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Full Name: Dr.Abdul Ruff Colachal
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Unstoppable Western Fascism in Afghanistan –VI

Dr. Abdul Ruff Colachal 


6. NATO spares a part of the stolen booty? 

US-led western rogue states continue to terroroccupy Islamic world. Western hawkish media propagate falsified news that the presence of US and NATO evil troops is good for the colonized, whom they view as far more benign than the Soviets who occupied the country in the 1980s. They fear popular uprising and spread false campaign that a rapid withdrawal of foreign forces could throw the country into another civil war. US-NATO rogue states squander Afghan-Iraq resources and shipping them to their respective nations, but now there is a growing feeling that a part of the stolen resources could be invested gainfully in these countries. Only when such a shift occurs, they say, can real “democracy” begin to take root. They keep arguing senselessly that to boost training and equipment for the Afghan army and police. Army Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal says additional manpower and training for Afghan forces are key elements of the "revised" plan. NATO says Afghanistan needs as much investment in economic and social development as is spent on the military. But it is getting only a small fraction of that amount, 10% or less, according to estimates. Illegal occupiers don’t spend their money.


In order to make more big money and enjoy the devastations and genocides in Islamic world, several anti-Islamic extremist lobbyists in USA and elsewhere argue for deployment of more state terror troops in Afghanistan and concentration on eliminating Al-Qaeda, but the real motive is to put in place puppet regime and control all energy routes to and from Central Asia and elsewhere. They joke about "protecting" the populations by drones in Iraq and Afghanistan, but cunningly overlook the crude fact that the USA is posing different challenges and a very different enemy within, terrain and mission. Eight years after the fall of the Taliban, NATO is struggling to define a strategy to counter a spreading nationalistic “insurgency” in Afghanistan after the “failed ones”.  

NATO rogues slowly realize that they are indeed in a trap in Afghanistan and troops additions would further weaken their insecurity. The anti-Islamic strategists, however, keep preparing “models” to make President Obama agree to troop additions and apply all nefarious pressures on the White House to save them by keeping the terror wars on. They are deadly keen to see many more countries in Islamic world under NATO occupation simultaneously and prove to the capitalist world the point that USA as the super power can indeed control many countries at the same time. On the bright side, the monthly number of attacks in Iraq has dramatically dropped over the last two years — from more than 4,000 in August 2007 to about 600 last month.  

President Barack Obama voted in to the White House last year after pledging to make Afghanistan one of his top priorities, studied  the NATO tactics and strategies and reality, quickly urged his military top brass to find new ways of enabling US troops to come home because that is the best option before the USA claiming to be a democracy. There are currently 100,000 US and NATO troops from about 40 member countries stationed in Afghanistan. Washington last week announced it was to supply new armored vehicles capable of better resisting the bombs, which are often placed on roadsides and have killed around two soldiers a day recently. The Neocons unwilling to die down still put forward that US contingent should pass the 100,000 mark compared with just a few thousand at its lowest point, as attention switched to Iraq.  

Meanwhile, Iraq is asking the foreign terror occupiers to quit and let the Iraqis save their nation. US had planed the occupations in Iraq and Afghanistan a permanent affair and thus Iraqi leaders had planned to find government jobs for all members of a group known as Sons of Iraq, who helped the foreign terrorists kill their brethren in the name of  curbing the “insurgency”. Iraq's puppet government promised to open thousands of police and military jobs, dominated now by Shiites, to the Sons of Iraq, who are mostly Sunni. But the government has been accused by Sunnis of playing the divide tricks, dragging its feet on integrating the jobs. Odierno, however, said 23,000 former Sons of Iraq have begun working in government jobs since 2008, and 5,000 more will start next month.  

