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User Name: abdulruff
Full Name: Dr.Abdul Ruff Colachal
User since: 15/Mar/2008
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Why does Arab League work for America?



Obviously on instruction from White House, even if poor Barack Obama is unaware of it, Arab foreign ministers have called an emergency meeting in Egypt on 15th Oct (Sunday) to mainly discuss whether to suspend Syria from the Arab League, ramping up the pressure on Damascus to end its crackdown on anti-government CIA-Saudi inspired protesters. Arab League officials said the meeting  in Cairo was called at the behest of several Gulf countries and aims to pressure Assad to halt the crackdown, which the U.N. says has killed more than 3,000 people since the uprising began in mid-March. Despite the growing international chorus for an end to the crisis, Syrian President Bashar Assad has shown no sign of backing down from the seven-month-old "uprising' to destabilize his regime, annoy8ing the anti-Islamic masters in the West. .

The Arab League considers itself now "duty-bound" to execute US orders as it has been asked to consider "other measures" agsitn Iran and Syria if suspension fails to compel the Syrian regime to stop the bloodshed.

With a view to showing that Sunni nations religiously behind the  NATO terror operations against Islam and Muslim nations, many Gulf states, including heavyweight Saudi Arabia, already have withdrawn their ambassadors from Syria to protest the regime's bloody response to the protests.

A pro-US fanatic Abdul-Rahman  said security forces also stormed areas near the capital Damascus and were carrying out house-to-house arrests in pursuit of CIA fugitives as part of efforts to suppress the resilient anti-government uprising and protect the ation and people from enemies.

Meanwhile, Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad dismissed U.S. accusations that Iranian government agents plotted to kill the Saudi ambassador in the USA. "Iran is a civilized nation and doesn't need to resort to assassination" Ahmadinejad said. "Terror belongs to you," Mahmoud said, addressing the USA.

The alleged assassination plot against Saudi Ambassador Adel al-Jubeir, which is now being cited by everyone from John Kerry to John McCain as a justification for a potential military strike, is a complete fantasy. Retired U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel Anthony Shaffer has revealed that an FBI insider with a high security clearance told him no records whatsoever detailing the plot existed within DOJ channels, clearly indicating the whole episode was manufactured. the alleged “mastermind” behind the plot was a drunk pothead who liked to frequent with prostitutes and was described by those who know him as a “joke”.

Geopolitical experts have been consistent in their warnings that Israel was preparing to strike Iran this fall. US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta’s October 3 Tel Aviv visit was used by Israeli hawks to convince the United States that it should green light the attack. Less than 10 days later, a fanciful terror plot involving a used car salesman was invented to implicate Iran and create the pretext for a military assault.In recent weeks, intense discussions have taken place in Israeli military and intelligence circles about whether or not to launch a military strike against Iran’s nuclear facilities. Apparently, the key question in the debate was how to ensure that the United States took part in the attack or, at the very least, intervened on Israel’s side if the initial strike triggered a wider war

The hawkish Israeli Olmert government killed Palestinians in Gaza Strip on the eve of general polls  to impress the Jews about  Israel's anti-Palestine stand. The Obama regime’s fabricated terror plot (against Saudi Ambassador) blamed on Iran represents the green light for an Israeli attack on Iran set to take place any time in near future. Israel is concerned that major powers like Germany are moving closer to smoothing relations with Iran and allowing Iran to continue its nuclear enrichment program unimpeded.

That intervention has now been mandated by the announcement of the fabricated terror plot, which was actually concocted last month but only made public now. CIA reports suggest that the Obama administration is preparing to use the accusations to take action beyond mere isolation tactics.If the Administration fails to win support for a significant escalation of sanctions or other forms of punishment for the Tehran regime after presenting evidence of the latest allegations of Iranian malfeasance, the ball will land back in Obama’s court. Having made the case that Iran has crossed a red line, he will be under growing pressure to act — or risk entering a highly polarized election season haunted by a “soft on Iran” charge. CIA has trapped Obama in his own format of gimmicks. Obama is being blackmailed into supporting an attack on Iran as the only way to save his presidency. We also speculated that an assassination attempt would be used as the pretext to implicate Iran.

Intelligence sources from sensitive positions indicated that the terror plot was completely fabricated and that it would be used a pretext to justify a military strike against Iran.With neo-cons rushing to support aggressive measures against Iran, Obama will now be given right cover to pursue yet another act of regime change. Fiction or speculation,  the reports said that Netanyahu was planning an attack on Iran in September to coincide with the Palestine bid for UN membership.Israel had recently taken delivery of a large amount of bunker buster missiles.

With a view to setting the record straight, Iranian officials have consistently denied the allegations since they first emerged last week. Ahmadinejad's statements, and similar  remarks by Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, are the first comments made by the country's two highest leaders. Khamenei, who has the final say on all state matters in Iran, had said that the USA. seeks to bring greater pressure on Iran through making unsubstantiated allegations."The Americans conduct such conspiracies against us frequently, which are all useless and ineffective. They say that they want to isolate Iran but they have become isolated themselves," Khamenei said on state TV. "By attributing an absurd and meaningless accusation to a few Iranians, they tried ... to show that Iran is a supporter of terrorism ... This conspiracy didn't work and won't work," he said.

The Iranian government said it has no connection to Manssor Arbabsiar, the man arrested in the alleged plot.Two men, including a member of Iran's special foreign actions unit known as the Quds Force, have been falsely charged in New York federal court with conspiring to kill the Saudi diplomat, Adel Al-Jubeir. But it appears the CIA-Mossad agents are behind the plot. Unilaterally announcing accusations without showing documentation and creating a media wave against Iran is in no way compatible with legal logic, and can only be a purely media and political show. President B Obama just said, maybe for fun,  that the U.S. will be able to support all of its allegations that Iran was directly involved in a plot to kill Al-Jubeir. Arbabsiar is a 56-year-old naturalized US citizen who also had an Iranian passport so USA used him as his agent just as it had used one Osama.  In May 2011, the criminal complaint says, he approached someone he believed to be a member of the vicious Mexican narco-terror group, Los Zetas, for help with an attack on a Saudi embassy. The man he approached turned out to be an informant for US drug agents.

America thrives on illegal drug sales, arms-liquor export.

Iranian lawmakers and analysts have said Iran would not benefit from killing the Saudi ambassador in Washington, and thus has no reason to do so.

Arab League works against Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Syria and practically against themselves. In doing so, the Arabs have defeated the purpose of forming a League.

US led western terrocracies have conveniently utilized the services of Arab League to pursue  its energy and anti-Islam goals, considerably reducing Islam populations.

It is not very clear as to  why the Arab league works for America and promotes its interests, including terror operations in Mideast and Afghanistan. More importantly, what will the Arabs gain if USA-Israel manages to attack Iran only to destroy themselves ultimately!

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