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(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: abdulruff
Full Name: Dr.Abdul Ruff Colachal
User since: 15/Mar/2008
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Why USA is annoyed with Islamization of Pakistan?

- Dr. Abdul Ruff Colachal


USA tops the list of bogus “experts” on terrorism followed by UK, Israel and India. These notorious intelligence outfits create tensions in the world by generating terror strategies. Council on Foreign Relations, a Washington think tank is infested with such post-paid terror mongers in suits. Pentagon-CIA and other regional indigence underdogs supply fabricated news and reports about “Islamic fundamentalist terrorists” for suitable analysis and quick delivery to Third world. The “western Frankenstein monsters' are bent upon destroying the Islamc world and kill Muslims. They also provide counselling to the Global State Terrorists (GST) led by the USA.


The Pentagon-CIA engineer all terror activities and at times issue false alarms to escape any suspicion from the world of US role in global terrorism. Noting that the post-Mumbai era of significant tension between India and Pakistan has not come to a close yet, Bruce O. Riedel, a retired CIA expert on South Asia has warned of a serious risk of another Mumbai-style attack on the country. How he knows that? Is USA planning for the attack or India is dong the mischief as usual. He pleads Pakistan not to focus on India, not to worry about the US terror forces killing innocent Pakistani Muslims with drones, but just kill the Muslims, the so-called “Islamist fundamentalist terrorists”. This 'would ratchet up tensions and make the Pakistani army even more determined to keep 80 percent of its manpower focused on India rather than on the threat posed by the internal jihadist problem.


The western powers, pursuing a conditions-based relationship with Pakistan, wanting to keep Pakistan an anti-Islamic state are now deeply worried about the possibility of Pakistan becoming a truly Islamc state. The “specialists” are now called upon to write profusively against Talibanization, Islamization of Pakistan and target the so-called “militants” for fooling the Pakistanis.  President Obama is not averse to the idea of Islamization of any Muslim state, however, Riedel also warned of 'a real possibility of a jihadist state emerging in Pakistan sometime in the future. And these paid agents churn out anti-Islamc stuff in big bundles talk falsely about “growing coalescence of jihadist militant groups’. After all they are paid for state terrorism propaganda. In dong so, both US terror forces and these “specialists” are indeed threatening the very survival of the Pakistani state.


With the help of few selfish Muslims and bulk of media, the US-led terror forces have used Pakistan as a base of operations for repeated attacks on Muslims and regional terror state India supports USA for nuclearism demands. Pakistanis feel that they have put out the olive branch on more than one occasion and instead of a reciprocal response, the Hindus have gotten more terror right on the verge of any agreements for peace. Pakistan has shown remarkable restraint over the years and would continue to do so. “Democratic” USA is using another “democracy” India as a bargain chip to coerce Pakistan to kill more and more Muslims for money. Indian terror forces, strategists as well as fanatic media want the situation constantly boiling on the India-Pakistan front.


No true citizen like any foreign occupation of their nation for any reason. USA has almost ruined Islamic Pakistan and by killing innocent Muslims the Islamization movement is deadly against the prolonged occupation of US terror forces in Pakistan. The corrupt and state terrorist nations led by the USA and India keep harping on democracy”, while they really don’t practice it themselves. They say, cunningly, that Islam should have democracy and Islam is devoid of that which is the main ingredient of the US-led West. By promoting state terrorisms as Islamc terrorism, these nasty powers slam Islam and ask the Islamc world to revise the Holy Quran by incorporating the Western dirty ideas that promote only rampant corruption, crime and state terrorism provoking non-state terrorism.


The Muslims are terribly terrorized by the western media and terror forces, the Muslims are also being coerced to support western themes, and denounce Sharia’ laws that are yet to be practiced in true spirits any where so far. The anti-Islamc forces think those who oppose now could be silenced in due course and they can have their way as the match-fixing cricketers do fraud on the field. The Anti-Islamc forces and media don’t want any nation to implement Shaira’ in Toto. Speaking on May 08 about the future of Islam and democracy at the 10th Annual Conference of the Center for the Study of Islam and Democracy, held in Arlington, Virginia, Foreign Minister Dr Ahmed Shaheed expressed concern over the impact on the Maldives from what he called the “notorious arc of crisis extending from the Sudan through Somalia to Pakistan and Afghanistan and beyond”.  The Minister said that while a majority of Muslims wanted democratic governance, there were many who argued that democracy and Islam are diametrically opposed to each other.


Muslims nations should not invite the Americans to help the Muslims in their nations, because the Neocons consider that as an invitation to annex the Muslim country, as Iraq, Afghanistan and other nations. Saudi Arabia and other many Arab nations are under US control, though they also, for formality sake, protest against US terrorism. In further consolidating democracy in the Maldives, the Minister called on the Muslim-American community to support the promotion of moderate Islam in the Maldives through the conduct of academic workshops and civil society engagement.


Eventually, it is not American Muslims who would decide the issue but the CIA-Pentagon combine and they train ‘specialists” to support their own hidden agenda in Islamic world. The Islamc world has enormous human resources and scientific potentials and these should productively harnessed to move forward to Islamization and Islamic democracy and they need not look to the West for guidance and blessings. Islamic Shaira’ has enough of them. 


USA, the leader of anti-Islamic world, does want to see any truly Islamic world emerging by alloiwng Pakistan to go the Islamization way. And hence the US-inspired Pakistani forces are killing the Muslims in Pakistan for asking for Islamic way of life. After all, Jinnah is no more!


Yours Sincerely,

Dr. Abdul Ruff Colachal

Columnist & Independent Researcher in World Affairs, The only Indian to have gone through entire India, a fraud and terror nation,
South Asia

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