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User Name: abdulruff
Full Name: Dr.Abdul Ruff Colachal
User since: 15/Mar/2008
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Zionist Terror Sentiments: Can President Obama Trust Israel?

- By Dr. Abdul Ruff Colachal







The so-called free people in the West/East keep innocent people captive and shamelessly call themselves democracy providers. Fascist Israel exists on lands stolen from defenseless Palestinians; Zionist regime occupies the remaining lands of Palestinians with Western support in terms military plus economic aids and terrorizes innocent owners of Palestine. Israel has not yet revealed the facts and figures with regards to total murders of Palestinian by the Mossad controlled Israeli regime. Nor has it informed the international community about its future holocaust intentions in Palestine. On doubts the sincerity of Israeli in resolving the decades long Palestine state issue.



The Zionist regime and their paid agents still insist, as an age old strategy to prolong the peace course, the Palestinians recognized Israel first and also want US president to respect the Zionist terror sentiments, because, they reason, whatever Israel does in Palestine or Arab world benefits USA as well.  True, many US presidents took initiative for establishing Palestine state, of course, after letting the Jews annex the Palestinian lands, but by employing Jewish lobbyists and usual tactics, Israel effectively blocked each of them. More these Presidents tried less they succeeded thanks to Israeli resistance and stubbornness. (So much so, India also uses the resistance tactics to keep Kashmir under its brute custody, apart from transferring huge resources to US custody). Obviously, Israel does not want peace talks to succeed and Mossad/CIA play their  brand games to squander the progress of the talks. Peace talks fail also because of the double standards and double-speaks of the USA and European states.


Israel both accepts and at the same time rejects the right of Palestinians to statehood that has complicated the matter. The current Hawkish Israeli premier does the same in a dramatic way to fool the international community. He says the illegal settlements would be removed and gives permission for more settlements. The Arabs flatly rejected it. As Secretary of State Hillary Clinton knows all too well, President Bill Clinton's peace plans in 2000 foundered due to Palestinian rejection of the Jewish state, even as. The two-state solution was accepted by Israel 's pre-state leadership led by David Ben-Gurion in 1947 when it agreed to the partition plan contained in United Nation's General Assembly Resolution 181. But in order to negate  the impact of that, Israel chose wars  and annexation of Arab lands. Today's leadership must never forget that the core historic reason for the conflict is the Zionist's longstanding rejection of Palestine's existence.


The Zionist regime and its supporters that are essentially anti-Islamic by nature and temperament, keep harbouring the theme of existential crisis which is old dated and needs to be abandoned. Now the problem is how quickly to establish a sovereign state for the Palestinians. However, the funniest thing about Zionist regime and its western support cronies is: even after the recent Holocaust in Palestine killing thousands of defenceless Muslims, including old, women and children, their media hawks are still on their usual nefarious designs of slamming the defenceless Palestinians.



They ask President Obama to quickly instruct the Palestinian Authority to recognize Israel as the nation-state of the Jewish people. The Zionist regeme claims to non-terrorists who kill defenselss Palestinians either for fun or for domestic political reason. Palestinians should not object to Israeli fascism because none  would protect them form Israeli terrorism chiefly because  even Arabs are having military links with Tel Aviv. This is not a trivial matter.



                                                III- TWO


Palestinians do recognize Israel as the fascist regime in the Mideast creating all hurdles to effect a tenable and long lasting peace in the region. Palestinians also recognize Zionist terror methods to kill the Palestinians by employing cluster bombs secured from the west. But they cant recognise Israel as a normal country so long as they occupy Palestine and until a new Palestine state is established for the Palestinians to live peacefully like ordinary, dignified humans. No compromise can be made on Palestine's right to exist inside secure borders unmolested by Israeli/Mossad terrorist groups or threatened by belligerent "democratic" western states. 


In order to prolong and deny the Palestine state, the Zionist regime keeps inventing new items. More recent experience in Europe also offers lessons about the dangers of negotiating with Israeli terrorists who want all Arabs to lay down arms and follow Zionist dictates. They spread rumours about weapons around the Israel while keeping mum abut its own weapons and the arms sales it is engaged in around.



