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User Name: abdulruff
Full Name: Dr.Abdul Ruff Colachal
User since: 15/Mar/2008
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Israel’s New Policy to support Zionist Fascism

 Dr. Abdul Ruff Colachal






As it is under increasing pressure from USA and Europe, Israel is trying to outsmart the USA allies by planning a new strategy to reach out to more nations for support against Palestine and for arms trade. Since its inception Israel’s foreign ministry is operating as 'Ministry for Palestinian Affairs' exclusively with Israeli foreign policy almost entirely consumed by this single issue. Zionist hawkish Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman's new foreign policy is calling for a radical refocus of Israeli foreign policy toward the developing world and has prepared blueprint for as "guidelines for a whole new foreign policy." the new policy involves moving away from a "lone dependence" on the USA as a strategic ally, to developing broader and closer ties with other world powers and with the developing world.



Israel says for decades the Zionist regime has neglected entire regions and continents, including Latin America, Africa, Eastern Europe and the Balkans, and Central and Southeast Asia. The cost of this neglect has been immense, and has been evident at the UN and other international forums." In an apparent critique of US President Barack Obama's efforts for an immediate jump-start of Israeli-Palestinian negotiations, the document says that attempts "to impose an immediate, total and comprehensive solution between Israel and the Palestinian Authority are preordained to fail." 16 years have passed since the signing of the Oslo Accords. On thieve of the announcement of Nobel peace prize in Oslo, Israel noted that a series of failed "artificial" deadlines, including the 1993 five-year plan for the Oslo process, the renewal in 1999, and the efforts and deadlines of US presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, the document calls for lowered expectations of the current effort.





In working to expand ties outside the US-Israel relationship, the document criticizes past Israeli policy vis-à-vis the rest of the world. The memo also seeks to bring a new focus on worldwide anti-Semitism. "In addition to the classical forms [of anti-Semitism], we are seeing it manifested also in boycotts of Israeli goods and academic institutions, and in political-legal suits against Israeli leaders and military personnel visiting Europe." It calls for "a policy of zero tolerance toward anti-Semitic expressions and blood libels against Jews and Israel." To achieve this, Israel wants to make its foreign policy "fundamentally altered, and must find new emphases."



The almost exclusive focus of diplomacy on the Arab-Israeli conflict "has hurt Israeli interests in the broader international arena and West. There is no replacement for Israel’s special relations with the USA .Zionist regime feels the lone dependence on the United States is unhealthy for either side and presents difficulties for the US. Israel must build coalitions with other states on the basis of shared interests. In this way, it will expand and strengthen the circle of support, something which will be a relief for the US as well. The Zionist leaders falsely claim for creating sympathies that they have abandoned vast swaths of the planet. The memo protests as "inconceivable" that Israel’s relations with the US "should center only on the Palestinian issue. There are many other important issues facing the two states, including regional security, the struggle against terrorism and cooperation in scientific research, economic [issues] and cultural [issues]." The memo faults past diplomats for "trying to 'catch' representatives [of African and Latin American states] at random, just moments before a decisive UN vote."




Jewish, Chrestian and Hindu extremist hawks employ dirty expressions like “mullah” to describe religious dignitaries and Islamic Institutions. But Jews cannot tolerate any criticism of Israel. They make big fuss about anti-Semitic notions when it comes to insulting the Jews. Special mention is made of "cases where the conduct of Western and enlightened states encourage anti-Semitic expressions, whether intentionally or not. We cannot be silent in the face of the conduct of the Swedish government, which does not condemn anti-Semitic articles published in the Swedish media."  Israel says it is impossible to accept or encourage anti-Semitism in any way, shape or form must be fought with persistence and stubbornness. The presence of the Swedish ambassador to Iran as the only European representative at the swearing-in of the Holocaust-denier Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in August annoyed Israel which wants every thing in its favor and own ways.






Israel should seek peace. But the way Israeli psychofancy has spread around showcasing its  cluster power and false threat perceptions making the world to force Palestinians to surrender  before the Jewish illegal occupiers, it looks Palestinians should hurriedly agree for a temporary settlement with Zionist terrorists, even without solving the core issues, including Jerusalem, the right of return and borders. Israel insists that peace cannot be imposed from above, from Washington, but war can be; Israeli existence, US support for Zionism and fascist activities in Palestine prove that point.


Peace must be constructed from the foundations where the urge has to come from within and Israel must seek peace. But the bold Zionist “democratic” nuclear regime has been bulldozing Palestine as if the Palestinians are in a jungle, and not in a nation. USA and Europe have committed crimes against humanity by arming the Zionist regime, created on lands carved out of Palestine lands; Israeli interests in USA are huge and cannot be overlooked by Tel Aviv. Israel cleverly mixes Palestinian issue with military trade and joint exercise, investments, arms trade, development and resource aid, strengthened economic and business ties and easily bully USA when it is necessary with support from others.




