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User Name: abdulruff
Full Name: Dr.Abdul Ruff Colachal
User since: 15/Mar/2008
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A Failed Coup in Tehran

- By Dr. Abdul Ruff Colachal




Any national ruler who refuses the American line of thinking, action and cooperation for US terror wars is called by the Western as dictator. Every nation cannot be like a thick skinned India to try to rap maximum benefits from the ongoing tensions around the anti-Islamic world. USA under Bushdom characterized Iran as a rogue state. Western media do not have any good word about Muslims, more so about Ahmadinejad. The way the western media have launched smear campaign against President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Iranian spiritual leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei calling them as “dictators’ and mullahs” demonstrates the agony of the western powers, like USA and UK, for losing the war in Iran almost for ever. They are deadly disappointed now because their attempts to coup against the elected president by using disgruntled opposition parties did not show any anticipated results but also they themselves are exposed now as anti-democrats trying destabilize Islamic nations. At the outset, it is not good for the President Obama who claims to rest the US polices for positive diplomacy.


By effectively using the hawkish anti-Islamic media there, Western strategists are trying to spoil the Obama efforts to normalize relations with Iran. Tehran has repeatedly accused foreign powers - especially Britain and the US - of stoking unrest after the election. Nine Iranians employed by the ambassador in Tehran were arrested and accused of stirring up unrest after the disputed presidential election. Called by the Western media as “mullah”, former president Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani - an influential figure in Iranian politics and a prominent backer of Mousavi during the election - met with the families of some of those who have been detained. Rafsanjani said that post-election events had caused bitterness. It was the first time he had spoken publicly since the election. He told the families that nobody with a "vigilant conscience" could be satisfied with the current situation.


Iran accused the embassy employees of instigating riots in the unrest that erupted over the June re-election of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, which his rivals said was fraudulent and marred by widespread irregularities. Britain said one of two UK embassy employees detained for "inciting protests" would be released. The pro-reform group said in a statement that the top legislative body, the Guardian Council, no longer had the right "to judge in this case."



There was concern last week when a senior Iranian cleric said some of those Englishmen who worked against the government would be put on trial. One of the two British embassy staff still in custody in Iran was expected to be released on July 05, according to the Foreign Secretary David Miliband, efforts were now focused on securing the release of the last employee being held. Rafsanjani appeared to be hinting that a process was going on behind the scenes, which might resolve the current crisis. "I hope with good management and wisdom the issues would be settled in the next days and the situation could improve ... We should think about protecting the system's long-term interests," Rafsanjani said.


Meanwhile, a new group s is being pooped up by the west to continue to turmoil in anther fashion. The group said the Guardian Council had not paid "attention" to the complaints lodged by the defeated candidates. West has succeeded in creating strong anti-Islamic mullah groups to challenge Ahmadinejad as an act of defiance against the country's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. This so-called pro-reformists group's statement pits it against the top legislative body, which last week formally endorsed the re-election of Ahmadinejad.


Rafsanjani has denied that there was any power struggle in the country following the crisis triggered by alleged fraud in the June 12 presidential election. The post-election turmoil was deliberately created by the West to destabilize Islamic Iran. There had been press reports and speculation that the influential Rafsanjani might start a power struggle against both the president and the leadership. These kind of interpretations are de facto an insult against the Iranian people ... We have to maintain the long-term interests of the establishment," Rafsanjani said. The election scene was a competition within the system and should not be considered by some as a power struggle or crack in the system. The moderate cleric however said he hoped that the crisis would be settled and the prisoners freed through wisdom and goodwill.



Iranian leaders have accused the West, particularly Britain and the USA, of seeking to destabilize the country in the aftermath of its disputed presidential election. The spiritual leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei warned Western leaders on Monday of a "firm fist" in response to their "meddling" in Iran’s domestic affairs. "The Iranian nation warns the leaders of those countries trying to take advantage of the situation, beware! The Iranian nation will react." Khamenei has described Britain, which has long had turbulent relations with Iran and a long history of mistrust, as the "most evil" of its enemies. Khamenei made his remarks as Britain confirmed that Iran had released an eighth local British embassy staff member in Tehran, leaving one still in detention..




 The opposition has vowed to continue with its legal challenges over the election result. Tehran said it was considering downgrading ties with Britain, after expelling two diplomats the previous day for "activities incompatible with their status". The UK later announced that two Iranian diplomats were being sent home in retaliation.

 More than 100 MPs appear to have declined an invitation to celebrate Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's election win. All 290 MPs were invited to the victory party but 105 did not turn up. About 50 MPs in the Iranian parliament are “reformists” and would not have been expected to attend the party. The high number of other MPs who stayed away is another indication that the West still controls the opposition in Tehran and the post disruption has split the nation and foreign interference has had its toll in deaths. President Obama said he strongly condemned the "unjust" violence used on protesters, but one hopes US President and others will avoid interfering in Iran's affairs.


The opposition is till continuing to disrupt the normal life of Iran already suffered more than enough on account of the coup movement pushed through by the Western powers through their embassies in Tehran, and People who have given a solid mandate to Ahmadinejad expects him deliver on his promises and they are growing unrest over the dirty tactics of the so-called reformists, looking westward, to destabilize Islamic Iran.  So far, the Western powers have not declared withdrawn their support for the opposition while trying all nasty efforts to isolate Iran diplomatically, but both external interference and internal opposition coup agsint Islamic system will fail. 


Dr. Abdul Ruff Colachal

Independent Researcher in International Affairs, The only Indian to have gone through entire India, a fraud and terror nation in South Asia.

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