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User Name: abdulruff
Full Name: Dr.Abdul Ruff Colachal
User since: 15/Mar/2008
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India & Israel: Two state terrorists - By Dr. Abdul Ruff Colachal


Indian regime has been wasting plenty of hard earned cash of Indian people in deadly weapons procurement in a deadly reckless speed and Manmohan regime assists many arms dealers with lucrative commissions and takes a share in each deal. The obvious target for all these weapons are Indian themselves, though the strategists plus the member s of the ruling regime claim China and Pakistan along with other South Asian neighbors. But what is atrocious is with help of all political outfits, including the communists and official communalists, India is forging Zionist military collaboration in a big way, buying huge chunk its military wares nakedly. The Zionist regime is killing the defenseless Palestinians in a sustained manner and perhaps India would like to share the booty with Jews. USA promotes the military connections of tow of its GST (Global State Terrorist) partners.


So much of genocides-ties have undergone between these two fascist anti-Islamic regimes that bulks of the Indian weapon depots are now infested mostly with Zionist arms. Terror India kills Kashmir Muslims and raps women there, while Israel has been unleashing bloody holocausts in Palestine.. India loves global weapons and its thirst for Islamic blood is enormous, so is fascist Israel. Israel replaced France in 2007 as India's second-largest arms supplier after Russia and could grab the number one slot through a vast array of defence agreements already signed with New Delhi. In May, India took delivery of its first Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) plane as part of a deal with Israel worth more than one billion dollars.


Can UN, UNSC, ICJ and International Criminal Court do enough to contain and arrest the leaders in these countries for all crimes?

(By Dr. Abdul Ruff Colachal, Terror India)


07July 2009

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