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(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: Iqbal_Hadi_Zaidi
Full Name: Iqbal Hadi Zaidi
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Affected families demand release of KSA detainees


Updated at: 1325 PST, Wednesday, June 17, 2009  


KARACHI: The families of arrested Pakistanis in Saudi Arabia met Organizer of Jamia Binoria Aalimia Mufti Muhammed Naeem and demanded the government of Pakistan for the early release of the detainees in Saudi Arabia.

The families said they have been yesterday given hope that a meeting with Saudi ambassador will be arranged for them, so that the situation could be clear; however, no time has been given for the meeting.

Mufti Muhammed Naeem himself took the initiative by trying to contact; however, no headway could be achieved.

The affected families said Rabia d/o Abdul Wahid phoned yesterday night from Saudi Arabia and beseeched for their release at the earliest; else, they would be beheaded after a verdict is announced in a couple of days.

The five people arrested in KSA on charges of heroin smuggling belong to Karachi areas of Azizabad and Korangi. These families arrived in Saudi Arabia for Umrah on June 1, where they were arrested on heroin smuggling charges.


    It is less criminal but more shameful

As per the news flashed today Wednesday 17th June, 2009 in The News, five of our umra pilgrims are detained in Saudi Arabia on charges of drug smuggling. The newspaper has flashed four of them (2 men and 2 women) but I wonder how and why photo of the 5th one is missing.

Without going into the legalities and or merits of the case and before discussing the issue purely from academic point of you, I would like to clarify in quite crystal clear terms that both as a Pakistani and a human I am not against these five hence my pen may please not be construed otherwise. These five who have been detained since 1st June on charges of heroine have denied the charge which, as a matter of fact, is nothing but the same tactics used by others when caught up or in other words hardly 1% admit their crime in the first instance. Isn’t it strange that not one or just two or even three or, for that matter, even four but five are hauled up on the same charge? Can it be believed that my all my compatriots numbering five are innocent, completely innocent? Is this not a fact that in the past quite a number of my compatriots have been arrested on the same crime in foreign countries including Kuwait where many have been hanged to death? Can some body refute that drug smuggling is very lucrative and quickest possible method for minting money business? Should it be construed that Saudi officials are none but nincompoop who have no slightest idea as to what is a drug? Believing that Pakistanis are innocent and Saudis are completely ignorant, my next question is as to why and how Saudis did not grip others who came on the same flight that of 5 Pakistanis unless this group had chartered a plane instead? How many more have been caught up in Saudia from 1st of June for no reason and rhyme?

The news further said that the near and dear of the accused are trying to meet Saudi Ambassador head quartered in Islamabad in connection with their release which, on the face of it, is not a bad idea but the question is how can it be possible for Saudi Ambassador to go against his own country’s officials? I can understand that Saudi Ambassador can be approached to use his official connections to get human remains soonest possible to Pakistan otherwise the bodies can be heavily decomposed in Saudia due to the sizzling heat. Why they did not request Pakistani Ambassador in Riyadh to put on his weight to them released is an unanswered question? Will Pakistani Ambassador take it up is a million dollar question but sat he does take it up then can he get the case quashed and hushed up, I but no? Don’t we know that Saudia has already taken lives of so many, which from time to time, were found smuggling drugs into the country and from that point of view why and how these five Pakistanis under reference can be exempted and spared?

The most minds boggling is the statement of our officials at Karachi airport who as the news said that they do thoroughly check up each passenger but can not give 100% clearance guarantee as well. What is margin of error in their case even if we try to accommodate them? They claim to be most efficient, diligent and dutiful, which they ought to be, but what proficiency they can claim, if any, when 5 passengers flout their checking apparatus. Will they say solemnly on their honor that from today 17th June, 2009 (the date I wrote this letter) nobody can escape from their eagle eyes?

All said and done, I very strongly opine that instead of telling lies, twisting facts, imputing Saudi officials etc the five should come out with the truth and not only admit the crime but also expose those who gave then the drugs in Pakistan. They should also disclose the names of those who were to receive the drug in Saudia so that each one of those who belong to the drug cartel also faces the music. Alternatively the five are to prove that they themselves have not only exclusively produced the drug in Pakistan but also in Saudia none but they themselves will use it.

Concluding, I will pronounce with great compunction and shame that being a Pakistani my face has already been blackened for none of my fault and the blot so earned by my nation simply can not be wiped out even if the five are sent to gallows. Shame, shame is our new name.


With my honest and solemn prayers

Sincere Iqbal Hadi Zaidi / Kuwait / Tel + Fax (00965) 23715102 / Mobile 66229897 / / Msn:   
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