Current peace efforts are pathetic, reflecting a lack of effort or thorough systematic thinking. Only by building broad coalitions and through long-term investment in ties with continents and states that have been neglected for many years can Israel improve its ability to deal with the challenges ahead." The fascist document focuses on three major shifts in policy: expanding ties with parts of the world "neglected" by previous governments, lowering international expectations of a breakthrough in negotiations with the Palestinians and creating a "zero-tolerance" policy for anti-Semitic expressions worldwide.





A U.N. report last month found that both the Israeli armed forces and Hamas militants had committed war crimes in the Gaza conflict, but was more critical of Israel. A Palestinian rights group says 1,417 Palestinians, including 926 civilians, were killed in the war. Israel has bluffed only 709 Palestinians were killed along with 295 civilians and 162 people whose status it was unable to clarify. They highlight ten Israeli soldiers and three civilians were killed during the conflict, which Israel launched with the declared aim of ending cross-border rocket attacks from the Gaza Strip.




Illegal possessor of nukes, Israel employs Iran’s nuclear drive to support its arguments against Palestine state. Sovereign Iran seeks a nuclear weapon some time in the future, if it does possess it already. US president asked Tehran to choose a peaceful way in stead of confrontations and achieved a diplomatic victory over Iran on nuclear ambitions. Obama's words to Ahmadinejad and the people of Iran at the UN were decisive, but not threatening like Bush arrogance. But even this, as speculated, ignited a war of words, to the pleasure of Netanyahu and his extremist government. The waiting wolf is unnecessarily happy about the continuing confrontations. Netanyahu is a sweet-talker who talks nicely, like black-marketers and state terrorists, can successfully divert the world’s eye, ears and conscience away from the deadly crimes he has indeed committed against humanity earlier as premier.



Zionist holocaust was nearly completely overshadowed by Iran’s revelation of another nuclear facility. Diversion of Goldstone report indeed wreaked havoc on the need for speedy punishment to Israeli state criminals for crimes against humanity. Sudden discovery of Iran’s new nuclear site helped Israel and USA to distract from the nearly 600 page UN report, prepared by South Africa judge Richard Goldstone and others, dedicated mostly to Israeli war crimes in Gaza. The Iran nuclear threat - although theater is a more suitable term - was highlighted repeatedly, first by US President Barack Obama during a UN speech on September 23, then again by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu the next day. The Israeli leaders roam about capital cities in the West armed with manufactured maps and relentlessly provoked Holocaust memories, following the ever so predictable, albeit insensitive and deceptive pattern. However, there is  the limit to all manipulations and maneuverings by fake Israel. 




It is a known fact the Zionist regime scorns law and international conventions and throw away any truce signed with Palestinians, because they have got nukes. Netanyahu's declarations and Obama's rebuke could actually lead to the detriment of the Non-Proliferation Treaty and indeed to us all, by encouraging nations who until this point do not possess nuclear weapons to expedite the creation of their own arsenal. After all, nations who do not yet possess weapons of mass destruction had better get on the band-wagon and make some, for it seems that without them, they are nothing more than sitting ducks. Netanyahu has been tireless at drawing parallels between Iran and Gaza, presenting them both to the world as dire threats to the existence of the Jewish State.



But then, Palestinian disappointment and frustration has remained a local phenomenon with the Zionist regime enjoying global media and terror support. World  understand the Palestinian struggles, despite all Israeli gimmicks and threats. The biggest joke is the Zionist regime claims, like USA does it by calling itself as a democracy, that Israel has all the elements needed to brand itself as a hi-tech superpower on the one hand, and a historic center of human civilization on the other, and strives to improve its position and image in the world.



Israel still pursues state terrorism and “divide and rein in” policy in Palestine as well as the West and hopes to prolong the Palestine issue by calling the Palestinians as terrorists with sporadic violence instigated by the Mossad agendas inside Palestine. But the support for Israel is dwindling and international anger towards the fascist Zionist regime is on the rise. If Israel’s new strategy to look to wider world is only to sell weapons, bully Washington or force President Obama fall in line with the pro-Israeli tactics of his predecessors, the Zionist regime is clearly under terrible illusion, unable to comprehend the changing perceptions in White House.  Hopefully, Israel does not suffer from any such false hopes!



Dr. Abdul Ruff Colachal

Specialist on State Terrorism

Independent Columinst in International Affairs, Research Scholar (JNU) &

the only Indian to have gone through entire India, a fraud and terror nation in South Asia.

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