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(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: abdulruff
Full Name: Dr.Abdul Ruff Colachal
User since: 15/Mar/2008
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  65-A Free Kashmir: Random Thoughts-65



Security of Kashmiri Muslims:  JK forces replace Indian Terror?



Indian forces literally rule Jammu Kashmir by employing all terror techniques and draconian laws made available to them by India , while JK police assist the terror Indian forces to kill the innocent Kashmiri Muslims. Media in India and JK keep trumpeting about Indian brand "secularism and democracy". World gets the illusionary picture about Kashmir being a region of non-state terrorists. Kashmiris have been demanding for the abolition of all black laws and have pressed the new regime to repeal all such laws. Jammu Kashmir government is seen trying to replace the military with police forces in Sri Nagar. On Jan 30 JK Chief Minister Omar Abdullah said Jammu and Kashmir Police should have an autonomous role and take over control of Srinagar city and later their role be extended to other areas in a phased manner ."This would ease security restrictions and making JK Police solely responsible for law and order situation," Abdullah said. He said even on January 26 this year people did not complain about any security related problem as JK Police was at the forefront. The replacement of troops and paramilitary forces by JK Police for internal security of the State has been a long standing demand of political parties as well as the masses who find themselves at the receiving end of atrocities committed by troops and paramilitary forces.


A poll without the participation of the freedom groups cannot be a reliable source index to decide the future of Jammu Kashmir, especially when the terrorist military did the "major job" in conducting the polls.. Elections don't resolve any inter-state problems any where, more so in Kashmir now under Indian occupation. Condemning the Election Commission of India for having said that elections are the ultimate solution to Kashmir issue, Hurriyat (M) leader Mirwaiz Umar said, " Kashmir dispute is a political issue and can be solved only politically. We are not against the developments in the Valley but the real development can be only done when there would be peace."   But he does not think it of paramount importance for the freedom leaders to come together into on e freedom amalgam and without that India would not even bother to talking about freedom. "Time is rife to handover internal security of the State to JK Police," a security analyst said.


Recently, the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) has asked the Home Ministry for permission to withdraw 65 companies (8,190 men) from Srinagar in a phased manner, with local police filling their space. These companies were deployed in Srinagar to maintain law and order after the agitation over the Amarnath shrine land issue in August 2008. Within a fortnight after Chief Minister Omar Abdullah directed police to be a the forefront in public places in Srinagar, paramilitary CRPF is de-inducting 133 companies and will hand over law and order baton to police and look only after counter insurgency operations, CRPF.

The State Police which has got strength of over 70,000 has also been at the forefront fighting insurgency leading the operations along with troops and paramilitary forces. The previous National Conference government had mulled a modernization plan for JK Police and proposed Rs 219 crore for making it up-to-date. According to sources, the NC government is now thinking of coming with a fresh modernization plan for the State police keeping the cost escalation factor in mind.

In the past, Peoples Democratic Party too suggested JK Police should take over state's internal security from troops and paramilitary forces. Security experts in the State also question New Delhi 's decision of continuing to have over 7 lakh troopers in Jammu and Kashmir when security agencies, troops, paramilitary forces as well as State police claim a presence of only a few hundred militants.





India is misleading the international bodies by hiding the ground situation and realities of Kashmir . Kashmir issue cannot be put on the backburner and the voice of the State's people can provide the most valuable input to the efforts at bringing permanent peace and stability to South Asia . Chairman of Hurriyat Conference (M) Mirwaiz said pro-freedom leadership was ready for constructive dialogue to break status quo on the resolution of Kashmir issue and added dialogue process was a part of freedom struggle. New Delhi was in a "˜denial mode. Constructive dialogue is a viable option and India has to think seriously over it," he said. " Pakistan has supported Kashmir struggle through thick and thin. We've to be thankful to every individual in Pakistan . Mirwaiz said Pakistan 's support and sacrifices offered by tens of thousands of Kashmiris had brought international attention to the Kashmir dispute. Hurriyat has to create avenues for the resolution. Mere pelting of stones, raising slogans, staging protests and calling strikes cannot keep the sentiment alive." The Kashmiris themselves are fearful of Indian oppression. UN has done nothing during the past 60 years.


Remember, the freedom leaders and their selfless followers are dealing with a known terrorist Indian nation that projects its nuclear power as an asset rather than shame to the world and tries to get all benefits form the world bodies. Kashmiris should therefore make up their mind clear and come together and ask the world bodies, USA and other world powers to remove the Indian military burden form Jammu Kashmir and free the Kashmiris. So long as they reject its unity appeals, all these journalistic writings would serve only the purpose of making some money and fame while Kashmiris continue to be killed by India . Terrorism ploy has helped India in a big way and the net result is USA is on Indian track now. Pro-India elements at times behave like underdogs of India , employed to sustain Indian ambitions. On Jan 30 Mirwaiz Umar Farooq came down heavily on the USA for not having played its due role in resolving the Kashmir issue.


Urging for the intervention of world bodies including UN and UNSC in Kashmir, Mirwaiz said countries like America and Britain should take immediate steps to solve the Kashmir issue. "The international bodies should pressurize India to stop the ongoing human rights violations in Kashmir," he said. He also called for the immediate release of Hurriyat leaders who have been arrested under Public Safety Act (PSA).





The new JK regime pretends to be pro-freedom too, but they never show their resolve in action. JK Assembly could pass a suitable resolution expressing the resolve of Kashmiris for freedom resolve. The voice of the JK Legislature cannot be ignored as it is having not just the legal and constitutional validity but moral authority as well to speak on behalf of the State and its people. Peoples Democratic Party says its J&K-specific regional agenda and its self-rule formula had got public approval during the recent elections and the party would move ahead with fresh resolve to seek an end to the political and economic miseries of the State and its people. PDP Patron and former chief minister Mufti Muhammad Sayeed said current legislature have to play a pro-active role in the resolution of Kashmir dispute.



A fresh approach is needed to address both internal and external dimensions of Kashmir issue with the current legislature playing a pro-active role in the resolution process. Bcked by a substantial public mandate, the present legislature with distinctive composition and genuine legitimacy shall have to pilot Kashmir resolution process with moral authority. The PDP Patron said the present assembly was the most representative of all shades of opinion as it represents regions, communities and sub-regions. The former chief minister said: "While India and Pakistan will have to address the bilateral dimensions of the problem, government of India shall have to move fast on addressing the internal dimensions of the issue by reaching out to the people of Jammu and Kashmir with reconciliatory confidence building measures."



When the pro-India outfits eye only on the benefits they could squeeze from New Delhi and if the freedom groups still refuse to come together as a single united forum to fight for their sovereignty back form India, how could they expect a terrorist USA and allies to kick the Indian terror forces out of Jammu Kashmir especially when India is begging for US friendship in this regard in the opposite direction?  


Yours Sincerely,


Columnist & Independent Researcher in World Affairs, The only Indian to have gone through entire India

South Asia.

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