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(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: abdulruff
Full Name: Dr.Abdul Ruff Colachal
User since: 15/Mar/2008
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On Withdrawal of US Terror Forces from Iraq-V   

-By Dr. Abdul Ruff Colachal



International Terror Rogues in Democracy Suits


The Bush doctrine, based on the essentially Jewish Neocon idea of launching pre-emptive wars to advance American interests, lies in ruins along with the destroyed Muslim nations Afghanistan, Iraq and Now Pakistan. Unprecedented in its arrogance, after the fall of Afghanistan, led to the invasion of Iraq as well in March 2003 ignoring even the UNSC directives. None could stop the American unilateralism its invasions in Islamic world on some fictitious pretexts. France and Russia did speak against the emerging unipolar world the Americans are trying to build, but did nothing further and USA knows no one has the guts to stop the Pentagon any where in the world. Neocons insist the US-led terror forces stay put in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan for indefinite period on same pretexts of terrorism and by creating terrorisms around to terrorize the world, until its future energy requirements are met.


The democracy slogans appear to have offered enough scope for the anti-Islamic nations and their terror forces. As it is clear by now, Bushdom dictators had larger agenda than just murdering President Saddam Hussein and launching a new regime in Iraq.  The objective is to kill maximum number of Muslims in Islamic world, steal their energy resources, squander their resources; destroy their national economy and properties. Aimless Killing of Muslims including children, women and old people has been the pastime activity of the anti-Islamic nations especially in Islamic world. US-led terror nations claim Iraq is now and has return to normalcy after creating base world for a civil war between Sunni and Shia' brethren. Hundreds of Iraqi prisoners have launched a protest at dire prison conditions and systematic torture including rape, lawmakers said last week. Most of Iraq's prisons are heavily overcrowded and rundown. The release into Iraqi hands of thousands of people detained by the U.S. forces since the 2003 U.S. invasion is putting further strains on the prison system.




GSTs (Global State terrorists) now terrorize the Islamic world with more invasions.  There are some 130,000 U.S. troops in Iraq, and combat troops are due to withdraw by the end of August next year, part of a plan for a complete pullout by the end of 2011. U.S. combat troops withdrew from Iraqi city and town centers on June 30. US Defense Secretary Robert Gates on 29 July urged Iraq's ethnic Kurds and majority Arabs to resolve their entrenched dispute over oil and land before a scheduled American troop withdrawal by 2012. He met Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki.

Gates praised Iraqi security forces' leading role since then. He said current security Iraq could allow for a quicker U.S. departure.



The GST rogues don't heed to any appeal or criticism on illegal and unfair wars. Global human rights groups have urged the Iraqi government to clean up its prisons and ensure that people accused of crimes are brought swiftly to trial. They have also denounced widespread torture, which they say is encouraged by a judicial system that relies more on confessions for convictions than on evidence. The prisoners have gone on a partial hunger strike to try to draw the government's attention to their plight, said Ahmed al-Masoudi, a parliamentary spokesman for supporters of anti-American Shi'ite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr. The violations against some prisoners went as far as rape. Some of them have spent more than a year in these prisons and so far haven't been brought to trial." A leading defender of prisoners' rights, Sunni Muslim lawmaker Harith al-Ubaidi, was shot dead at a mosque in Baghdad on a Friday in an assassination that threatens to unsettle efforts to reconcile Sunnis and Shi'ites after years of sectarian war. These are just a few names but thousands and thousands have disappeared without any trace, thanks to democratically occupying terror forces.



Now, the US terror military evacuation of Iraq's cities on 2009 June30 offers an opportunity to heal the many wounds that have been inflicted on Iraq's people, provided the Obama administration quickly evacuates their  remaining terror forces form Iraq (also from Afghanistan plus Pakistan). But even for those of us who have argued that a failure to withdraw would be tantamount to continuing on the road to hell see yet another foul play to trap the Iraqis. Ideally, the construction or reconstruction of a state should either be the fruit of a long evolution of ideas and practices over time, or should be the result of a deliberate effort to build a cohesive and efficient governmental structure in which each institution plays a specific role. The occupation terror forces had other agendas and evaded this aspect all together and tried to make Iraqis corrupt so as to force to do the American dirty jobs in Iraq.



Yet, the US-led NATO Axis Evils till wants to show its increasing power in Iraq and AfPak and kept on adding troops endlessly; So much so, now the move to take out a few of them is not unsurprising or unwelcome. The pullback comes two years after the US "surge" of extra troops between February and June 2007, which saw US troop levels in Iraq reach about 170,000. Western media rogues are good at trumpeting about false news whether in favor of US-led terror nations or propagating anti-Islamic agendas. With addition of new military bases around, NATO may have some more agendas on cards.


Puppet Iraqi PM Nouri Maliki while in USA hinted on 24 July that US forces could stay in Iraq beyond the current deadline of 2011, although he also said on that Iraq's armed forces were now "highly capable" and were already successfully policing towns and cities. Maliki faces a general election in Iraq in January in which he is staking his reputation on being the man who oversaw the transfer of "democracy" military control from US to Iraqi hands. Iraq's Shi'a, Sunni Arab and Kurdish groups are divided on a number of issues, including how to share Iraq's oil wealth, the authority of the central government, and political power-sharing. None of this will be easy to resolve with the various parties jostling for position ahead of elections in January. The persistent violence in Mosul and Nineveh underscores the broader turmoil afflicting Iraq. But it also reflects the region's unique mixture of insurgency and ethnic tensions between Kurds and Arabs. 