Bulk of media focused on Mideast issue probably don't want the issue to be resolved  that quickly. And the Zionist paid agents in writing direct US President Obama to respect the sovereignty of "democratic" allies like fascist Israel . "When free people in a democracy express their preferences, the United States should respect their opinions", these elements argue. They are deadly annoyed with new rules at White House for peaceful resolutions of all regional conflicts and ask the  current administration  not to dare impose ideas on allies like "democratic" Israel that killed innocent Palestinians to gain popularity for the ruling regimes.


The illegal settlements being promoted by the illegal Zionist regime in Palestine must stop and the legacies be removed quickly for  promoting peace. The Zionist regime insists on constructing more settlements against UN objections. Can any other country do that like this? Israel has intentionally made it a complex matter not to be e resolved in the near future. Terror invasions and illegal settlements are the lifeline of Zionism. Compromises between people of goodwill can be made on the settlements, but Israel has demonstrated against them in the past by demolishing not only Palestinians homes but also the truces agreed upon by both. That's why an unambiguous strategy explaining precisely how fascist Israel can be disarmed and how Israeli regime can be prevented from keep militarising the  country to terrorise its neighbours is of central importance to any peace plan. But President Obama must call Israel's Iran bully a usual Jewish bluff.


Israel espouses false threat perceptions to retain the Palestinian lands illegally. It seeks to kill all peace talks by insistent invasions.. It is a sad statement of the Zionist approach to peace-making that denial of the Palestinian homeland is not simply contained in the openly anti-Islamic leadership of the Israeli regime. Kicking and killing the Palestinians is a widespread belief across the spectrum of Israeli opinion. This reality must be confronted.



Certainly for Israel its not an existence problem, but loss of opportunity to kill the defenselss Palestinians for domestic and fun purposes. The Zionist regime expects President Obama, like his predecessor Bush Jr.. did, visit Israel and call its "close ally" and "trusted friend" and call the Palestinians names, and also make fresh military and economic commitments to Zionism.  The Obama administration outlines its own prospectus for a comprehensive settlement to Israel 's conflict with the Palestinians and the wider Arab world, it would do well to take note of some potential pitfalls in past in trusting Israeli as an ally.  



Clearly, wanting to have its own way every where, peace or no  peace, the Israeli leadership has opted for confrontation with the Obama administration if President Obama shows his firmness in making Israel see reason and vacate the illegal possessions. Israel seeks to retain its right to attack Palestine in future on any available fictitious pretext. The way the Tel-Aviv regime ignores Obama's request to stop and remove the illegal settlements in Palestine is a glaring case in point. Now ball has been lying in President Obama's court that is being covered by Jewish lobbyists operating there.


A long-term settlement can only be forged on the basis of mutual recognition and respect. But Zionist neither recognise or respect the Palestinians right to exist. To deny the essence of the Palestine state is to call into question the seriousness of any commitment to peace.



                                                  III- THREE


Perhaps, the Zionist regime has not yet realised the crude reality that their state terrorism cannot go on smoothly hereafter. Israel must respect international law and UN.




President Obama has displayed his resolve to establish  the much delayed Palestine state as early as possible, over-ruling the usual Jews led Neocons and Zionist lobbyists still roaming about the Washington streets. To be successful, the Obama administration will require patience and fortitude. But most importantly, the fascist Israel should be placed as criminals and talks to them only as such and not to treat as a legal entity. To be sure, we must have hope. Peace agreements with Egypt and Jordan are useful models. Nonetheless, the recent rebuffs by Jordan, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia of efforts by the Obama administration to promote a more conciliatory attitude to Israel offer a salient reminder that those who started this conflict may not yet be in a mood to end it, whatever their rhetoric to the contrary.



Making peace in the Middle East is an unenviable task, but only Israeli paid agents insists only on Israel's terms. It will also require an ability to stand above the fray, to see the problems for what they are, and the courage to confront them at their source in Tel Aviv.  The Obama administration must not support what they call Israel 's opponents but let Israelis use the settlement issue as a convenient excuse for failing to make moves of peace making. 


Dr. Abdul Ruff Colachal

Specialist on State Terrorism

Independent Researcher in International Affairs, The only Indian to have gone through entire India, a fraud and terror nation in South Asia.

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