"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: DrQasim
Full Name: Dr Qasim Mahmood
User since: 21/Aug/2010
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 Reply:   High Price of Democracy in Pakistan!
Replied by(RashidAliS) Replied on (30/Aug/2010)

The first hand elaborate account of Mr. Malik of the calamity of recent floods in Pakistan;and the incompetent and impotent Government of Pakistan, has hit the nail on the head. The victims and and the survivors of these devastating floods have lost their kith and kins, cattle, crops and all their belongings i.e. houses and agricultural land. It is a shame that Zardari government has failed on all counts to provide adequate relief to the victims and their families so far. Window dressing help to mislead the national and foreign media is staged in fake relief camps, where Zardari and his PPP buddies are photographed with the so-called victims, distributing food, water and other necessities to the survivors. As the saying goes: "A friend in need is a friend indeed." Where are the US helicopters, which can drop food and medicines to the people, who have been trapped in these floods for days without any relief? The U.S. can wage a war in Afghanistan alongside the border with Pakistan with helicopters, but can't use the same to evacuate and help these heaviest floods in the history of Pakistan. Needless to say that the friendly nations of the West as well as Muslim countries like Saudi Arabia,UAE,Libya, Malaysia have have their genuine doubts about sending aids for the needy victims. They are afraid that such relief funds would end up in the wallets of the corrupt and inefficient government officials and the hierarchy. Now I would like to elaborate the role of Nawaz Sharif brothers and Zardari,who have plundered and robbed billions of Rupees, which should have gone to the National Treasury for the benefit of the people and development of the much needed infra structure of network of roads, canals and bridges. Besides, schools and hospitals in the rural area of the country have to be built from such foreign monetary aid. Appeal for establishing a National Coherent Commission is a good idea, but to finance such a national fund calls for action and not just empty slogan of Nawaz Sharif. Zardari and Sharif brothers are birds of feathers which flock together! Who should maintain law and order in the country? The carriers of so-called democracy in Pakistan? People take the law in their own hands, because they are of the opinion that justice will not be carried out by the police or the judges, but by themselves. The killing incident of Sialkot is most regrettable and speaks for itself. It is a bad example of the Wild West history of America; it should be not be practised or be tolerated in Pakistan. According to the lawful government: "A person is not guilty, until he is proven guilty in the court of law." No democracy can flourish or survive when the elected government fails to maintain law and order in the country. Lawlessness is virus, which can spread like wild fire. I am not in favour of military rule, but this has been going on like changing of the guards since the death of the Founder of Pakistan, who succeeded after a life time struggle with the British and the Hindus to create this God gifted country for the Muslims of the subcontinent to live in harmony and proper for a great future. AS LONG AS THER IS ILLITERACY, IGNORANCE, CORRUPTION, NEPOTISM AND SECTARIAN POLITICS , there would be no true democracy. We have to get rid our Pakistan from the clutches of corrupt politicians of main political parties and power hungry general,who take control of the country for their own glory rather than the welfare of the people of Pakistan. Hard working, proud but simple people of Pakistan have paid a high price for their freedom! Only the Almighty Allah can protect Pakistan from the evil design of these parasites! LONG LIVE PAKISTAN! With humble prayers and salaams to all, SRA SHAH, Vroomshoop (The Netherladns)
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