"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: Noman
Full Name: Noman Zafar
User since: 1/Jan/2007
No Of voices: 2195
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Today I am sending you all about an accident happened in Lahore by son
of the owner of Nirala Sweets ,yet another example of power abuse and
how laws are used against poor people only. According to SMS:

Faisal Farooq, young son of family owning Nirala Sweets was racing his
Pajero on a Lahore road. He hit a car, a baby of 2 months got killed
and the remaining family got severely injured. Faisal later threatened
the family with the squad of gunmen that if any case is made against
him, he will kill the rest of the family.

We as humans are expected to boycott all kind of nirala products on
this act of brutaility. Soul of innocent and tears of parents damnd
this from you.

a link of newspaper clip is here and you may read further here
( ) you can find the
attached cutting as well in the bottom.

Father of infant is a Mobilink employee:

Now would some NGO activist tell me that what kinda protection bill
could provide justice to the kid and his parents? I know they would
have no answer and they would be rather busy in talking crap in
different drawing rooms with the A/C on to make their brains calm and

I am not fond of much sweets so it wouldn't effect me much to boycott
them. I think boycotting is much decent way to express the opinion
rather protesting on roads but the question is that who would be most
affected by such boycotts? The owner of the employees who would be
workin hard to feed their families? Therefore I will take my words
back and will not favor for boycott. When the option is available to
grab the culprit then why the heck do I make others[who are actually
poor] life miserable?

But I think boycott is still the only way, as the employee will get
job somewhere, but that bastard Faisal Farooq will get some lesson if
he cannot buy another jeep by the profit out of our purchase at their
outlets. Please dear friends, do something as if its done with any one
in Pakistan the next victim can be one of us.
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