"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong; they are the ones to attain felicity".
(surah Al-Imran,ayat-104)
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User Name: Noman
Full Name: Noman Zafar
User since: 1/Jan/2007
No Of voices: 2195
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With Allah's Name, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate
Prositution is the one of the biggest exploitation of the woman and reason for decay of human society.  It is essential to make marriages easy and affordable which can be done only by following Allah's laws and not by man made stupid and idiotic laws. Please read the attached file and ciruclate and see how Perwaiz Musharraf, his comrades and PPP etc are supporting these anti Islam exploitation of woman and causing degradation of the society.
Your brother in Islam;
Anwar Ul Haque
 this article was written in daily ausaf on 5/4/2007
 Reply:   "Aunty Shamim" So called Islamic Republic of Pakistan...
Replied by(basharat) Replied on (2/Sep/2008)

I am perplexed that i have read an article regarding "Shamima Anti", i couldn't understand that how pakistani nation called themselves Islamic State while as it is total anti-islamic country. (I hate pakistan too much) on behalf of this but (I love pakistan too much) because there are people like the students of "Jamia Hafsa (RA)I really solute them all, pray to Allah Almighty for their success in their noble cause,
Basharat Ahmad Indian Occupied Kashmir) Raj Bagh Srinagar
 Reply:   i agree//shyg
Replied by(uzma05_leo) Replied on (7/Aug/2007)

100% agree with u this is the the greatest dillema of our ruleing elites and society that we r ashamed of our identity. when some one follow islam its teachings he or she is declared as fundamentalist extremist and when some one goes to the extreme of vulgarity and sin they becomes enlightend moderates. they r called librel progessive.May Allah show the right path to all of us.
 Reply:   agreed//shygd
Replied by(uzma05_leo) Replied on (7/Aug/2007)

i 100% agree with u this is the the greatest dillema of our ruleing elites and society that we r ashamed of our identity. when some one follow islam its teachings he or she is declared as fundamentalist extremist and when some one goes to the extreme of vulgarity and sin they becomes enlightend moderates. they r called librel progessive.May Allah show the right path to all of us.
 Reply:   I support the girls of Jama-e-
Replied by(Noman) Replied on (8/Apr/2007)
what ever they are doing is right as they have been dragged into this situation.

My salutes to my sisters, May Allah give them strength to show the right path of others, because these small steps of these girls have started to stir the stagnant water in Pakistan. although last night MMA has condemned the acts of these girls

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Long Live Islam and Pakistan
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