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User Name: abdulruff
Full Name: Dr.Abdul Ruff Colachal
User since: 15/Mar/2008
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Sovereign Libya: Meaningless Qatar Meeting




At long last, the western rogue states have learned a crucial lesson form Libya and its president Col. Muammar Qaddafi on the need to shield the sovereignty of a nation by its people and leader. 


The Sept-11 terror operation meticulously engineered by the CIA and executed by its agents enabling the NATO terror syndicate to invade Afghanistan to search for Osama and his WMD, have succeed in killing millions of innocent and defenseless Muslims in the world, and terrorizing almost entire world, not just Islamic world. But the Sept-11 event has helped the NATO allies to conquer and loot resources in Islamic world. After Osama, now the CIA is using Obama to advance the America interests in Arab world.


The CIA-NATO-rebel agents have murdered thousands of innocent Libyans and people are reeling under the illegal war sanctioned by the notorious UNSC. The illegal NATO terror attack on sovereign Libya under the cover of "noflyzone",  "sanctioned" by the notorious America's UNSC. CIA arranged for the "uprising" in Libya along side those in Tunisia and Egypt and got the  Libyan betrayers on it side to  murder Libyans and  destroy Libyan installations and properties worth trillions of US dollars. 


The UN resolution speaks about protecting civilians, not killing or arming them. UNSC resolutions and sanctions are illegal and untenable and Libyan president Col. Qaddafi has no reason to hand over power to CIA or its agents in Libya killing Libyans and therefore will not  play into the dirty hands of Libyan enemy.




NATO rogues say they legitimacy to kill Libyans but Libyan president Col. Qaddafi has no legitimacy to protect them against NATO terrorism. USA, Britain and France have been carrying out most of the air strikes over Libya. Germany said it saw no military solution to the illegal Libyan crisis.



NATO rebel combines have forced almost half a million people to leave the country since the “uprising” crisis began. Of course, the suffering of the Libyan people is not a natural disaster - it is the outcome of political decisions and political behavior of UNSC and the veto rouge states. The Libyan people are not begging - they are a great people with great resources but they have been prevented, by the western terrocracies seeking to conquer the entire Arab world for energy resources, from exercising their rights and further developing their resources. 


UN chief Ban Ki-moon has said that more than half of the country's population might eventually require humanitarian aid. Libya has a population of six million and under the worst-case scenario, as many 3.6 million people could eventually require humanitarian assistance. On average, 2,700 people cross to Tunisia and Egypt every day. Roughly 330,000 people have been internally displaced. CIA-NATO are happy about their success of their terror operations through the misguided rebel drunkards But the NATO-CIA-rebels want to go on rampage in Libya. The French and British foreign ministers said NATO terrorists are authorized to “do more” in Libya. That is genius of European democracy.




A so-called “contact group", just like the mischievous “noflyzone” was formed by anti-Libya rogues in London on 29 March with European terrocracies, the unilateral US, hypocritical allies from the Mideast and a number of pro-west international organizations.  Arab nations by opposing sovereign Arab nation Libya are tarnishing the image of their people so they can remain in power.  Earlier this week the rebels' illegal Transitional National Council rejected the African Union proposal for a ceasefire and peace need for reconstruction in Libya. NATO is attempting to make the rebel  gang as “the voice of the Libyan people” and it has been asked to attend the meeting in Qatar which continues its campaign to gain international recognition for anti-Libya rebel gang. .



The main aim of Qatar conclave is to endorse the rebel move for a regime change for energy resources though it claims to seek a political process leading to a democratic Libya, including the establishment of a temporary financial mechanism to help the opposition-controlled areas of Libya. Qatar that operates along with eh NATO terror syndicates against sovereign Libya cannot be expected to defend the sovereignty of Libya now under virtual siege and terror attack killing innocent Libyans. Hence any initiative taken by Qatar on Libya is untenable and invalid.



Of course, NATO terror syndicate led by the USA-UK terror twins could invade Libya even without any UNSC mandate. NATO wants to illegally offer military terror goods to the rebels in violations of the UNSC mandate to kill more Libyans. And giving the rebels is illegal but the NATO is eager to do so and hence the NATO military, political and financial support was the target of the discussed. It goes without saying that all CIA efforts to unseat President Col. Qaddafi have failed, but NATO could add more Muslim dead bodies to anti-Islamic terror kit. That is the only achievement of of the western terrocracies. These uncultured vultures can eat and drink anything!. 



After having failed, as a mere formality, the NATO and the newly formed international "contact group" on Libya which met in Doha has called for Col. Qaddafi to stand down as leader.  NATO agents of Libya and the Rebel drunkards is seeking to topple Col Qaddafi  even though they have totally failed to achieve anything except killing the innocent Libyans  with NATO arms, are hiding behind the NATO and Qatar, making their first high-profile diplomatic appearance at the summit. The rebels want to escape punishment for their anti-Libya crimes, because they might now insist the NATO and CIA are solely responsible for everything they have done against Libya.


Can anyone on this earth punish the CTO (composite terror organizations) like  the NATO or UNSC?

Can you?

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