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Full Name: Anwar Ul Haque
User since: 28/Mar/2007
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Dr. Aafia Siddiqui: A Case of Missed Identity

Dr. Anwar Ul Haque

It is amazing that a highly learned scientist with the most brilliant academic career was punished for the crimes of her husband and his family. Dr. Aafia Siddiqui had always topped in all her examinations and had won many awards in various debate competitions etc. is suffering from worst possible torture thanks to her husband’s mental illnesses and sadistic behavior. Our article will bring out the startling facts about her and her family and will lift the curtain from several mysteries which surrounded her. It will also show that how we the humans can be utmost idiots at times and equally harmful to the best of us.

Dr. Aafia Siddiqui’s family is highly educated, moderate and intellect. Her father had been the neurosurgeon. Her sister Dr. Fowzia Siddiqui is a Dow graduate and had obtained 99% marks in various USA examinations and she had been the chair of Department of John Hopkins and is currently working at Ag Khan University Hospital. Her brother had similar high academic accomplishments. He is working in USA.

Dr. Aafia’s unfortunate marriage with Dr. Muhammad Amjad was conducted on telephone. At that time Dr. Amjad who happened to be a medical doctor and a graduate of Aga Khan Hospital had a long beard. When he arrived in USA his beard had disappeared. He worked as anesthetist at Tufts University Hospital.

Dr. Amjad during his medical studies was a loner and sociopath. In USA after marriage he had developed fits and appeared schizophrenic. He not only used to hear sounds which did not exist and used to act upon these. Not only he had beaten Dr. Aafia Siddiqui many times but also his young children Ahmad and Maryam. At one time Dr. Aafia had to take protection at her sister Dr. Fowzia in USA. The psychiatrists had advised Dr. Aafia Siddiqui to keep her children away from her husband if she wanted normal mental development for her children.

Dr. Amjad had sadistic extremist mentality. While Dr. Aafia wanted high education for her children after all shed belonged to one of the families which could be rated top in education around the world. Dr. Amjad on other hand was totally opposed to sending his children to modern English Schools. He was adamant that his children would only go to Madrassa and have so called religious education. He collected night vision goggles at home and portrayed as if he was engaged in hi-fi Jihadi activity. Dr. Aafia Siddiqui on the other hand was totally opposed to such activities and had told him that that was not jihad but rather terrorism. She was scared that he will cheat upon her and get her and her children in trouble. Apart from repeated torture Dr. Amjad and his father Mr. Agha had emptied her purse and took away every penny. They also using threats of physical violence had withdrawn her hard earned thousands of dollars. It was her sister Bajjo (Dr. Fowzia Siddiqui) who supported her and her children and as well her brother and parents. The health and delivery expense were bore by the University in Boston.

Dr. Aafia Siddiqui was after all an Asian shy humble girl. She wanted to keep her marriage and did not want to bring bad name to her parents etc. When she gave birth to her third child Sulaiman, her husband did not turn up to see his son despite phone call informing him about the birth of the son. He however once came to her house in Karachi and had a quarrel with her elderly father and pushed him so hard that he developed myocardial infarction (Heart Attack) and died. Dr. Amjad later wrote a letter to Dr. Aafia addressing her as “Her sister in Islam”!. In this letter he apologized to torturing her, their children and  being instrumental in causing death of her father.

Dr. Amjad played another drama and got married to another woman before their divorce.  His frequent night calls of  threats and verbal tortures made Dr. Aafia Siddiqui restless and she decided to move to Islamabad where her uncle resided. Shifa International Hospital among several others had offered her good job. As her children had never travelled in train, she decided to take a train for Rawalpindi which is a twin city of Islamabad. Dr. Aafia’s mother still wanted her daughter to re-join Dr. Amjad. However in a letter she explained the entire situation and all tortures and troubles she and her children suffered at the hands of her ex husband. Dr. Amjad readily gave up the entire custody of his children to Dr. Aafia

The “Insaaf Committee UC-1 Gulshan-e-Iqbal Town” on 04-01-2003 (ref UC1/88/02) issued a certificate stating “ This is to certify that Muhammad Amjad Khan S/o Agha Abdul Naim Khan, presently residing in Karachi had made statement to this Insaaf committee (Justice Committee) on Nov. 17, 2002 that he will completely give up his children named below:

Muhammad Ahmed (DOB Nov, 1996)

Maryam Bint Muhammad (DOB Sept. 05, 1998)

Sulaiman Fateh Bin Muhammad (DOB Sept 03, 2002)

He also contended that Mst. Aafia Siddiqui, mother of the children will have permanent and complete custody of the children and look after their interests. “

The certificate is duly signed by Mr. Madeem Motiwal, Councilor UC-1 and Muhammad Junaid Mukati , Nazi U.C. 1 Gulshan-e-Iqbal.

In a letter Dr. Aafia Siddiqui showed her reservations about her ex husband and father in law regarding their sexual perversion and displayed her concern about her daughter Maryam if she stayed with them.

Some how Dr. Amjad knew about the departure of Dr. Aaffia with intention to settle in Islamabad and raise her children in Islamabad and getting them properly educated. May be he got that information from Dr. Aafia’s mother as he used to make calls to her as well and as a result Dr. Aafia’s mother used to advise her to rejoin him. It seems only logical that her worst fears came true when Dr. Amjad and his father contacted the local agencies and FBI to inform them about her departure with disinformation about her alleged connection with terrorism which obviously she did not have. Local agencies under Gen. Musharraf was ready to hand over any Pakistani to FBI to make big bucks. This was an opportunity to hand over not one but four heads. The interior Minister Saleh Faisal Hayat gladly did this job for himself and his boss. He on one occasion told Dr. Fowzia that she should forget about her sister and her children and “Let us know what we can do for you”!

Dr. Aafia was sent to Bigram Jail in Afghanistan where she was tortured, raped and physically assaulted. Dr. Aafia who weighed less than 100 pounds at that time and was very weak was accused of firing upon a marine which is an idiotic and rubbish charge as was that she along with three young children age 7, 4 and six months was carrying bombs etc in her purse. The people who make these allegations should be given three young naughty children and try to carry such things.

This is a classic drama where some greedy and psychopath people trapped FBI and its agents. The I.Q. of these people did not differ from Bush. It is high time that  President Obama took personal interest in this case and release mother of three children and her two remaining children whom FBI made World’s youngest terrorists at the age of 4 years and six months. Come on President Obama we expect you and your team to be intelligent and humane unlike your predecessor.

Anwar Ul Haque

Prof. (Dr.) Anwar Ul Haque

Consultant Pathologist,

Past Faculty University of Iowa, Iowa City Iowa USA

Current Address: House 116. St. 49 F 11/3

Islamabad 44000, Phone: 2293707, 03335129849

 Reply:   Acknowledgement
Replied by(wuqarahmed) Replied on (17/Aug/2009)

When I started reading the article, i was not sure about its reality, but after reading the name of Dr. Anwar-ul-Haq, i can stamp its authenticity.

Waqar Ahmed
University of Karachi
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