tired of this, every second day they impose curfew," said a Kashmiri bank employee. The second phase of polls is due on Sunday, and Srinagar will vote in the final phase. It will be the third vote in the state since an insurgency began in 1989, killing nearly a lakh innocent Kashmiris, but India puts the death toll lower, at least 48000 people.

Kashmir's main Muslim group, the All Parties Hurriyat (Freedom) Conference, says more than 100,000 people have died since the insurgency broke out in 1989. In fact the figure could even be alarmingly more. The figure does not include people who disappeared as a result of the conflict. A human rights group puts the number of missing Kashmiris alone at 10,000.

Curfew Kashmir

Life particularly in
Srinagar has been frequently disrupted by curfews, especially since India decision on transfer of Kashmiri land. Kashmiris started demonstrations against India's decision and ruling. They have staged pro-independence protests which they voiced their willing to gain rights of "self-determination". At least 48 people were killed by Indian security forces during those protests. Pro-Independence leaders and politicians say that conducting any polls strengthens India over the disputed state. "These are sham elections. You can't hold free and fair polls in presence of thousands of occupying troops," said Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, a leader.

Kashmiris had planned more protests on Friday to renew their appeal for a boycott of the seven-stage vote. The authorities blocked the move. Many Muslim leaders remain in jail or under house arrest without trial. Shops, businesses and schools were also closed in other towns across the
Kashmir Valley. But India terror agencies and their Kashmir henchmen want to deny any democratic freedom to freedom leaders and arrest them.

Yet, India controlled police in JK insisted there was no official curfew in place in Srinagar. Thousands of Indian troops sealed off neighborhoods in Muslim-majority Kashmir's summer capital Srinagar on 21 Nov ahead of the second phase of the JK poll in Kashmir to prevent anti-India protests. Moderate freedom leader Mirwaiz Umar Farooq had called upon Muslims to observe a strike and hold anti-India demonstrations on Friday to "protest the arrest and harassment of pro-freedom leaders". But authorities, deadly over cautious about holding the poll under military deployment at any cost, overnight deployed troops across Srinagar and told local residents to stay indoors. Police say they don't want any Kashmiri t oppose India rule in Kashmir and "We are restricting civilian movement to prevent any law and order problem".




Indian media say Kashmiris are hypocrites. and double-speakers. If that is true, hypocrisy is not good for human beings let along Kashmiris who struggle for freedom form India hegemon. Don't you, Kashmiris want to be free from Indian yoke? Don't you want to decide your fate all by yourselves? If, however, Kashmir Muslims want to suffer be tortured under Indian occupation for ever after killing over a lakh Kashmiris alive, then say it openly! It is quite clear most Kashmiris seek Independence, poll or no poll.


Kashmiri Diaspora around the world must coordinate their freedom messages and decide about future plans to make India see reason to surrender sovereignty back to the Kashmiris. They must meet the world leaders, their ambassadors to pursue their legitimate cause peacefully. They must conduct peaceful demonstrations in front of Indian embassies and submit memorandum to the ambassadors to ask India to leave Kashmir. They must protest against Indian leaders visiting there. They must keep in touch with UN and other world bodies. They should ask the world leaders to push through a peace deal for Kashmir.


Kashmiris must shun cricket, the most favorite colonial sport of Indians. But some young Kashmiris seek some sympathy from India by playing cricket, but Indian media hate Muslim players. Of course, if one wants to extend logic for fun to mock it, then, there is no end to it. What I want to stress is the fact that unless Kashmiris show in deeds that they are not with India, they are against its designs and dirty tricks, India would not realize that Kashmiris require sovereignty and deserve any human dignity. Pro-India elements have done maximum harm to Kashmiris Muslims.


A Hindu king betrayed the innocent Kashmiris by "selling out" their sovereignty to India. Kashmir' capital Srinagar" is Islamic, rather it sounds Hinduistc so that Indian Hindus foolishly think Kashmir is a part of India and they can kill the Kashmiris for not giving land to NRI Hindu god Amarnath.  In fact I had earlier argued to change the name of the capital form Srinagar to some other name, say Muhammadabad or Allahbagh, ete. In fact "nagar and sri" are parts of Hinduism and have nothing to do with Islam and Kashmiriyat. The name gives Hindus the right to keep Srinagar under their brutal custody. When Kashmiri Muslims are brutally murdered by Indian by keeping terror forces there, Kashmiris should be more serious, but it is strange they are making fun of their own fate. Don't they think it is already enough of pro-Indiansim and Hinduism symbols.


Kashmiris should not dream that India would surrender their sovereignty just like that especially when the pro-India outfits have played glows in hands with New Delhi. One cannot be assured of any positive development with a pro-India regime takes charge after the ensuing poll, if and if at all that takes place in full! Rise up, Oh Kashmiri Muslims!! Rise up to comprehend the hidden agenda of India in Kashmir!! Pull out of the chains and tell India to QUIT Kashmir!!! (Please read me in "Kashmir watch" for more info)


(To Continue"¦>)




Independent Researcher in International Affairs,

South Asia

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