ڈئیر جیمی، بے شک اللہ ھی ھدائت دینے والا ھے اور اللہ ھی سب سے زیادہ علم والا ھے۔ ھم مسلمان اور آج کے سو کالڈ سکالرز سو چتے ھین داڑھی اور نقاب سے معاشرے مین عزت کم ھوتی ھے۔ اصل مین جس طرح انگریز نے برصغیر پر قبظے کے بعد مسلمان پروفیشنز کو نیچ کیا تھا اور ھم آج تک اپنے روزگار جیسے کے تیلی چپھاتے ھین اب ھم اپنا مزھب چھپانے لگ گئے ھین۔ اللہ ھمین اتنی ھدائت دے کے ھم اپنے مزھب سے شرما نے کی بجائے اس پر فخر کرنے لگین۔
Hijab & Beard
Salam To All
I m not a thinker or not a philospher. I was a person who was in the darkness of sins. But the Almighty helps me and now i got a better life. In past i thought that i m enjoying my life but now i realize that for some time i have some satisfaction but after that i got lot of troubles. Now i m passing my life better than my past coz the Almighty show me the right way. Hijab is necessary for all muslim ladies.
i think that Hijab protects the women coz no body knows who is behind Hijab (His own sister, Mother, Cousin or Relative) and also have no idea abot his age. you take it as funny or as serious but its my own opinion.
Now i want to share my own experience regarding Beard which is necessary for every Muslim Man. Before beard every body thinks about me like other guys but after that everybody respects me. One day when i was alongwith my teacher were starting prayer my teacher said to me that you offer prayer as Imam. Then i realize that how much respect i got after having beard.
Sorry for gramatical errors.
May The Almighty Bless you all and helps us.