The Iraqi leader Al-Maliki recently discussed "terror" with US President Barack Obama, who said the US would stick to the withdrawal deadline. US expect Al-Maliki would soon be forced to ask the Americans for military assistance once again. The state terror of the past few years has obscured the fact that the country has the potential to become a dominant power in the region once again. Al-Maliki perhaps expects Saudi King to make a dashing trip to Baghdad after the "withdrawal news" form media, but King Abdullah knew what is known as "occupation and withdrawal" in US lexicon. Saudi Arabia earlier had said so long as foreign forces occupy Iraq the ties with Iraq could not have been better. Western powers are working on pretexts for USA or Israel to attack Iran saying Iran is abetting violence in northern Iraq.  But Iran is safe now and any misadventure from USA/Israel will be disastrous for the fascists of the Zionist regime.


As the US forces pull out of Iraq, the country faces many difficulties as it attempts to "rebuild" the nation squandered, defaced and destroyed by anti-Islamic occupation forces. The current political class in Iraq, which emerged following the occupation in 2003, is probably the most corrupt and incompetent the country has ever seen. No one can be certain whether sectarian tensions will not re-emerge, and whether a semblance of law and order will be maintained. One thing is certain, however: the political class that is currently in control of Iraq, perhaps the most corrupt and incompetent that the country has ever seen, will have to be purged in some way if we are ever to reduce the massive levels of poverty and the awful state of public services. Upon closer inspection however, there is no escaping the conclusion that very little if anything will change, and that individual ministers and political parties will continue making use of the institutions that they control as private bank-accounts.



Meanwhile, the president of the semiautonomous Kurdistan region, Massoud Barzani, recently  rejected proposals by the United Nations to resolve Iraq's explosive internal border disputes, outlining options for the settlement of territorial disputes that threaten Iraq's fragile stability and reiterated his determination to proceed with a contentious local Constitution. Barzani, newly empowered after winning an estimated 70 percent of the vote in the region's presidential and parliamentary elections on Saturday, made the remarks in his first interview with the news media since the vote. "Regrettably, the recommendations of the United Nations are unrealistic," Barzani said. American officials have repeatedly stated their support for a United Nations-brokered solution. Gates told Kurdish President Masoud Barzani that Washington was prepared to provide "whatever assistance we can to help resolve these disputes in a peaceful manner."



Corruption and crimes engineered by the occupation terror forces must end. NATO terror wars contributing to the emissions also must end so that humanity could be saved from devestating effects of the climate change.



***The vital question arises: why the Islamic world, especially the Arab nations just watched the war shows without offering any resistance or threat to GSTs. Many Muslim states did intervene but only diplomatically and do not have the military prowess to oppose US terrorism; nor do they have the desire or guts to create collective defense shield to stop western misadventures and unilateralism on fictitious pretexts. Many Muslim nations think they depend on USA and west for existence plus sustenance. Saudi Kingdom also tried to use diplomatic resources but carried on with oil business. Makkah Declaration on the Iraqi Situation taught the Iraqis to respect Islamic tenets.



As US-led terror genocides were progressing recklessly with heaps of dead bodies all around both in Iraq and Afghanistan unabated, Saudi Arabia made attempts to diffuse the crisis but failed. Instead of undertaking collective measures to put in place Islamic Security Organization by pooling resources, Saudi Kingdom, an ally of global dictator USA, then tried to cool down the tempers of Muslims by debating the Holly Quranic message. About 50 Iraqi Muslim scholars representing the country's Shia' and Sunni communities met on 2006 October 19, at the royal palace in Makkah, Saudi Arabia that overlooks the Ka'aba, Islam's holiest site, and signed an edict (Fatwa) making attacks on Muslims in Iraq a sin. The Muslim is he who professes his faith by bearing witness that there is no God but Allah and that Mohamed is His Prophet. These fundamental principles apply equally to the Sunnis and the Shiites without exception. The common grounds between the two schools of thought are many times more than areas of difference and their causes. Any differences between them are merely differences of opinion and interpretation and not essential differences of faith or on the substance of the Pillars of Islam. Any provocation of sensitivities or sectarian, ethnic, geographical, or linguistic strife should be shunned and averted.


Similarly, any name-calling, abuse, or vilification and invectives uttered by any one party in attack on another should be avoided; no Muslim, whether he or she is Shiite or Sunni, may be subject to murder or any harm, intimidation, terrorization, or aggression on his property; incitement thereto; or forcible displacement, deportation, or kidnapping. Moreover, no member of his family may be held hostage on grounds of religious or sectarian belonging. Muslims, whether Sunnite or Shiite, will thus stand united in protecting the independence, unity, and territorial integrity of Iraq; realizing and consecrating the free will of the Iraqi people, contributing to the military, economic, and political capacity-building of their country in order to put an end to occupation and restore and reinstate Iraq's Arab-Islamic and human cultural and civilizational role.  



The Bush doctrine has collected over a million Muslim dead bodies from the Iraqi streets, starting with that of martyr Saddam Hussein. The "withdrawal" move- is it a drama?- was seen as a major step in the transfer of security control to government forces in Iraq, which has been plagued by sectarian strife since the 2003 US-led invasion. Behind the optimistic talk about withdrawal, reduced violence and the increased capabilities of Iraqi security forces lies a crucial fact - there are still around 130,000 American troops inside Iraq, and, therefore, fatal attacks remain an everyday occurrence. That is natural in a country that is being ruined by external terror forces focused on killing maximum number of Muslims.


(To continue"¦>)


Dr. Abdul Ruff Colachal

Specialist on State Terrorism

Independent Researcher in International Affairs, the only Indian to have gone through entire India, a fraud and terror nation in South Asia.

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