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(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: abdulruff
Full Name: Dr.Abdul Ruff Colachal
User since: 15/Mar/2008
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Indian meida blasts news only when Pakistan is losing/lost . But Paksitn has no sport portal for score updates and commentary.. Funny. ..AAR


Any gains by Pakistan in any field are considered by India as great loss to themselves and, conversely, any loss incurred by Pakistan is celebrated in India as their greatest achievement. Indo-US terror drones are killing incoent Pakistnis in Paksitan and for the bulk of Indians that is a victory. Indian IPL played along with over-month- long parliamentary poll process to divert the global attention from Kashmir gemocide and Babri Mosque issues 


The outcome of the IPL seems to be predetermined as a key Indian policy,b ut some twists are irritanign the New Delhi pawn movers. Paksitan thrashed Austrlia in fianl ODI and Indian favorite Mumbai tean in IPL was also thrashed by Bangalore Team. Now India is crying from Thrivanathapuram to Punjab . That is Indian fake mindset infested by vague democracy based on “secularism”.  Perhaps Indians had one of the unhappiest days for the New Year 2009 on May 03 when India lost on tow fronts almost simultaneously in IPL and ODI. In Indian pampered IPL Mumbai, one the most pampered teams by the Congress-BJP plus other outfits, was badly thrashed by supposedly weak Bangalore (Bangaluru?) Team while Australian match-fixers, an ally Indian state terrorists, were finally bundled and thrown out of the stadium in Dubai by the re-emergent Pakistan team to seal the last and final ODI after winning only the first ODI.


Obviously, India never expected Pakistanis to reveal their cricket prowess in such a magic fashion. Similarly, Sachin was thrown out of the grounds very early by the Bangaloreans against the wishes of the bulk of Indians, Hindus annoying the New Delhi ’s strategists and media lords, mafia outfits and other vested interests. Does it mean, then, Pakistan was underplaying three matches in between and, if so, why? Indian media, which blasted the news as headlines when their ally in Australia were winning, but today, they are dead silent and pretend, as usual, there were no matches in Dubai. Funny guys. Is not so, friends? Why should India cry again and again?


By Dr. Abdul Ruff Colachal


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