Those who oppose foreign occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan are termed as “small ideological core" of insurgents”. USA has also recruited a lot many criminals in the operations and now most of Iraqis have been converted into criminals and disenfranchised Iraqis. Odierno described a power struggle between provincial officials and Baghdad and said long-standing tensions continue to stall progress between Arabs and Kurds. As the January elections approach, military officials have identified Arab-Kurd tensions as one of the top concerns for potential violence, especially in contested territories in the oil-rich north that each side claims as its own. Still, Odierno said the darkest days of the Iraq war seem to be long gone, citing failed efforts by extremists still seeking to destabilize the nation.


Even as President Obama plans to gradually get the US-led NATO terror forces out of Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan, NATO Chief rogue Fogh Rasmussen, former Danish prime minister assured President Obama on 29 Sept the alliance would remain in Afghanistan as long as it took to finish its terror mission. Obviously, still the collective NATO has not killed every Afghan, Iraqi and Pakistani and the NATO mission is incomplete. He claims the US operation in Afghanistan is not America's responsibility or burden alone: it is and it will remain a team effort and Obama needs patience offer troops. He reiterates the Nato alliance would stand united and stay in Afghanistan as long as it takes to finish our job, although the people of 42 plus terror Axis states killing Muslims in Islamic world popes the genocides by their dirty militaries. Rasmussen agreed with Obama's approach of "strategy first, then resources."  

The argument of NATO bosses’ in Afghanistan for “more” troops stems from the hope that USA would send the terror troop withdrawn from Iraq straight to Afghanistan. The Obama administration seems fixed on its promise of troop withdrawal for United States and is even speeding up its terror military withdrawal from Iraq, sending 4,000 more troops home next month, the top American commander there says. The reduced number of troops in Iraq — from 124,000 to 120,000 by the end of October — marks the latest U.S. step in winding down the six-year war. The reduction was to be announced by Army Gen. Ray Odierno. "We have already begun deliberately drawing down our forces — without sacrificing security, As we go forward, we will thin our lines across Iraq in order to reduce the risk and sustain stability through a deliberate transition of responsibilities to the Iraqi security forces " Odierno said. A Defense Department official confirmed Odierno planned to announce he is reducing the number of brigades in Iraq, as has been widely expected. In his eight-page statement, Odierno voiced cautious optimism about Iraq's future. But his outlook for the nation he called an enduring U.S. interest was far from rosy. Under pressure form Pentagon, he also predicted several looming problems of “clear security lapse” as U.S. troops prepare to end combat missions by September 2010 and leave Iraq at the end of 2011. The overwhelming majority of the Iraqi people have rejected extremism, both state and non-state.  

While the Pentagon-CIA-Mossad combine is going all out of terrorize not only the world and  but even the US president Obama  by supplying mischief and lies about victory prospects in Afghanistan and Iraq, but US president remains tall, unaffected and refuses recruit more state terror troops immediately. With a global peace agenda intact, Barack Obama is meeting top advisers about Afghanistan on war and peace in Islam c world and has said he will not decide on sending further U.S. troops for Afghanistan until after a broad review of strategy. He did not discuss that process during their brief appearance before reporters. During discussion with Obama at the White House the top U.S. and NATO commander in Afghanistan, Gen. Stanley McChrystal, has warned the Afghan effort would likely result in failure without a "significant change in strategy", which would also involve bringing in more troops. He is expected to seek 30,000 to 40,000 combat troops and trainers, according to defense and congressional officials. The illegal terror occupiers of Islamic world trying all their dirty tricks of trade to bully president Obama too believe that the occupied nations should not be released just like that until all Muslims are killed and the energy resources are brought under direct cont4ol of the USA and Europe.  


