Dear all
I wanna draw your attention towards basic root cause of all the problems. Imagine a big ship, who's Captain is very Loyal and Professional man but majority of passengers are making holes in the basement of the ship.
Can this ship be survived even it has best team of professional operators? Certainly Not, It will sink ultimately.
Same is the case with our dear Homeland Pakistan (rather whole Muslim Umma)
Imagine that our leaders are angels and noble persons.
What they can do if 160 million people are drilling holes in the roots of Pakistan? Certainly not exactly 160 million, but majority of People are doing so.
So where is the fault? In ourselves or in our leaders? The actual fault is in ourselves but we find it in others. am i wrong ?
That's What ALLAH says that I impose leaders on Nations according to their Deeds. The tears of mothers of a disobedient sons, the high rate of adultery, drinking, backbiting, Lying on daily matters, bribe, interest, and what not and what not, these are the Holes that every one of us is drilling in the basement of our Ship which is sinking day by day.
The One Who takes Interest, Be Prepared, ALLAH AND PROPHET IS COMING TO FIGHT AGAINST HIM....
ALLAH and The Prophet SAW, Rehmat Ul lil Alamin comes to fight with Us??
Then who will survive us? America? Musharraf ? Army ? Police, CJ ?
Which leader can survive us if we are drilling holes in our Ship ?
All we need to do is "Just to stop drilling our own part and ask others to do the same"
Let's say Tuba for our bad deeds and start thinking and working positively on individual level.
Then INSALLAH the rising sun will take with it new horizons of success and peace for us.
Do remember me in your prays.
Best Regards