Over-ruling allegations of rampant fraud, US occupiers have decided to present results to give incumbent President Hamid Karzai 54.6% of the vote, and former Foreign Minister Abdullah Abdullah 27.8%.  Both don't control much beyond Kabul .  Illegal polls, illegal forces and illegal results! Violence has increased along with the political uncertainty. many Afghan officials just tell foreigners what they want to hear 



These days Vietnam is being increasingly compared to Afghanistan . Despite eight years of warfare with heavy bombers, gunships, artillery, drones, satellite surveillance, $250 billion in U.S. civilian and military assistance, a coalition of 40 nations and some 100,000 troops, including 70,000 U.S. and 90,000 Afghan soldiers, NATO defeat is on Afghanistan is conceivable and logical . The target is 250,000. But the 80,000 recruited thus far are for the most part illiterate. Their officers are 70 percent ethnic Tajiks.



These buffalo skinned westerners pray for some US casualties so that President Obama quickly send more terror troops as being suggested by NATO, Neocons and other terror strategists. Obama warned earlier this year that defeating Al-Qaeda in Pakistan and Afghanistan and preventing their return would be a long haul. The West's worst-case scenario is that nothing changes and that ultimately Afghanistan becomes what it was for the Soviet Union, the British, the Mongols and even Alexander the Great -- easy to conquer but difficult to keep.



Americans are increasingly frustrated after eight years of military involvement.  President Obama has launched a reassessment of the war effort, and he met with top national security officials America and NATO say the illegal Afghan war can not be won without a change in strategy. Huge sums of foreign money are being spent with few tangible results. Invite the Taliban to the negotiating table. Use traditional governing structures rather than reinventing the wheel. And spend a lot more money on plowshares than on swords.


Neocons' democratic concepts like unipolarity and unilateralism are the key to Bushdom era and is also American ultimate destruction if not reverted back to normalcy, even if there would be no other world wars in future. President Obama has prime duty to the world to safeguard it from destruction by the GSTs with their hidden agendas, though he may have wide leeway to act independently of Congress. Neocons continue harping on threats posed to USA and Israel not by NATO’s illegal invasions and genocides in Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan, but by some Islamic terrorists led by some vague Osama and push Obama to challenge harshly the “threats”, as if do or die for USA; It is ridiculous to read their repeat  sick arguments on the nuclear “threats” posed by North Korea and Iran, and militancy and insurgency in Afghanistan, without touching upon the Pentagon-CIA-Mossad hidden agendas, pinning the success of these diplomatic and military terror endeavors squarely on the president’s shoulders.


US Obama has to salvage his credibility with the American people as well s world at large. American policy has been to wage wars outside USA and not to involve American civilians and lands. Neocons always want war on alien lands and keep USA safe and Sept was activated to ensure that principle. They recommended all Muslims caught as terrorists should be kept in other nations, including Europe land not to be bought to America. The Bushdom rogues had good practical reasons to keep captured Muslims as terrorists out of America. Since all US state terror related problems in Islamic world are inherited directly from Bushdom era, persistence of menace is due mostly to the past wrong doings of White House regime’s successive inheritors, those misconceived policies could be rolled back as quickly as possible by President Obama so that he could focus on other peaceful productive activities for USA and world.


Under prevailing cross-terror circumstances, President Obama has an option to prolong the terror wars or clip the terror wings of those who want the wars to continue. If he wants to continue to kill Muslims with the terror troops, he would get all support from war-mongering media and militaries. Media exaggerations creating false threat perceptions make US-led NATO terror wars in Islamic world more complicated. However, in the ten same horrible months since Jr. Bush’s departure from the scene, the Obama administration has already portrayed the tasks confronting it as a series of challenges stemming primarily from a miserable presidential inheritance. Hopefully, he will win against odds from Neocons and other terror hawks.

The insane Neocons and their supporters must be too crazy to believe that the entire world could be fooled always by means of IST or global state terrorism. Hopefully, Obama revert the terror wars into a peace movement to shield the innocent Palestinians to establish the much awaited Palestine state.


(To continue...>)


Dr. Abdul Ruff Colachal

Specialist on State Terrorism

Independent Researcher in International Affairs, the only Indian to have gone through entire India, a fraud and terror nation in South Asia.

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